This product will be available in any store that sells peanut butter, but will not be in with the regular peanut butter. We will display a sign with our regular peanut butter products letting consumers know that this item will be in the specialty food and health food sections of their store.
Grocery stores will be able to feature this product on an end cap. Then we will offer samples for customers in stores at their peak selling hours so that the consumer may taste test the product before purchase. There will also be recipes available that feature this product as well as discount coupons off current and future purchases.
There will be a series of target TV commercials during peak times to make the public aware that Jif has come up with a new allergy sensitive product. There will also be ads in different parenting & health magazines to appeal to the parents of children with a peanut allergy.
A large part of promoting this product will be to make sure doctor and allergist offices are aware of the product. We will offer them free samples and brochures to distribute to patients that have this allergy. If possible, we will help make allergists and other medical professionals aware of our product through publicity and ads in allergy related medical journals. We will try to get publicity from some of the different allergy networks on the Internet. These organizations send their members free newsletters and email updates of new allergy related products that are on the market as well as offering free links to safe products.
The other market segment that we will be attempting to reach are those consumers that are very health conscious and looking for a healthy, high protein, low fat, sugar and sodium product that will help give them an energy boost. The target age range will be from the ages of 25-45 and be the YUPPIE type consumer
This product will be available in health food and gourmet grocery stores and will be marketed as a treat or more elite product not as a peanut butter substitute. We will place ads in health related magazines to help attract these customers. The packaging may be slightly altered to fit in with the different type of customer we are trying to attract.
Marketing Budget
We have projected an initial cost of commercial advertisement to be approximately $10,000.00 for 30-second spot. We will be working with ATT Media Services for all our advertisement needs. We will be featuring our 30 second commercials on the six following network programs: Food Network, Fox Family Network, Home & Garden TV, Lifetime, The Discovery Channel and Nickelodeon. The average 30-second spot costs approximately $2,000.00 per showing and we have chosen the hours of 4 PM to 12 Midnight. Our target market will be mothers and children.
Peanut Free has chosen Market Strategies, Inc. (MSI) is a full-service research organization with the internal capabilities to design and execute all phases of Information Systems. They will be working with company managers to develop our Information Systems Department?s initial design, data collection, and reporting requirements during our initial phase of implementation. They will also provide ongoing consultative services until this process is completely internalized. The ability to provide the services in-house enables MSI to ensure a high level of quality control at all stages of the project, respond quickly to their clients’ needs, and maintain tight control of project schedules and budgets. In addition, assist our company with the measurement comparison and analysis.
Press, Ganey Associates and Market Strategies have formed an alliance to provide a multi-mode approach to customer satisfaction data collection. When appropriate, Press, Ganey will administer mail surveys and Market Strategies will conduct the telephone interviews necessary to obtain NCQA-required response rates. This unique collaboration has enabled the firms to become NCQA certified.
By combining their services, Press, Ganey and Market Strategies will offer clients exemplary research studies that will be used by food product companies throughout the country to improve the quality of health related food products.
For these reasons, our company has chosen the Press, Ganey Associates and Market Strategies team. They offer the leading line of tested and reliable satisfaction surveys, comprehensive management reports, and national comparative databases which will be necessary for us to make sure we are satisfying our customers.
Monitor Plan Progress
? Survey Forms
? Taste Test
? Telemarketing
? Consumer Hotline for question and comments
? Report From Press, Ganey Associates which will provide us with:
- Actionable data
- Current, meaningful information regarding our product
- Continual feedback on our progress in sales distribution
- Timely reports to our company for immediate action
- Assistance in using our data to improve quality and satisfaction
- The world’s largest satisfaction measurement database for comparison
The first six months of production we would put a short survey form on each jar Peanut Fee. The customer can mail the survey form back to the company with proof of purchase and they will receive a coupon for 20% off the next purchase.
There would be taste tests conducted in the grocery stores. The customers would be offered a coupon for 20% off when they do a taste test.
Telemarketing representatives would make random calls to consumers. The consumer would be interviewed and asked various questions about their use of peanut butter. The telemarketer would try to find out what brand of peanut butter they regularly buy and why they buy that brand. They would also try to find out how often they eat it and who within the household enjoys it. For participating in the survey the consumer would be mailed a 20% off coupon.
The consumer hotline would monitor concerns and complaint calls. The calls would be logged and the results forwarded to the consumer hotline manager. The manager would bring the results to the monthly managers meeting. If it were found that a consumer has a valid complaint, then the company would send the consumer a letter of apology and a coupon for 20% off their next purchase.
Reports from Press, Ganey Associates will also be evaluated at the monthly managers meeting to gain a further understanding of what the customer is looking for and how we can give them what want.
Custom Analysis Reporting
Press, Ganey will utilize conduct and interpret DataQuest Custom Analysis Reports on all customer satisfaction data. DataQuest custom analysis is the perfect tool to provide our company with current customer satisfaction initiatives that will maintain our focus on appropriate target markets.
Customer analysis will be invaluable to our quality performance initiatives:
? For implementing and monitoring quality improvement programs
? As a management tool to drill down deeper into your customer satisfaction
? To assist in company goal setting
? For problem solving with distribution
? As a progress report (current state)
These custom reports will provide us with an on-going feedback for our product. We will be utilizing the following reports:
? Interim monthly customer satisfaction reports
? Monthly Reports on sales and customer satisfaction
? Product distribution – Means and Rank Reports
? Competitive Analysis Reports
In conclusion, both senior management teams at Jif and Proctor and Gamble feel confident that Peanut Free with rank number one in the new generation of allergenic food products.
(April 16, 2000) HealthLinkUSA [Online] Available:
(April 16, 2000) Peanut Allergies [Online] Available:
(April 17, 2000) Procter & Gamble [Online] Available:
(April 19, 2000). Press, Ganey [Online] Available:
(April 21, 2000). Best Foods [Online] Available: