Internet-Changing The Way We Do Business Essay, Research Paper
Internet-Changing the Way We Do Business
Today most of everything has been replaced by some form of technology.
Many people have lost their jobs due to a change in technology. When will these
technological advances stop? Will everyone have to be replaced by robots or
computers? How far will a company have to downsize before the company
realizes there are not any employees left except for the ones operating the
computers. As for the business field these days they conduct most of their work
via the Internet. The Internet is changing the way business is being done. If
used properly and efficiently then a business may be able to prosper of it. I am
going to be discussing how the Internet is useful and helpful for businesses, and
some of the draw backs to the Internet. The Internet has several uses. Some
uses include buying and selling products, visual aides, communication, ect..
The Internet has many uses in which to help businesses. The biggest plus
of the Internet is that businesses can look for possible new clientele, or
entrepreneurs can surf the web on how they can start a business of their own.
The web has many sites that offer help and advice to those interested in starting
their own business. The Federal Small Business Administration website offers
helpful tips on getting your business off the ground. ?The Federal Small Business
Administration has areas on its website on how to start your own business,
financing your business, expanding your business, and commonly asked
questions about businesses.?(Sreenivasan D2) Business also found that on the
Internet they can buy and sell products. This is an example of where technology
replaces humans. Being able to buy products on the Internet means that the
person who use to answer the telephone and turn in orders has lost his or her
job. Why should a business pay him or her when they can sell products and
services on the Internet. Thus resulting in less overhead costs and reduces in
There are many reasons why one might consider ignoring the Internet.
This all falls on the kind of person you are, you either accept technology or you
are intimidated by it. Technology is nothing to be afraid of but it might take a little
time to get use to. Besides who ever said, ?you can not teach an old dog new
tricks!? One reason why people avoid the Internet is the fact that they are waiting
for better technology. This is true, but most computers today are the best they
have been in years. I believe that this is true, every computer product I have
bought in the past couple of years is out of date. ?A computer is a like a car you
would not have waited to buy a car twenty years ago because it did not have
airbags or anti-lock brakes.?(Lousig-Nont 58). Same goes for a computer, when it
gets out of date you just simply upgrade it to modern technology. Although the
draw back to that is the high cost of upgrading a computer. Secondly, very few
people actually use the Internet. If you were going to sell a product or service you
would rather market in a high traffic area like a mall than in a off the road strip
center. The Internet is a high traffic area like a mall. The Internet has more than
five million users and that is growing by two million a month. People think that
buying products on the Internet can have a high potential for fraud. This is a
possibility but computer software companies are devising better security and
safety measures to protect you from fraud. I can not trust the security measures
on the Internet well enough to give out my credit card number. Another reason
why one should ignore the Internet, people think that very few people actually
own a computer. You may not own a computer but many people do. Therefore if
you advertise on the Internet but you do not own a computer, a person can still
get a hold of you via telephone, fax, or mail. If you add your address, telephone
number, and fax number on your website then people can get a hold of you
whether or not you own a computer. You can make it easier for people to find
your web address if you place it on anything ranging from television to business
cards. It needs to be posted where ever your company name, address, and
phone number are located. Besides if you do not know the web address then you
can use a search engine which is a website used to help you browse the Internet.
The last and top reason why people choose to ignore the Internet is they prefer to
do things the old fashion way. In today?s business world one must keep up with
the changing times. If you do not then you have a good chance of not making it.
I still prefer to do things the old fashion way, even though I beginning to use the
Internet more and more.
Something new for Internet users is the usage of cable lines instead of
telephone lines. ?A new high-speed Internet connection that has just arrived.. out
paces phone access like a fire hose overwhelms a cocktail straw.?(?Internet Goes
Cable?) With the use of cable lines the signal moves three hundred and fifty
times faster than phone lines. I think that this is a wise move to go to cable lines
since all the telephone lines are crowded. Thus causing your modem to connect
at slower speeds and long download time. Images and video clips will appear
instantly with out any download time. Before much longer you will be able to
download CD?s and movies, that can be rented from cyberspace video stores. As
of right now the fees and equipment to run the cable Internet are costly, meaning
that mainly businesses and computer buffs can afford it. These fees however are
expected to go down as technological advances on cable modems, which take
the Internet signal from the cable line and transfers it into computer signals. A
problem that arises with cable lines is that there are several different cable
companies. Where as telephone lines are controlled by few companies, and
cable companies are in ever city and some cities have more than one provider.
Nationwide there are only thirty-five thousand homes with cable Internet, that is
only about one percent of people with access to the Internet. It is predicted that
by 2002, three point two million people will be using cable Internet. That is only
six percent of all people with access to the Internet.
Now it is all left in the hands of the people. They can choose whether they
want to jump on the technology bandwagon or be an outsider to technology.
Technology will continue to improve as the years go by. It is anybody?s guess on
when all these technological advances will come to a halt. As for right now, jump
on the information superhighway, the Internet that is!!
Claassen, Jeff. ?Internet Goes Cable.? Ventura County Star
18 Aug 1997
Lousig-Nont, Gregory M. ?Top 10 Excuses for Ignoring the Internet.?
USAToday Jan 1997: 58-9.
Sreenivasan, Sreenath. ?Small Businesses Use the Web to Prospect
For Customers.? New York Times 9 Sept. 1996: D2.