, Research Paper
The Events Leading to the Renaissance
Many events influenced on how the renaissance was created. Three events that greatly influenced the renaissance were The Byzantine Empire with Justinian, The Franks with Charlegmange, and Marco Polo. These events helped for the government, law, and the daily life of the renaissance.
The Byzantine Empire along with Justinian was a major part in the renaissance. The Byzantine Empire succeeded the Romans. Constantinople now modern day Stanbul, Turkey was the capitol of the Byzantine Empire. The Empire was based on Roman political tradition, polinac culture and Christian believes.
Constantine I brought Christianity to the Byzantine Empire. He also forced the Germanic tribes to unite. Constantine Consolidated the empire took control of Italy and Africa. By doing this Constintine took control of economic trading around the Mediterranean. Constantine also revised and confined all the roman laws.
Justinian was the Ruler of the Byzantine Empire during the golden age from 527 to 565. Justinian was born in Macedonia but he ruled in the Balkans. Justinian wrote the famous Justinian code, which is composed of old laws and revised laws. Justinian was the most dominant and influential leader in the Byzantine Empire. Justinian still impacts us today the Justinian code is the basis of modern day law.
The Franks were the next to follow the Byzantine Empire was the Franks. The Franks were a Germanic tribe that lived along the Rhine River in Germany, they were the most dominant Germanic tribe. They ruled from the forth century till the ninth century. The Franks were in the area of Western Europe. The Franks became the most powerful Germanic tribe and ruled all of Western Europe; they also began Western Europe traditions. The Franks were known as the forefathers of Western Europe.
Probably the most powerful leader of the Franks was Charlemangne Frank. Also know as Charles the Great, and the King of Franks. Charlemangne was born in 742? and died 814. He ruled around the eighth to the ninth century. He ruled the Mediterranean Sea and the capitol of his empire was Constantinople. Charlemagne did many things such as defeated the Lombard, invaded Spain, was crowned emperor of all of Europia, captured Barcelona, took control of Pyrenees, took control of Venice, and took Dalmatian. Charlemagne achieved systems of government, originated counties or small countries. Which are still used today.
The Monasticism were catholic monks of Western Europe during the fourth century. They lived in France, Italy, and Isles. The Monasticism built communities and orders, and the also broke from the church establishment and built monastic orders. The Monasticism also constructed a guild for morality.
The next thing that led to the renaissance was the crusades. The crusades were a religious war between the Christians and the Muslims. It started around 1095 and ended 1270. It was fought around Jerusalem and Palestine. The wars purpose was to recapture the Holy Land. This was important because it expanded the Christian religion and it made money. Commerce and growth of cities were benefited and so was technology.
The next person was Norman Conquest. In 1066 William of Normady defeated Harold of Wessex at the Battle of Hastings. After that war William of Normady became William the conqueror and William I. He altered English Society. He stressed common law, and he began new institutions. He also established the position of Archbishop of Canterbury( the Religious center of England).
Angkor Wat was the next person to influence the renaissance. Angkor Wat was an ancient Cambodians. He lived around the eleven hundreds. He ruled around South East Asia. He established the religious center of the east. They also made the western people realize that they were less advanced.
Gengius Khan also know as Timushon was born in 1167? And died 1227. Gengius Khan consolidated the Mongol Empire. In 1213 he attacked North China and took the capitol Venching. Gengius Khan built the greatest empire that was ever known. His major characteristic was carnage. Gengius Khan was probably the most powerful leader ever.
The next great impact on the renaissance was the Magna Carta also known as the Great Charter. This was the most famous British document. Issued to Jon of Runnymeade. On June 1215 it was signed. This document limited the power that the king held at the throne. This document was to ensure futile rights.
St. Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225 and died 1274. He was known as philosopher and theologian also known as the doctor of the church. He was born in Rocca, Secca. St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the four saints of the Roman Catholic Church. He wrote four hymns for the catholic mass but most important contrast was from 1267 to 1273. He was the first principal starta Affirmation of being. His second philosophy was how does the intellect achieve knowledge. His final philosophy was universal but also know as develop metaphysics.
Marco Polo was the next great person to achieve greatness and impact the renaissance. He was born in 1251 and died 1324. He was the son of Nicolo a Venetian. Marco Polo would work in court of Kublei Khan. He began his career on a trip to Constantinople. Due to war he was diverted to Kaefing. He became a personal escort to Kablei Unfes. During inprisement he wrote an account of his travels. He made reference to his places, Southeast Asia, Arabia, Persia, Gaping, Sunantit, and far south as Zanzibar. Marco Polo was one of the greatest explorers of that time.
The next influence Charters was a French town on a European river called New Orleans. The Charter was in the center contains historic and orgiastic center. It became the position of the French crown. It became a gothic cathedral and a model of the Notre Dame.
These events all effected to form of the renaissance. They all impacted it some kind of way ether it was by discovering something or making new laws or maybe they effected the artwork of the renaissance, but in some way everyone of these people effected the renaissance or even us today.