In Our Daily Lives And How To Solve It Harmoniously? Essay, Research Paper
Interpersonal conflict is one of the most common situations we will face in our daily lives with our family members, relatives, friends or lover. Interpersonal conflict is often the result of negative cognitions, or thoughts. There is one way of defining interpersonal communication that is to compare it to other forms of communication. In doing so, we would examine how many people are involved, how physically close they are to one another, how many sensory channels are used, and the feedback provided. Interpersonal communication differs from other forms of communication in that there are few participants involved, the interactants are in close physical proximity to each other, there are many sensory channels used, and feedback is immediate. An important point to note about the contextual definition is that it does not take into account the relationship between the interactants.
We have many different relationships with people. Some researchers say that our definition of interpersonal communication must account for these differences. These researchers say that interacting with a sales clerk in a store is different than the relationship we have with our friends and family members. Thus, some researchers have proposed an alternative way of defining interpersonal communication. This is called the developmental view. From this view, interpersonal communication is defined as communication that occurs between people who have known each other for some time. Importantly, these people view each other as unique individuals, not as people who are simply acting out social situations.
Interpersonal conflict can be serious or just a little matter depend on the development of that situation, but if the situation seems to be silent that may not represent good at all, some researchers have identified several problems that typically arise in conflict situations. First, the parties will simply avoid the conflict. This can be damaging, because it can lead to greater problems in the future. It is usually best that the individuals discuss their differences. Second, individuals involved in conflict may blame the other individual. Often, individuals go beyond the specific behavior in question and blame the character of the person. When people use words such as, “He’s such a slob,” they are engaging in blame the other behavior. A final problem that is often encountered in conflict management is adopting a win-lose mentality. Focusing on each individual’s goals/outcomes will help avoid using a win-lose strategy
One scholar of communication—-Vaughan (1986) looks at one of the most serious consequences of interpersonal conflict, i.e., relationship dissolution, in terms of the accounts which people offer of them. She sees the process as one of redefining the self, the other, and the relationship. In order to try to resolve such conflicts before the spiral of negative redefinition of other and relationship has progressed too far, she advocates direct confrontation in dealing with serious problems. This technique is difficult, however, since to achieve such a goal requires the ability to assert one’s needs and accept self-responsibility, both of which are characteristic of autonomous individuals, a condition of self not easily reached or maintained (cf., Miller, Wackman, Nunnally, & Saline, 1982)
Everyone uses a variety of styles in conflict situations. When looking at conflict resolution, the persons involved, the importance of the issue, emotional states, and desired outcomes may all come into play. Resolving conflict has to do with one’s willingness to be cooperative (helping others get what they want) and one’s assertiveness (getting what they want). There are some ways to deal with interpersonal conflict but this is a general solution as each time the conflict is different, so it should to adopt different methods whenever conflict occurred. There are, avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising and collaborating. Each of this solution is suitable to different situation but there are any formal rules to deal with each situation especially interpersonal conflict is in serious level, each other has a serious prejudice.
Whenever interpersonal conflict happened, individuals should foster a supportive climate as used following solutions. First, we should have a good description: it should be presenting positive ideas or opinions. It should also focus on problem orientation that is focusing attention on the task. It should have spontaneity: we can communicate openly and honestly with others. We should be empathy, so that we try to understand another person’s thoughts. Then, we should have the mind of equality: so that we can ask for positive opinions. Finally, we can show our provisionalism in order to express a willingness to listen other the ideas of others. All these points are very important to cope with interpersonal conflict.
While something we should point out that, in most cases, conflict can be constructive. It should recognize that conflict can even strengthen your relationships with others, after quarreling with others you may know them deeply and try to avoid quarreling again. You can also be prepared, to plan how you will communicate about conflict in order to create a supportive climate next time even quarreling. Sometimes it need to be involved, so we do not withdraw from the conflict or avoid conflict situations. Remember to withhold quick retorts. It should be careful about what you say and how you say it. The most important is to review—–we should notice that to summarize what you have discussed and make plans to continue the discussion if time permits immediate resolution to the conflict.