Rotc Essay, Research Paper
Being a cadet in Campbell Battalion has been a very rewarding experience but there are a few things that I would change. I think that the first thing I would do is to devise a more calibrated evaluation system like an ARTEP style system. We would still do blue cards but this would help evaluators in the evaluating process as well as give cadets a standard for training. The second thing I would do is to allow the less experienced cadets the chance to lead more often in military labs. Last year I thought this was not done enough. The last thing I would change would be to have remedial PT sessions to help cadets to strengthen themselves in their weak PT testing areas. These would be scheduled at different times as to allow cadets to go to these sessions at least twice a week.
ROTC Advance Camp was also a very rewarding experience there are many things that I thought were good and some that I deemed to be bad for cadets. The things that impressed me the most about camp were the professionalism of many of the cadre. If there was something that you needed clarification on or needed to know they either knew the answer or would get you the answer as soon as possible. Another thing I enjoyed about camp was the integration of male and females in platoons. This allowed many males for the first time to learn ho to work with females in a military environment, which will probably help them in the future. The third thing I liked about camp was the individual and team training prior to STX. This allowed cadets to build much needed confidence in themselves as well a in their fellow cadets abilities.
The things that could have been improved about camp would have to start with not allowing the cadre to degrade cadets. I understand that experience levels vary at camp but I think that everyone that went is still an adult. Also, I think that while at camp you should not have to pay for laundry service. This was an unnecessary deduction from my pay that I will sorely miss. Not once did I nor did many of my fellow cadets use this service. Personally I didn?t use it because it was just to slow. Last of all the things at camp that I would change would be to ad just the land navigation course so that points are not so close together and to adjust some of them so that they are where they are supposed to be.