Crime Around The World Essay, Research Paper
Crime Around the World
Crime is an epidemic that is infecting today s global society. In the United States the subject of crime has risen to the forefront of social and political issues due to the recent elections. This problem of crime does not effect just the United States but it is a hot topic in many other nations of the world. Crime is not a problem that can be addressed by individuals, but by ruling governments. This paper will discuss the articles that show the methods the United States and foreign countries are dealing with the problem of crime.
The issue of crime is inextricably linked to the government. The government is the body responsible for creating laws. Also the government is obligated to enforce the laws it decides to create. The fact of having laws is not enough to help in the prevention of crime. The proper laws need to be written and should be enforced efficiently. Dissimilar governments around the world find different solutions in reducing crime.
Enforcement of crime is a tremendous factor in reducing crime in nations around the world. In The Economist article “New York s finest” the country of South Africa was facing a crime rate of 80% in 1995. This article goes on to talk about how the South African government invited New York City s former police chief, William Bratton, to consult on how to bring down the crime rate. Bratton suggested a police policy of “zero tolerance”, which is explained by “If policemen make arrest for petty offenses, goes the logic, such as urinating on the street or drinking alcohol in public, it reinforces the idea the idea that no crime is tolerated; and this in turn, helps reduces more serious crime” (New York s). While in England The Times article “Police given power to stop knife gangs” discusses the issue of police searches is addressed. The article states that the ability of the police to stop and search people wearing gang paraphernalia for knives. This article goes to explain that this police policy is broadly supported by the nation. The article “Politics, pressure strain crime labs” in USA Today talks about the need for police crime labs need to step up the use of DNA typing in catching criminals. Also the need to have a nation wide computer link to all law enforcement agencies. Becky Beaupre states in her article, “Among the labs that can afford the equipment, 21 use a databank system partly sponsored by the ATF; another 94 use or plan to use one developed by the FBI.”
The first step in solving the crime problem is identifying what types of crime that are affecting society. Government needs to look at the problems and make laws that will help in the prevention of crime. The rise of media exposure of hate crimes in the United States has risen in recent years ,and this exposure is beneficial for letting the public deal with these important issues. The Houston Chronicle article “Race sparks most hate crimes, FBI says” gives facts about the number of hate crimes committed in 1995. Sniffen states, “More that three out of every five hate crimes in1995 were motivated by race, and blacks were the targets in three out of every five racial attacks, the FBI reported Monday.” This is an example of how the government analyzes the crime trends to help in a formulation of a solution to crime. When the number of violent crimes involving a guns became staggering the United States Congress passed the Brady Bill. The Brady Bill set standards on the purchasing of hand guns. One of the restrictions was to have a 5 day “cool off” period before a purchase of a hand gun. In the USA Today article “Democrats focus on crime” Richard Benedetto stated, “Clinton proposed at a stop in Columbus, Ohio, that the Brady handgun law, which requires a waiting period to buy a gun, be expanded to deny guns to people convicted of domestic violence or abuse.” This kind of statement shows that the president sees a need for the people, that could help in the prevention of murder in the homes of America. Also the recognition of new crimes is important for the public welfare. In the article “Extent of computer crime hard to measure” in USA Today , the topic of computer crime is addressed. This article states, “those figures would not reflect intrusions that are not detected or not reported”(Computer), this shows the FBI that they will have a harder time of dealing with computer crime if it is not reported.
In foreign countries like Great Britain the government has tried to make deterrents for criminals to mend their ways. The Economist article “Suspect figures,” tells of the British government uses building of prisons to deter criminal offenders. Also the article shows how some numbers could be misleading, if taken at face value. A fall in overall crime has happened, while the number of violent crimes has risen. This kind of data shows that the UK s response to violent crimes is not working. The Times article “Irish given Referendum on tougher bail laws,” discusses the need for the Irish people to make it harder for criminal to make bail. It would be harder to make bail as Audrey Magee states, “The Government is asking the public in a referendum to agree to a third category which refuses bail if the accused is considered likely to reoffend.” The article “Howard sets out tough new sentencing regime” in The Times deals with Michael Howard s, the Home Secretary, Crime Sentences bill. In this bill there would be a new minimum in prison sentences for dangerous offenders.
These articles allow one to see that governments need to address crime prevention for the people s sake. While in the United States the people can not leave all law enforcement up to the federal agencies. The Houston Chronicle article “Reported crime up in first half of 1996,” states, “Statewide , increases in crimes for the first six months ranged from 0.1 percent for rape to 5.7 percent for larceny theft”(Robison). Without the governments making and enforcing laws to protect the people there would be a significant breakdown in society.
Beaupre, Becky, and Peter Eisler. “Politics, pressure strain crime labs.” USA Today
6 November 1996.
Benedetto, Richard. “Democrats focus on crime.” USA Today 27 August 1996.
“Extent of computer crime hard to measure.” USA Today 31 October 1996.
Ford, Richard, James Landale, and Joanna Bale. “Police given power to stop knife
gangs.” The Times 7 November 1996.
Ford, Richard. “Howard sets out tough new sentencing regime.” The Times 26 October
“Irish given Referendum on tougher bail laws.” The Times 7 November 1996.
Magee, Audrey. “Irish given Referendum on tougher bail laws.” The Times 07
November 1996.
“New York s finest.” The Economist 10 August 1996.
Robison, Clay. “Reported crime up in first half of 1996.” Houston Chronicle 21 October
Sniffen, Michael J. “Race sparks most hate crimes, FBI says.” Houston Chronicle 4
November 1996.
“Suspect figures.” The Economist 28 September 1996.