As a general rule, society as a whole has over the last several decades made many attempts to equalize the gender-roles for men and women and even to change their content in various respects. Most Swedes who are active in child socialization activities seem to be very radical and argue for changes in the gender-roles towards equalization. Society demands and claims equality, which is bound to produce some kind of a norm conflict and a risk of deviation from the norm for teenagers and even young adults. Knowing that norms may be in opposition to one another does not have to mean a state of abnormality; it may mean simply taking a stand for one norm or the other.References
Hoem, Britta. (1995) The New Role of Women: Sweden. Colorado: Westview Press
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. (1999). Sweden. Redmond, WA: Microsoft
Trost, Jan, (1983) The Changing Position of Women in Family and Society: Sweden.
(Vol. 34) E.J. Brill, Leiden: The Netherlands
World Wide Web Resources
1 Appleqvist, Katerina. “Sweden: Folksam and the Women Security Programme
2. . Dey, Debashish. “Family Planning in Sweden.”
3. Laack, Stefan. “Thoughts about male involvement: Swedish experiences.”
Hoem, Britta. (1995) The New Role of Women: Sweden. Colorado: Westview Press
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. (1999). Sweden. Redmond, WA: Microsoft
Trost, Jan, (1983) The Changing Position of Women in Family and Society: Sweden.
(Vol. 34) E.J. Brill, Leiden: The Netherlands
World Wide Web Resources
1 Appleqvist, Katerina. “Sweden: Folksam and the Women Security Programme
2. . Dey, Debashish. “Family Planning in Sweden.”
3. Laack, Stefan. “Thoughts about male involvement: Swedish experiences.”