arguing with Silver and right before Silver was ready to fight them all. Shots rang out from the
woods and three out of the six pirated fell dead. Silver and I turned to see that the captain and the
doctor were behind with rifles. They soon informed was that Ben Gunn had found the treasure
and had moved it to a cave where he stayed. So we walked to his cave to see a huge mound of
treasure, coins, diamonds, and gold. Then as we prepared to leave, Silver was doing his best to
please everyone hoping that they wouldn?t leave him on the island. The next day we left, we did
however leave some supplies for the other three mutineers on the island. As we left we saw them
standing on a point screaming not to leave them. We informed them of the cave and sailed on,
one of them shot at Silver and a bullet wizzed over his head. We stoped at port to get supplies
and a small crew of men to help them on there way home. Ben Gunn them told us that he had
helped Silver get away to shore with a sack of coins to help him on his wondering on his way
home to his wife and family somewhere. For I?m sure his chances of comfort in another world are
very small. Us, well each of us got 3,000 pounds and. Ben Gunn spent or lost all of his in weeks,
but was given a job as a gatekeeper and sings in his church choir, people think of him as some
what of a joke though. Captain Smollett retired and is now a grandfather to his family. Dr.
Livisey is still a doctor in Bristol but now with a family. But nothing would ever take me back to
that terrible island.
The End
The best thing I think I liked about Treasure Island is that something was always
happening. There never was really a dole moment or a time where I thought I knew what was
gonna happen next. And if I thought I did I was soon proved wrong. And one thing I really like
was that in the middle of the book when Jim Hawkins and Doctor Livesely were separated instead
of just picking one to write about he choose both points of the story and includes them both in
the book. It?s more of a book of action then words or stories. I really can?t think of any dislikes I
had about the book, I?m sure that there must of been some but I can?t think of them being it was
such a good written and laidout book.
Someone I think would enjoy this book is some one that enjoys stories of actions. When
stories delevop from actions rathers then someones feelings. Some books are based more on how
people act and change. For me actions speak louder then words, show how a character feels, not
tell me. So this book would diffenitly be for those that are interest in action and excitement