“At the time when the article was originally written there still existed some hope of returning to the agreements reached in I959/60 securing the rights of the Turkish people of Cyprus. The uncompromising, forceful strife, however; during the following decade on the part of the Greek governments in Greece and Cyprus for complete domination of the island leading to eventual “Enosis” finally brought about the ultimate consequence of the division envisaged at the end of the article of 1964; the only remaining remedy for the oppression and deprivation suffered by the Turks of Cyprus through the loss of their lawfully acquired human and political rights. The sorrows and injustices brought about by the resettlement associated with such a remedy are therefore the direct result of the Greek policy, in addition to the failure of the Western community of nations to uphold their responsibility not only of standing for the binding force of contract but for the Cyprus constitution as well. ”
“The sections of the article of 1964 which dealt with returning to a revised constitutional status quo ante were based on hopes existing al that time, that no longer appear to be viable. A new Cyprus subsequent to the establishment of Greek and Turkish States in the South and North of the island respectively, will have to be constructed on the basis of existing realities; consequently, a new arrangement will have to be found. It is one of the objects of the search for such an arrangement to compensate and correct, as jar as possible, all losses and injustices incurred since 1963 ”
To create a New Cyprus, as Dr. Heinze visualized, there are certain things that would have to be put right, such as, in the first instance, telling the Greeks of Cyprus to slop impersonating the Republic of Cyprus and passing themselves of as the government of Cyprus. Only then could one hope for a new beginning based on the recognition of existing realities, the “Greek and Turkish States in the South and North of the island respectively,” which need a peace agreement to put the past behind them once and for all. Perhaps even the European Union could help by declining to play the role of Trojan horse on behalf of the Greek Cypriots. If you think the problem has gone on for too long, isn’t it time to tell the Greeks of Cypriots that they are simply a Greek Cypriot State in the south of the island, just as there is a Turkish Cypriot State in the north? Isn’t it time to wake them up and to ask them to shed their pretensions? Isn’t it time not to treat the Greek Cypriots for what they are not and to treat the Turkish Cypriots for what they are ?
Nalan Han?m passed away after I left the island. Her family now lives on the northern shore in a new house overlooking the sea that she had been denied. On a clear day in autumn, when the western wind blows away the haze of the Mediterranean, you can see across to the Turkish shore. Her grandchildren have grown up for 25 years in the newfound peace and freedom of Northern Cyprus. They represent the first generation of Turkish Cypriot children who have been spared the horrors of 1963-1974.
That tall and ugly building down the street is long gone. On the same spot, there is now a modern, white building complex housing a government office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the State of Turkish Cypriots, the symbol of their hard-won existence and future as a free people. To protect and preserve forever.