, Research Paper
The other day in economics class someone (no names) mentioned that immigration was bad for the economy. Although I had another topic lined up I decided that I write an entire paper based purely on my opinion on the subject. Which is, I totally disagree.
Since the founding of the colonies people have come here from every country on earth. Whether it be escaping an oppressive government, or just to find a general better way of life, people immigrate to the United States. Some people say that when an immigrant comes here, they are not used to our way of life, and therefore throw off our way of life and economy. They say that they cause more harm to the stable, tax-paying citizens of the U.S. then they do. I disagree with these people for a few reasons. Although immigrants may cause a few problems, and might not want to immediately comply with our standards and laws, most in time do. Except for a few short-term problems, such as not paying their taxes, drawing on welfare, and increasing an already crowded society, immigrants eventually do more good for our society and economy than bad.
No the Government does not lose money because of immigrants. If anything we make more money. The idea of money passes hands from government to business to consumers and back again if a smaller amount is being moved from industry to consumers this means that a large portion of that circle is retaining money. Oh sure they may not pay their taxes at all, or pay them incorrectly, but that isn’t as big a deal as it sounds, we have plenty of U.S. citizens who do the exact same thing.
Then of course the are under the table wages, but those under the table jobs can come in handy for the rest of us. How many U.S. born underage teenagers would be willing to get paid two or three dollars an hour to take out the trash and clean toilets. Those might be jobs that they are using up that could go to native-born Americans, but do we really want them? Plus, they are “Americanizing” themselves to be better citizens. (Let me wave my American flag at this point) What a better way to get used to living here, and become a good, tax-paying person, than to work here, and constantly be around U.S. They are working for a better life. The few that bend the rules on the path to becoming American shouldn’t be punished. Think of when your ancestors immigrated. Do you think that they bent a few rules? (I know mine did, I AM Italian, and they bent a couple of rules, and a couple of legs as well)
Next off is welfare, and the people that abuse it. There are people that come here from another country with no experience, and many children. These people, if accepted as citizens, are entitled to welfare. Those kinds of people are draining over 2 billion dollars from welfare each year. However, once those people get adjusted to our way of living, and get out in the world, they can become very productive members of society. (Wishful thinking, I know, but hey it’s a thought). Welfare is, in a large way, to provide for children as well, and raising children in a U.S. environment can only strengthen the economy. On average immigrants dump around 30 billion more into the U.S. economy than they siphon from government programs such as welfare.
Lastly, immigrants count for a large portion of the population increase in the U.S. Except for lack of jobs, I can see this only as a benefit. To introduce varied, life seeking people into an environment can only make it stronger in the long run. They mix with the current population creating diversity. While racism is still a big issue in society, it is obviously decreasing. As I look around, out of 10 people, I see tons Latin-Americans, one Arab (he sits behind me), plenty of African-Americans, and five other white people. This diversification has created a better and more open-minded society to live in. These people are in school with me, hoping to one day be good honest, law abiding tax payers,(mmhhmm) just like Uncle Sam wants them to be. I don’t see what is wrong with a little change in population, as long as the population wants to work hard to make their lives better, as well as increase the economy. One more plus to these non-native born Americans. They have not had the chance to become lazy yet, and many bring with them an idea to work unusually hard.
In conclusion, although there are some short term problems associated with allowing immigrants into our society, they do not do harm to our society, or our economy. The benefits gained by a rational super-power country, by allowing entrance from all parts of the world is so great that it overrides any harm done by a small percentage of the others. The sign in New York still says “Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, yearning to be free.” To hold the freedom for just us would be greedy. They might not pay all their taxes, and they might be on welfare, but they are all striving to improve the economy, whether they know it or not.