Then, of course, there is the most controversial form of abortion, the partial-birth abortion. Using an ultra sound the abortionist grabs the baby’s legs with forceps and pulls them out into the birth canal. The abortionist then delivers the entire baby except for the head and continues by jamming scissors into the baby’s skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole. The scissors are removed and a suction is inserted. The baby’s brains are sucked out causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed (i.e., Partial). The fetus can certainly feel pain because it is alive and growing like a human. Something inanimate cannot feel pain. If one crushes a soda can as the abortionist crushes a baby’s skull, the soda can feels no pain because it is not living. Not so in the case of baby.
Abortion is one of the primary social issues facing American society today. This issue, like many, forces people to take sides against each other, impacts peoples’ voting decisions, and more tragically compels some people to kill. Abortion should no longer be legal. It is rapidly becoming a form of birth control. No longer must women worry about protection, for if they conceive a child, they can choose to take its life.
Abortion does concern all of us, not just mother and doctor. People need to start caring for the women who are hurting as a result of an abortion, and women who are struggling over the decision. Professionals must present the facts, and work at making the conditions better for women, because eighty-four per cent would keep their babies under better circumstances. America needs to open their ears to the screams of the 1.6 million babies murdered each year. “[Eventually] the pro- life movement will win, because when you hold up a picture of a six-month-old fetus being stabbed in the neck and all you say is ‘choice, choice, choice’ you are going to lose.”