-to stimulate other markets & industries not related to the new technology.
-Influence from government policies.
A. General monetary & fiscal policies
B. Legislative framework & codes & policies set by government agencies.
C. Social Legislation seatbelts, no smoking
D. Government relationships with individual industries.
E. Legislation specifically related to marketing should know laws
F. The provision of info & the purchase of products.
-3 environmental forces that are external, but are a part of a company’s marketing
system, are that firm’s market, its suppliers, & its marketing intermediaries.
THE MARKET (see page 40, table 2-2)
-place where buyers & sellers meet, G & S are offered for sale, & transfer of ownership occurs.
-in mkt. Demand for any given product or service, there are 3 factors to consider:
A. people or organizations with wants (needs0
B. their purchasing power
C. the buying behaviour
-critical to market success, that’s why suppliers part of marketing system.
-There are 2 types of intermediaries:
A. firms called middlemen or intermediaries-wholesalers & retailers
B. various organizations that provid4e such services as transportation, warehousing, & financing that are needed to complete exchanges.
(SEE page 41, fig 2-3 & 2-4)
-organizations marketing system is also shaped by internal forces that are controllable
by management. These influences include firms production, financial & personal act.
Management process, as applied to marketing, consists basically of (1) planning a marketing program, (2) implementing it & (3) evaluating its performance.
-planning stage includes setting goals & designing tactics to reach these goals
-the implementation stage entails forming & staffing the marketing organization according to the plan.
-the evaluation stage consists of analyzing past performance in relation to organizational goals.
-This third stage indicates the interrelated, continuing nature of the mgmt. Process.
-the results of this stage of the mgmt. Process are used in planning goals & strategies for future periods.
And the cycle continues
Analyze situationOrganizeCompare
Set goals ?Staff ?performance
Select strategies & tacticsOperatewith goals
Forecast demand FIG 3-1
Feedback plays role in first 2 stages.
-management first should decide what it intends to accomplish as a total organization & then develop a
strategic plan to achieve these results.
-on basis of this overall plan, each division of organization should determine what its own plans will be.
Planning-is deciding now what we are going to do later, including how & when we are going to do it.
Strategic planning-managers match an organization’s resources with its market opportunities over the long run.
Strategic window-was suggested to describe the limited amt. Of time in which a firm’s resources can actually be made available to take advantage of a opportunity.
-typically strategic window is only open temporarily, thus firm must move quickly.
MISSION (What business are we in?)
Mission-states what customers it serves, what needs it satisfies, & what types of product it offers.
-A mission statement indicates in general terms the boundaries of an organizations activities.
OBJECTIVES & GOALS (What do we want to accomplish?)
-book treats goals & objectives as synonyms,
Objective-is simply a desired outcome.
-effective planning must begin with a set of objectives.
To be worthwhile & workable objectives should be:
Clear & specific
Stated in writing
Ambitious, but realistic
Consistent with on another
Quantitatively measurable whenever possible
Tied to a particular time period
STRATEGIES & TACTICS (How are we going to get job done?)
Strategy-is a broad plan of action by which an organization intends to reach its objectives.
Tactic-is a means by which a strategy is implemented.
ObjectivesPossible Strategies
Increase sales next year by 8% over this years figure. 1) Intensify marketing efforts
Domestic markets.
2) Expand into foreign markets.
3) Increase customer retention by
reducing account closings by 10%
Direct our promotion to males aged 25-401) Advertise in magazines read by this group of peeps
2) Advertise on TV programs watched by these peeps
Increase revenue from existing customers3) Redesign the customer info system
4) Create a loyalty program for light & medium users
5) Retrain account analysts & service personnel.
-strategic planning is usually long-range, coverage 3,5,10 or infrequently 25 years
-short-range planning typically covers 1 year or less
Planning at 3 different levels:
Strategic company planning: At this level, management defines an organizations mission, sets long-range goals, & formulates broad strategies to achieve these goals.
Strategic marketing planning: The top marketing execs set goals & strategies for an organizations marketing effort.
Annual marketing planning: Short-term plans should be prepared for a firms major functions. Based on strategic marketing plan.
Consists of 4 essential steps:
1) Defining the organizational mission-influences all subsequent planning.
2) Analyzing the situation-
3) Setting organizational objectives
4) Selecting strategies to achieve these objectives.
Situational analysis-gathering & studying info pertaining to one or more specified aspects of an organization.
Organizational strategies-represents broad plans of action by which an organization intends to achieve its goals & fulfill its mission
-strategic marketing planning is a 5 step process:
A. Conduct a situation analysis
B. Develop marketing objectives
C. Determine positioning & differential advantage.
D. Select target markets & measure market demand
E. Design a strategic marketing mix
-involves analyzing the company’s marketing program has been, how it has been doing,
& what it’s likely to face in the years ahead.
-enables firm to know if to revise or devise plans.
-normally covers external environmental forces & internal non-marketing resources.
-SWOT assessment is part of the situational analysis that many organizations perform.
In this activity firm identifies & evaluates its most significant strengths, weaknesses,
Opportunities, & threats.
-each objective should be assigned a priority based on its urgency & potential impact
On the marketing area & in turn the organization.
-involves 2 complementary decisions: how to distinguish it from competitors.
Positioning-refers to a product’s image in relation to directly competitive products as well as other products marketed by the same company.
Differential Advantage-refers to any feature of an organization or brand perceived by customers to be desirable & different from those of the competition.
-a market consists of people or firms with needs to satisfy, money to spend, & willingness to spend it.
Target market-refers to a group of people or organizations at which a firm directs a marketing program.
Marketing Mix-the combination of a product or service, how it is disturbed & promoted, & its price.
-traditionally, the marketing mix has been considered in terms of 4 elements that together must satisfy the
needs of the organization’s target markets & at the same time achieve its marketing objectives.
Product: strategies are needed for managing existing products over time, adding new ones, & dropping failed products. Also decisions about service levels, branding, packaging, & other product features such as warrantees.
Price: necessary strategies pertain to the locations of customers, price flexibility, related items within a product line, & terms of sale. Also, pricing strategies for entering a mkt. Especially with a new product, must be designed.
Distribution: involves the mgmt. Of the channels by which ownership of products is transferred from producer to customer & in many cases, the systems by which goods are moved from the place where they are produces to the place where they are purchased by the final customer.
Marketing communications: Strategies are needed to combine individual methods such as advertising, personal selling, & sales promotion into a co-ordinated campaign.
Customer service: This component deals with how the customer is handled as he/she deals with the firm.
-elements of marketing mix are interrelated.
-is master blueprint for a year’s marketing activity for a specified organizational division or major product
-separate plan normally should be prepared for each major product & company division
-It summarizes marketing strategies & tactics that will be used to achieve specified
Objectives in the upcoming year. (become s what-to-do document)
-Plan focuses on “how to do it,” pointing to what needs to be done with respect to the
other steps in the management process, primarily implementation.
-Moreover plan outlines who is responsible for which activities, when the activities are
to be carried out, & how much time & money can be spent.
-executive responsible for the division or product covered by the plan typically prepares it.
-work starts 9 or more months before start of actual year planned & bulk of it is done 3 months in advance
-exact contents of marketing plan should be determined by an organizations circumstances.
EX. Firm in intensely competitive industry would asses its competitor
In a separate area. Firm in another industry would present the assessment as part of situational analysis
Table 3-4
A. Executive summary: 1 or 2 page section, the thrust of the plan is described & explained. Its intended for execs who desire an overview of the plan but need not be knowledgeable about the details.