Brave New World 9 Essay, Research Paper
In the book, Brave New World, there are many examples of prophecy. The first example of prophecy is cloning. In the book they were cloning up to 96 people that all looked identical. Today we have successfully cloned a sheep, and we are moving towards possibly cloning humans just like the book prophesied. The second example of prophecy is brainwashing and hypnotism. In the book they conditioned, or brainwashed, the infants and children to like and hate certain things for the purpose of increased consumption. Today, there are certain things that hypnotize us like commercials and billboards. More strongly there are hypnotist who hypnotize people in order to find out about someone s past and also to tried to cure their bad habits and phobias. This is just matter of opinion, but brainwashing is probably going on behind the scenes of our government. The final example of prophecy is genetically altering embryos. In the book they altered the embryos to make some not as smart as others. They also did it to put the people in different caste systems. They also, not mentioned in the book, prevented diseases from the altering of the embryos. Certainly there were many things that Aldous Huxley prophesied that came true.
There were many examples of fantasy in the book, Brave New World. The first is the thought of no mothers and fathers. In the book they had no mothers or fathers and those words were considered bad. They belonged to the state and that was all they needed. Today, mothers and fathers affect their children so greatly that the thoughts of there not being mothers or fathers are just so far-fetched. People today wouldn t conform to that, because they are proud of having children and continuing certain traditions and family names. The next example of fantasy is the Bokanovsky Process. In the book they would have one egg that split into 96 eggs over a certain time which produced 96 identical twins. I believe that wouldn t happen today because we live in a world that relies on the individual for stability. If one would take away people s individuality by making them 95 sisters and brothers then the whole world would be in an uproar. The last example of fantasy is caste colors. In the book there was 5 different castes in which each caste had their own color. Today the thought of everyone dressing alike would be absurd. People who didn t like the colors would rebel and I think that would be mostly everyone. Today s world is all about freedom and individuality and the whole idea of conforming people would go against what we were built on. Obviously, some of the things that happened in the book were purely fantasy.
There were also a lot of examples of satire in the book. The first example of satire is the Solidarity Service. In the book they make fun of the present day clergy. It makes fun of the religious leaders that perform the religion good, but did not live the religion they teach. The second example of satire is below average people doing the dirty work. In the book they made people dumb during the embryo process in order for them to work the bad jobs. That makes fun of the present day situation that anyone that is not as smart as others shouldn t deserve a decent job. The book is saying that only dumb people should be dishwashers, garbage men, and fast food workers, but in fact there are smart people doing these jobs for extra money. I believe that if someone is not as smart as others are, but if they apply themselves they can get as good of a job as someone who is smarter than them. The last example of satire is the different beliefs. In this book they had stability without religion. They made fun of how people have comfort and faith in their beliefs. Aldous Huxley made the people in the believe that if everyone pledge their allegiance to the state that their would be perfect order. Today, people take comfort in their religion and they wouldn t want to conform to another. The book is making fun of how we don t need faith and comfort in religion, and that we should put in all into one centralized place. Undoubtedly, there were many examples of satire in this book.