
Blah Essay Research Paper Hello my name (стр. 2 из 2)

?I was never fond of Les that much, reason being kids take allot of things to heart and remember certain things that have been said to them for a long time. Well it just so happened that at the time the ?Alf doll? was in and some how or another he found out that I couldn?t sleep without my doll. One day I was riding to their house as I rode everywhere (I was in year six at the time.) and most of the families were there (Leasha?s family.) I arrived mid afternoon I had been invited so they were expecting me. When I came in Les made a joke about my boobs he said gee?s shouldn?t you be wearing a bra. (Les worked at bonds and sold bras and knickers.) And laughed everyone knew I took it offensively by the look on my face I think, he also said you shouldn?t be sleeping with dolls at your age either. (I knew he was joking but I took it the wrong way big time.) I went home and told Mum and she said not to worry and that I should start wearing a bra for I was growing, although I couldn?t see it myself, after that I started wearing bras and how uncomfortable they were, they were green with pink dots. (It was a bit silly for my uniform was a yellow T-shirt.)

?I hated year five for I had a mean and grouchy teacher called Mr. Paton. He had to find every excuse to pick on me. All of the other kids in my class hated Year Five just as much as me. He had a real habit of getting our attention by getting his nails and scratching the black board. That noise was the most irritating sound although most of us got used to it. When it started to become a habit all the time (As we never stopped talking.) we started to ignore him, so he started to threaten us with a very thin cane stick. He used to say if we didn?t be quiet he would hit our hands with it, he never did though. One day he got so angry with Christian Bidwell (who was the school?s rebel.) that Mr. Paton got his stick and hit it, so hard on Christian?s desk that he snapped it. Christian was sent to the office to deal with Mr. Purser the principal. He was sent home and suspended for two days.

?In year six we had a teacher called Mr. Dunn he was nice and easy going we had various events that went on during the year. First we had a lady called Dianne Clark (Who ran the local ballroom dancing classes.) teach all the girls modeling we had to perform in front of the school. Jodie, Sharina, Kathy and I did a dance to Michael Jackson?s Bad song that was, ?the in song? at that time. I wore a stonewashed denim outfit, which included a Raa Raa skirt, (A frilly skirt that included three or more layers of frills.), denim top, denim jacket and denim boots we did our act and everybody clapped. Afterwards everybody commented on my outfit they loved it. Although thinking back now I think I would have looked like a real goose. Later on in the year we had a yearly school fete. We had a haunted house at the fete also, that the students and teachers made, it looked so good afterwards and really scary, it was so dark that I was amazed at how dark they got it. One of the teachers knew someone that collected certain animals and put them in a solution to preserve and put in jars, there were Rats, a baby Kangaroo, Turtles and a brain of something it was disgusting. There was also a dunking machine. I was allowed to sit on top to be a victim for someone, the first hit and I had been dunked. When I was in the water and as I was coming up I spotted underneath the dunking chair was a huge spider. The spider looked like a Tarantula, (I now know what it was, it was a Huntsman spider.) Although at the time no one could name this spider or know what it was. I ended up getting Mr. Dunn to kill it, Mrs. Stockage made a joke and said that it must of come from the haunted house, I didn?t go on another dunking machine in my whole life after that. (Not that the opportunity arised often.)

?Year Seven wasn?t one of my best years in my Primary School years, like I have said before I struggled a lot due to my epilepsy I was in a special Math?s class. I struggled all year we always had tests every week, The bad thing about this class was that it was run by the Headmaster Mr. Pursar. I could never pick maths up that well even in high school. It was always so intimidating knowing that you had the next class with the Headmaster, Mr. Pursar. He would give me special attention all the time I don?t know why. He would always ring or talk to my parents on my progress in his class he even offered to tutor me, IMAGINE THAT! I was his favourite in the class and that was hard enough to handle. Thinking back now that was a lot of pressure to put on a child who was trying to do their best but couldn?t because it was the Headmaster. I think year seven was the worst year of my life, my Granddad Bingham died on the early hours of the morning around 2:00 o?clock, I still to this day don?t know why I was up I couldn?t sleep and I started reading an Asterix book. I can remember the ring of the phone alerting my parents that he had died, Mum came down from upstairs and told me he died the thing was that was it was so hard to see a tear roll down Mum?s face as she told me. You always see your mum as a strong figure same as your Dad it was hard to see her cry. Mum had taught me to be strong so I didn?t cry in front of her for I knew it would upset her more. I kick myself today and still do, and I think I will always for I never payed much attention when granddad was telling me a story about Ireland were he was born. We all visited him in the hospital he was so sick and Mum didn?t like us seeing him too much for his health was deteriorating. Aunty Honor took Daniel and I to a toy store it was called wonderland of toys. We got some balls that you could blow up with a straw; we took them back and showed them off. The day after I was coming home from school and I saw Dad on the lawn, he was laying there calmly. I came over and told him about my day, as soon as I asked how his was, he broke down crying and said, ?what am I going to do? I didn?t know what else to do but hug him and never stop. Mum and Dad never let me go to the funeral they said I was to young I probably was but I wanted to go so badly. We had the wake at our house and all the family was there. It was so hard to handle everyone was coming up and talking to me about school. I said to my Aunty Heather I have had an awful day at school and I said, ?I could just die ?not even thinking about it she got upset and told me not to say that again. That couples of days were the worst memories of mine.

?When I was a little girl I can remember, Uncle Paul (Leasha?s Dad.) was a fisherman he went every where to catch fish and other wonderful things. One morning he brought mum some Oysters that she had asked for, (She loved them at the time and so did Dad.) Uncle Paul had brought them home in a bucket of water. When mum was trying to open them with a knife she didn?t realise that the oysters were still alive. Mum just assumed that Uncle Paul kept them in a bucket so they didn?t taste old when they got home. In the process Mum was trying to open the Oysters with a knife, (and having no such luck for these Oysters were not budging.) In all the commotion and frustration, the oyster grabbed onto Mum?s finger and shut on it, she was in so much pain that I had to run over the road, and grab Uncle Paul so he could take it off her finger. After that mum didn?t touch many shells fish (even today she hate?s all shell fish.)

?Our family had allot of parties at George Way, we had the room so why not. Our property had an enormous back yard, when one of our cats died (his name was blacky.) we buried Blacky under the big lemon tree out the back, I always played under that tree then the novelty wore off and I didn?t much want to go under there anymore. Dad decided to build me a cubby house except it wasn?t in a tree but on the floor. One day I was aloud to go shopping with Mum at Big W (a shopping centre.) while I was there I was aloud to look around and choose a couple of things that I could play with. I decided to choose some Incredible Hulk putty, (The Incredible Hulk was the ?in cartoon? at the time.) so I got the putty and some finger paints also. I always played with finger paints when I was little (I was about seven years old at the time.) When I got home I had a really big job ahead of me; I was going to paint my cubby house with the finger paints. I didn?t tell Mum at the time and just played happily by myself, I nearly covered the entire house but not all of it. I thought my new wallpaper was really stylish. Mum and Dad said I did a really good job although I don?t think they were very impressed that I had wasted all of my paint on the house. The phase of the cubby house soon died out and I didn?t play with it anymore the main reason was because Leasha had a better house than me and I liked playing with hers more than mine. She had lots of fun tea sets in her house a toy oven, toy sink and lots of fun groceries that she had got for her birthday. Later on my cubby house was knocked down for fire wood, in those days there wasn?t really strict rules about fires and we had bonfires when we had collected


