Desert Radiologists has used different types of advertising to help solicit new clients. Utilizing institutional advertising promoting Desert Radiologists image via the ?awareness? or ?announcement? campaigns; the ?informative, descriptive ads to create interest in the new screening; competitive ads with persuasive copy; competitive pricing and full disclosure about non-insurance pay; and informative ?why you need to have the screening done? ads. Steinberg Diagnostic has also placed pioneering advertising in the media with the use of competitive advertising. The direct and indirect approach is being used by both organizations. Both competitors are targeting ?smokers? and warning them of the potential dangers of not having the screening done. Desert Radiologists? marketing and public relations managers are always looking for cost-effective media that will get the message to the target market?the smokers?by matching the market with the media.
Desert Radiologists has identified and listed the organization?s Strengths, Weaknesses and its Opportunities and Threats. The S.W.O.T. analysis helped Desert Radiologists focus on a strategy that took advantage of the organization?s opportunities and strengths while avoiding its weaknesses and threats to its success. The competitive advantage was the innovative new screening test for cancer. The competition was not far behind.
It is not easy to measure the results of advertising or introducing a new product. Some breakthrough, innovative campaigns do have a very direct effect on increased client volume that can be measured by before and after?or during?the new screening campaign. Yet, we usually cannot measure the effectiveness or success just by looking at numbers or revenue. The total marketing mix of reputation and stability in the community is also responsible for the result of the new marketing plan. Also, new client and referrals are also affected by what competitors do and by other changes in the external marketing environment, i.e. cancer awareness and public awareness of smoking hazards and litigation.
Using client questionnaires and surveys will also help measure the effectiveness of the new CT lung screening. Through defined specific advertising objectives, choosing media and messages to accomplish the objectives, testing plans, and then evaluating the results of the new campaign will result in good measurement tools.
Robert?s additions will have to go here!
?Test can detect lung cancer at early stage.? The Oregonian 14 Feb. 2000: A1
Seitel, F.P. (1998). The practice of public relations (UOP Special Edition Series). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
American Cancer Society. (2000). ?Cancer Facts and Figures 2000.? National Media Office, New York, NY.
Lerner, Maura. (2000, February). One More Gift, Maybe a CT Scan. Minneapolis Star Tribune, ppg. A4, A6.
?Test can detect lung cancer at early stage.? The Oregonian 14 Feb. 2000: A1
Seitel, F.P. (1998). The practice of public relations (UOP Special Edition Series). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
American Cancer Society. (2000). ?Cancer Facts and Figures 2000.? National Media Office, New York, NY.
Lerner, Maura. (2000, February). One More Gift, Maybe a CT Scan. Minneapolis Star Tribune, ppg. A4, A6.