In the last of the three, Known By the Scars, Card concludes with the passion of Christ. Speaking to today’s hearers he says, “as Jesus’ resurrected body was recognizable by its scars, so His body, the church, should be known by its scars and tears and the unspeakable joy it knows in spite of, and indeed because of, it all” (Immanuel, 175).
Michael Card’s next recording provides the best sample of the impact Paul has made on contemporary music. Present Reality finds its entire basis on the letters of Paul. The depth to which Michael explores the tensions of the present comes close to the deep paradox of the present life that Paul knew well.
All of this proves the heart of Paul is focused on Christ and this focus extends beyond the first century into ours. Michael’s portrait of Paul’s heart points to today; this mentor wants Christ to shine energetically on others so that, they too can “bear the light” of Jesus to others.