World Essay, Research Paper
Aldous Huxley, in his distopian novel,- Brave New World, written in 1932 presents a
horrifying view of a possible future in which society has become a prisoner of the very
technology it hoped would save us. In -Brave New World Huxley’s distortion of
technology, religion, and family values, is much more effective than his use of literary
realism found in his depiction of a savage reservation. Through his use of distortion
Huxley tells a classic tale with the theme of, be careful what you wish for, because it may
not truly be what you wanted.
Huxley effectively uses distortion in -Brave New World through his depiction of
social values of the future. For example, when Barnard Marx hears somebody talking
about Lenina in the locker room, he becomes upset. Leaving the building, everyone he
passes recommends soma for his bad mood. Huxley shows the reader that drug use is
becoming more and more an acceptable way out for a weak society. He is showing
society that we are becoming emotionally incapable of dealing with pain and hurt.
Furthermore, the students, while speaking with the director of the London Hatchery, are
told at one time people were viviparous, and were disgusted and outraged. Huxley is
trying to warn society that its lack of commitment and endurance will eventually be its
downfall. Lack of the experience of pregnancy severs the emotional ties of the woman
and her child. An emotionless society feels no guilt. In addition, Lenina, when accused
of lack of promiscuity by Fanny while in the locker room, religiously denies it.
Monogamy requires commitment, pain, and work. Huxley is predicting humans
progressing to a society of people who are unable to focus on anything but pleasure;
unable to handle the work of a commitment. He knew the road we were on would lead
the wrong way.
Huxley also uses distortion to open peoples eyes to the world of religion. For example,
Bernard Marx hurries and frets about being late to his orgy-porgy session because he is
running behind. Huxley’s prediction of the church moving away from God and towards
man is becoming evident even sixty-three years after his book appeared. Church figures,
such as, Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggert, have appeared numerous times on the news
and in the papers for using the church for money and sex. Furthermore, when Bernard
and Lenina visit the reservation they are appalled at the practice of a cross of Christianity
and Hinduism. A warning that lack of religious tolerance could be one of the greatest
downfalls of our time. Every day thousands of men, women and children die in Middle
Eastern Holy Wars, over nothing more than lack of religious tolerance. In addition,
Lenina wears the sign of the T to replace the sign of the cross. The cross represented
faith, something that couldn’t be touched, but had to be believed in. The T, stands for
technology, something that even the weak can believe in because they can see it. Faith is
a sign of a strong society, the lack of faith would be a sign that a society is becoming
The most powerful distortion in -Brave New World is found in Huxley’s use of
technology. For example, the world director of the London Hatchery is very proud they
have produced ninety-six buds from one egg. Technology has replaced motherhood. The
new society finds delight in being able to reproduce ninety-six of the exact same person.
There is no ambition, no individuality, no creativity, a truly bleak society. Furthermore,
while the students are being given a tour of the hatchery, they are extremely impressed
that not only are the children decanted, they are predestined. Predestined. Children grow
up and know one job and no other, they are taught nothing but that one job. They aren’t
allowed to dream and aren’t allowed to hope. In addition, Mustapha Mond, one of the
seven world leaders, the seven most powerful men in the world, is referred to as His
Fordness. Henry Ford is the god of the Brave New World. Society has replaced what is
associated with beauty, nature, and creativity, with a man who invented the assembly
line, a process designed to stamp out thousands of the exact same interchangeable part.
Are we going to become the exact same replaceable person? Creativity brought the idea,
but will the idea destroy creativity?