
Biligual Education Essay Research Paper For the (стр. 2 из 2)

On June 3, 1998 a coalition of civil rights groups filed a lawsuit in federal court in San Francisco. To get an injunction, they must persuade US District Judge Charles Legge, a Reagan appointee, that their lawsuit is likely to win on the merits. Ron Unz wrote his ?English for the Children? initiative to fit federal rulings, which say schools may use a variety of methods, including English immersion, to help students with limited English skills get an education comparable to other students. Almost certainly, Proposition 227 in constitutional, according to Joanne Jacobs of the San Jose Mercury News.

She further presents the reader with ways to make the Proposition work. ?Ideally, California law would allow a range of choices, including high-quality bilingual programs that show results. Proposition 227 isn?t ideal, but is the law. It?s time to think about how to make it work?.

The author further presents the following approaches to the new law. ?Opponents of 227 claim it requires students to be mainstreamed after a year of special immersion classes, with no additional help in learning English or other subjects. State guidelines should take a sensible interpretation, letting schools mainstream students when they are ready, and provide whatever extra help is needed. The state board has jurisdiction over parental waivers foe children under ten with ?special needs?. The board should make it clear that ?special needs? doesn?t mean a child must be learning disabled, letting parents choose bilingual education if that is what they want. The Legislature also could help by passing a special appropriation so districts can buy English-language books, and train teachers to teach reading, math science and social studies to students who are not fluent in English. All California teachers are supposed to be trained in these techniques in the next few years; 227 makes this a priority. Switching students after thirty days will be a major headache. It would be a lot easier if parents who plan to seek a waiver were encouraged to enroll their children at the same school of schools, which could be staffed with bilingual teachers. The same teachers and administrators who bitterly opposed 27 will be the ones who will have to make English immersion work. Many sincerely believe it can not work, a belief that could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Educators will have to put their personal feelings aside for the sake for their students. It will be very difficult, but there is no alternative. Like Proposition 13, Proposition 227 is a voters? revolt against the elites, reflecting enormous frustration with the status quo. It schools are perceived to be flouting the will of the voters, the backlash will be disastrous.?

I personally came to the United States in 1988. I spent the fist eight years in Los Angeles and attended public High School in the City of Torrance. Coming to America, I had very little knowledge of the English language. I had finished all the high school level classes in Italy and was ready to attend College. However, when I came to America it was determined by my parents and the local school district that it would have been beneficial for me to attend one year (the senior year) in the local High School. I was enrolled into two English as a Second Language classes and simultaneously attended Algebra, ?regular? English, and Economics classes. Now that I look back I can easily say that I had felt separated by all other kids, making friends was somewhat hard for me because of the language barrier; this applied to both type of classes the mainstream and the ESL?s. I was the only Italian-speaking person, and therefore many fellow immigrants students and teachers thought I spoke Spanish. I found the English language somewhat easy to learn, moreover, I have to thank many of the English-speaking friends that I made back then to teach me the slang and spent time with me outside school. Mathematics and Economics were easy for me, I can say with confidence that I had one of the highest grades in comparison to my English-speaking classmates. The main problems that I had were the communication skills, both writing and speaking English proved to be the greatest challenge for me during that year. My need to communicate with others drove my incentive to master the language, within the first two years; many of my friends were surprised how well my English was. Despite the foreign accent, they had all agreed that my English was very efficient.

As an overall, I appreciate the year spent in High School learning the language, I believe that all new immigrant student should attend such classes. They have made a very positive impact in my life. In conclusion, I believe that all races should master the English language as quick as possible, for it is the essence of social integration that can lead to one success or failure of the ?American Dream?.