
Bible About Muhammad Essay Research Paper (стр. 1 из 3)

Bible About Muhammad Essay, Research Paper

"Say: ‘Do you see whether this message be from Allah (God Almighty), and

yet you reject it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel bore witness

of one like him.’ " (the Holy Quran 46:10) Mr. Chairman, Ladies and

Gentlemen, The subject of this evening’s talk – "What the Bible says about

Muhammad" will no doubt come as a surprise to many of you because the

speaker is a Muslim. How does it come about that a Muslim happens to be

expounding prophecies from the Jewish and Christian Scriptures? As a young man,

about 30 years ago, I attended a series of religious lectures by a Christian

theologian, a certain Rev. Hiten, at the "Theater Royal", Durban in

South Africa. Pope or Kissinger?: This Reverend gentleman was expounding

Biblical prophecies. He went on to prove that the Christian Bible foretold the

rise of Soviet Russia, and the Last Days. At one stage he went to the extent of

proving that his Holy Book did not leave even the Pope out of its predictions.

He expatiated vigorously in order to convince his audience that the Beast 666

mentioned in The Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, was the

Pope, who was the Vicar of Christ on earth. Christian scholars are ingenious and

indefatigable in their efforts to prove their case. Rev. Hiten’s lectures led me

to ask that if the Bible foretold so many things – not even excluding the

"Pope" and "Israel", – then surely it must have something to

say about the greatest benefactor of mankind, prophet Muhammad, may the peace of

Allah be upon him. As a youngster I set out to search for an answer. I met

priest after priest, attended lectures, and read everything that I could lay my

hands relating to the fields of Bible prophecies. Tonight I’m going to narrate

to you one of these interviews with a Dominee of the Dutch Reformed Church.

Lucky Thirteen : I was invited to the Transvaal (South Africa) to deliver a talk

on the occasion of the birthday of the prophet Muhammad. Knowing that in that

province of the Republic, the Afrikaans language is widely spoken, even by my

own people, I felt that I ought to acquire a smattering of this language so as

to feel a little "at home" with the people. I opened the telephone

directory and began phoning the Afrikaans-speaking Churches. I indicated my

purpose to the priests that I was interested in having a dialogue with them, but

they all refused my request with "plausible" excuses. No. 13 was my

lucky number. The thirteenth call brought me pleasure and relief. A Dominee Van

Heerden ("Dominee" is the Afrikaans equivalent of "priest")

agreed to meet me at his home on the Saturday afternoon that I was to leave for

Transvaal. He received me on his verandah with a friendly welcome. He said if I

did not mind, he would like his father-in- law from the Free State, a 70 year

old man, to join us in the discussion. I did not mind. The three of us settled

down in the Dominee’s library. Why Nothing? I posed the question: "What

does the Bible say about Muhammad?" Without hesitation he answered:

"Nothing!" I asked: "Why nothing? According to your

interpretation the Bible has so many things to say about the rise of Soviet

Russia and about the Last Days and even about the Pope of the Roman

Catholics?" He said: "Yes, but there was nothing about Muhammad!"

I asked again: "Why nothing? Surely this man Muhammad who had been

responsible for the bringing into being a world-wide community of millions of

believers who, on his authority, believe in: the miraculous birth of Jesus, that

Jesus is the Messiah, that he gave life to the dead by God’s permission, and

that he healed those born blind and the lepers by God’s permission. Surely this

book (the Bible) must have something to say about this great leader of men who

spoke so well of Jesus and his mother Mary?" The old man from the Free

State replied: "My son, I have been reading the Bible for the past 50

years, and if there was any mention of him, I would have known it." Not One

by Name! I inquired: "According to you, are there not hundreds of

prophecies regarding the coming of Jesus in the Old Testament." The Dominee

interjected: "Not hundreds, but thousands!" I said: "I am not

going to dispute the thousand and one prophecies in the Old Testament regarding

the coming of Jesus Christ, because the whole Muslim world has already accepted

him without the testimony of any Biblical prophecy. Muslims have accepted the de

facto Jesus on the authority of Muhammad alone, and there are in the world today

no less than 900,000,000 followers of Muhammad, who love, respect, and revere

Jesus Christ as a great Messenger of God without having the Christians to

convince them by means of Biblical dialectics. Out of the ‘thousands’ of

prophecies referred to, can you please give me just one single prophecy where

Jesus is mentioned by name? The term Messiah, translated as Christ, is not a

name but a title. Is there a single prophecy where it says that the name of the

Messiah will be Jesus, and that his mother’s name will be Mary, that his

supposed father will be Joseph the Carpenter; that he will be born in the reign

of Herod the King, etc? No! There are no such details! Then how can you conclude

that those ‘Thousand’ prophecies refer to Jesus, peace be upon him?" What

is Prophecy? The Dominee replies: "You see, prophecies are word pictures of

something that is going to happen in the future. When that thing actually comes

to pass, we see vividly in these prophecies the fulfillment of what had been

predicted in the past." I said: "What you actually do is that you

deduce, you reason, you put two and two together." He said:

"Yes." I said: "If this is what you have to do with a ‘thousand’

prophecies to justify your claim with regards to the genuineness of Jesus, why

should we not adopt the very same system for Muhammad?" The Dominee agreed

that it was a fair proposition, a reasonable way of dealing with the problem. I

asked him to open up Deuteronomy, chapter 18, verse 18, which he did. I read

from memory the verse in Afrikaans, because this was my purpose in having a

little practice with the language of the ruling race in South Africa. "N

Profeet sal ek vir hulle verwek uit die midde van hulle broers, soos jy is, en

ek sal my woorde in sy mond le, en hy sy sal aan hulle se alle wat ekhom beveel."

(Deut 18:18) The English translation reads as follows: "I will raise them

up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words

in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."

(Deut 18:18) Prophet Like Moses : Having recited the verse in Afrikaans, I

apologized for my uncertain pronunciation; the Dominee assured me that I was

doing fine. I inquired: "To whom does this prophecy refer?" Without

the slightest hesitation he answered: "Jesus!" I asked: "Why

Jesus? his name is not mentioned here" The Dominee replied: "Since

prophecies are word pictures of something that is going to happen in the future,

we find that the wordings of this verse adequately describe him. You see, the

most important words of this prophecy are ’soos jy is’, ‘like unto thee’, or

‘like you’ – like Moses; and Jesus is like Moses." I asked the Dominee:

"In which way is Jesus like Moses?" The answer was: "In the first

place Moses was a Jew and Jesus was also a Jew; secondly, Moses was a Prophet

and Jesus was also a Prophet – therefore Jesus is like Moses and that is exactly

what God had foretold Moses – ’soos jy is’." "Can you think of any

other similarities between Moses and Jesus?" I asked. The Dominee said that

he could not think of any. I replied: "If these are the only two criteria

for discovering a candidate for this prophecy of Deuteronomy 18:18, then in that

case the criteria could fit any one of the following Biblical personages after

Moses:- Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John the Baptist

etc., because they were also all Jews as well as Prophets. Why should we not

apply this prophecy to any one of these prophets, and why only to Jesus?"

The Dominee had no reply. I continued: "You see, my conclusions are that

Jesus is most unlike Moses, and if I am wrong I would like you to correct

me." Three Unlike : So staying, I reasoned with him: "In the first

place Jesus is not like Moses, because, according to you, Jesus is God, but

Moses is not God, is this true?" He said: "Yes." I said:

"Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!". "Secondly, according to

you, Jesus died for the sins of the world, but Moses did not have to die for the

sins of the world. Is this true?" He again said: "Yes." I said:

"Therefore Jesus is not like Moses!". "Thirdly, according to you,

Jesus went to Hell for three days, but Moses did not have to go there. Is this

true?" He answered meekly: "Y-e-s!" I concluded: "Therefore

Jesus is not like Moses!". "But Dominee,.." I continued:

"..these are not hard, solid facts, they are mere matters of belief over

which the little ones can stumble and fall. Let us discuss something very

simple, very easy that if the little ones are called in to hear the discussion,

would have no difficulty following it, shall we?" The Dominee was quiet

happy at the suggestion. Father and Mother "Moses had a father and a

mother. Muhammad also had a father and a mother. But Jesus had only a mother,

and no human father. Is this true?" He said: "Yes." I said:

"Daarom is Jesus nie soos Moses nie, maar Muhammad is soos Moses!"

Meaning: "Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like

Moses!" (By now the reader will realize that I was using the Afrikaans

language only for practice purposes. I shall discontinue its use in this

narration). Miraculous Birth "Moses and Muhammad were born in the normal,

natural course, i.e. the physical association of man and woman; but Jesus was

created by a special miracle. You will recall that we are told in the Gospel of

St. Matthew 1:18 "..before they came together, (Joseph the Carpenter and

Mary) she was found with child by the Holy Ghost." And St. Luke tells us

that when the good news of the birth of a holy son was announced to her, Mary

reasoned: "How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel

answered and said unto her, the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power

of the highest shall overshadow thee"(Luke 1:35). The Holy Quran confirms

the miraculous birth of Jesus, in nobler and sublimer terms. In answer to her

logical question: ‘O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched

me?’ The angel says in reply: ‘Even so, Allah createth what He willeth: when He

hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it ‘Be’, and it is’ (the Holy Quran, 3:47).

It is not necessary for God to plant a seed in man or animal. He merely wills it

and it comes into being. This is the Muslim conception of the of birth of Jesus.

(When I compared the Quran and the Biblical versions of the birth of Jesus to

the head of the Bible Society in our largest city, and when I inquired:

"Which version would you prefer to give your daughter, the Quranic version

or the Biblical version?" The man bowed his head and answered: "The

Quranic.")(see Christ in Islam for the author). In short, I said to the

Dominee: "Is it true that Jesus was born miraculously as against the

natural birth of Moses and Muhammad?" He replied proudly: "Yes!"

I said: "Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses. And

God says to Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy 18:18 ‘Like unto thee’, ‘Like You’,

like Moses and Muhammad is like Moses." Marriage Ties "Moses and

Muhammad married and had children, but Jesus remained a bachelor all his life.

Is this true?" The Dominee said: "Yes." I said: "Therefore

Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like Moses." Jesus Rejected by his

People "Moses and Muhammad were accepted as prophets by their people in

their very lifetime. No doubt the Jews gave endless trouble to Moses and they

murmured in the wilderness, but as a nation, they acknowledged that Moses was a

Messenger of God sent to them. The Arabs too made Muhammad’s life impossible. He

suffered very badly at their hands. After 13 years of preaching in Mecca, he had

to emigrate from the city of his birth. But before his demise, the Arab nation

as a whole accepted him as the Messenger of Allah. But according to the Bible,

"He (Jesus) Came unto his own, but his own revived him not" (John

1:11). And even today, after two thousand years, his people, the Jews, as a

whole, have rejected him. Is this true?" The Dominee said: "Yes."

I said: "Therefore Jesus is not like Moses, but Muhammad is like

Moses." "Other Worldly" Kingdom "Moses and Muhammad were

prophets as well as kings. A prophet means a man who receives Divine Revelation

for the Guidance of man and this Guidance he conveys to God’s creatures as

received without any addition or deletion. A king is a person who has the power

of life and death over his people. It is immaterial whether the person wears a

crown or not, or whether he was ever addressed as king or monarch: if the man

has the prerogative of inflicting capital punishment, he is a king. Moses

possessed such a power. Do you remember the Israelite who was found picking up

firewood on Sabbath Day, and Moses had him stoned to death? (Numbers 15:13).

There are other crimes also mentioned in the Bible for which capital punishment

was inflicted on the Jews at the behest of Moses. Muhammad too, had the power of

life and death over his people. There are instances in the Bible of persons who

were given gift of prophecy only, but they were not in a position to implement

their directives. Some of these holy men of God who were helpless in the face of

stubborn rejection of their message, were the prophets Lot, Jonah, Daniel, Ezra,

and John the Baptist. They could only deliver the message, but could not enforce

the Law. Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him, also belonged to this category. The

Christian Gospel clearly confirms this. When Jesus was dragged before the Roman

Governor, Pontius Pilate, charged for sedition, Jesus made a convincing point in

his defense to refute the false charge: Jesus answered: "My Kingdom is not

of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight,

that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now is my Kingdom not from

hence" (John 18:36). This convinced Pilate (a pagan) that though Jesus

might not be in full possession of his mental faculty, he did not strike him as

being a danger to his rule. Jesus claimed a spiritual Kingdom only; in other

words he only claimed to be a prophet. Is this true?" The Dominee answered:

"Yes." I said: "Therefore Jesus is not like Moses but Muhammad is

like Moses." No New Laws "Moses and Muhammad brought new laws and new

regulations for their people. Moses not only gave the Ten Commandments to the

Israelites, but a very comprehensive ceremonial law for the guidance of his

people. Muhammad comes to a people steeped in ignorance. They married their

step-mothers and buried their daughters alive; drunkenness, idolatry, and

gambling were the order of the day. There was hardly anything to distinguish

between the ‘man’ and the ‘animal’ of the time. From this abject ignorance,

Muhammad elevated the Arabs, in the words of Thomas Carlysle, ‘Into

torch-bearers of light and learning. To the Arab nation it was as a birth from

darkness into light. Arabia first became alive by means of it. A poor shepherd

people, roaming unnoticed in its deserts since the creation of the world. See,

the unnoticed becomes world notable, the small has grown world-great. Within one

century afterwards Arabia was at Granada on one hand and at Delhi on the other.

Glancing in valor and splendor, and the light of Genius, Arabia shines over

section of the world..’. The fact is that Muhammad gave his people a Law and