Suggestions for Future research and its Application to Organizations
Future research in goal setting should include more environmental studies that focus on multiple goals. Yearta et al. states “that the goal setting theory does not make any predictions about the effects of proximal or distal goals on performance (p. 248). . How do you make the jobholder feel that their participation is more involved? Is a question that should be further researched based upon the findings in which the jobholder is more opt to increase his/her performance when he/she feels their participation in a task is more involved. Other research could include studying the maximum amount of goals one could achieve without adversely effecting their productivity. Goal setting is widely used around the world, A survey of 1331 British organizations found that 79 per cent used some form of objective setting (Yearta et al. 195). With that many organizations utilizing the goal setting theory its application to the organizations is very important. Goal setting, properly applied may do many things for an organization such as lower absenteeism, lower on the job accidents, increase productivity and performance, as well as aid in time management.
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