Chapter Nineteen Summary: May and Newland are married and they spend their honeymoon, due to a twist of fate, at the Platoon home. Ellen, “due to illness”, could not attend the wedding; she had been away for four weeks with her aunt.
Analysis: Here, in this chapter, May+s “godliness” is again made apparent: “Her face had the look of representing a type rather than a person; as if she might have been chose to pose for a Civic Virtue or a Greek goddess.”
Clothing is an important symbol throughout the novel; interestingly, Ellen gives May a gift of old lace. The gift seems ironic since it is Ellen who supposedly defies conventionalities; yet, old lace is the mark of old society, old convention. Lace is also like netting perhaps Ellen is acknowledging that May has “netted” her beau. Lace is also simultaneously romantic and sexual while being old fashioned and sophisticated. The introductory credits to the Scorcese film, The Age of Innocence , shows lace superimposed over very erotic flowers. Clearly, the gift of lace has some interesting implications.
Chapter Twenty Summary: On the honeymoon, Newland realizes that there isn+t much to emancipate in May because she is totally unaware that she may not be free. They visit some boring family friends, the Carfry+s, and enjoy making fun of them on the way home.
Analysis: This chapter is quite dull and is probably intentionally written this way to show how commonplace their honeymoon is. The only important idea is “The first six months of marriage are always the hardest. After that I suppose we shall have finished rubbing off each other+s angles.” But the worst of it was that May+s pressure was already bearing on the very angles whose sharpness he most wanted to keep.”
Summary and Analysis of Chapters 21-25
Chapter Twenty-One Summary: It has been a year and a half since Newland last saw Ellen. He spends August in Newport with all the other wealthy members of his society. Everyone stands around and watches May shoot an arrow like a goddess at a little contest at the summer party. Later, May decides she wants to visit her Granny and takes the reins of the carriage. Catherine tells them that Ellen is at home but when they call for her the maid says she has already walked toward the sea. Newland is asked to retrieve her but as he approaches her he realizes that he can+t find the power to approach her. He decides that he will watch a boat and see if it passes a rock before Ellen looks at him. The boat passes the rock and Ellen has not turned her gaze away from the sea. So, Newland retreats to the house and pretends he could not find her. That night, as May and Newland travel back to the Welland+s home, May comments that perhaps Ellen would have been happier with her husband. Newland says her comment was cruel, “Watching the contortions of the damned is supposed to be a favorite sport of the angels; but I believe even they don+t think people happier in hell.” All night Newland lays awake thinking of Ellen.
Analysis: It seems in this chapter that Newland is dead. His life is a dream and the characters lack depth and reality. He is a coward now. He cannot even approach Ellen. His soul seems dead.
Interestingly, May has retained her godly innocence and beauty while married. Wharton remarks that she is still exactly the same; she like van der Luyden does not age and retains her stature as Diana, the goddess of the hunt and chastity. Catherine is again referred to as a god by the pantheon she has painted on her walls; clearly she recognizes her place as a New York society “god” if she has such a painting on her ceiling,
The scene where Newland walks to the ocean front and then decides to let “fate” determine whether he will approach Ellen is one of the most memorable scenes in the book. It shows how Newland no longer wishes to will actions; he sets arbitrary signposts in fate and then allows random chance to affect his decisions. As further evidence of this change in his character, May takes the reigns while in their carriage she directs the course of their lives.
Chapter Twenty-Two Summary: The Blenkers, the family where Ellen is staying, decide to throw a garden party which means that none would be home. Strangely, Newland decides to go to the Blenkers+ home with the hope of seeing the place where Ellen has been living. He goes to the home, expecting it to be deserted, and finds one of the Blenker daughters who reveals to him that she has gone to Boston.
Analysis: Interestingly, the whole world seems quite gray except for a pink parasol that Newland finds at the Blenker+s home a symbol of exoticism. He picks it up, believing it to be Ellen+s. In his mind, anything exotic and brightly colored must be associated with Ellen. It is very ironic that Newland would feel this way: in the next chapter we see that Ellen+s umbrella is actually gray. Her exoticness has been subdued in the year and a half that Newland has not seen her; the woman of his imagination is now different than the real Ellen.
Also, on the way to the Blenker+s, Newland walks past a statue of a cupid. It+s an ineffectual cupid: the cupid has no arrows and no quiver. Newland is very similar to the cupid, metaphorically. Both Newland and Cupid are “archers”, and ineffectual ones. Newland, like the broken cupid, is unable to will action.
Chapter Twenty-Three Summary: Newland goes to Boston and sends a message to Parker House, where Ellen is staying, but she is not there. He sees her sitting on a bench outside of the building. He says hello and for the first time, he sees a startled look on her face. Previously, the narrator has told us that Ellen never seems to become surprised. She is on a bench thinking if she should return to her husband. He has sent a messenger to bring her back and he is offering a big sum of money. Newland stares at her and says, “Haven+t we done all we could?” They take a boat ride together and then have dinner in a private dining hall; they do not touch and barely speak to each other. The silence and isolation is simply enough.
Analysis: This is the first chapter where Newland finally seems alive again. This scene is desperate, beautiful and simple.
Many scenes in the novel are described as tableau they are described like still-life oil paintings. One of the most important tableau is the scene where Newland approaches Ellen. He sees her sitting across the Common and the narrator describes his vision as if she were a beautiful painting. The Scorcese film actually depicts this scene with a real oil painting.
Also, it is very ironic that Newland feels as if their little boat trip is “like they were starting on some long voyave from which they might never return.” In reality, their trip is nothing like a long voyage. It is just a circular trip through Boston Harbor.
Chapter Twenty-Four Summary: Finally, the “silent spell is broken” and the two break out in conversation. Newland asks why she has not returned to Europe and Ellen says, “Because of you.” Then she says one of the most interesting passages in the book: “At least it was you who made me understand that under the dullness there are things so fine and sensitive and delicate that even those I most cared for in my other life look cheap in comparison. It seems as it I+d never before understood with how much that is hard and shabby and base the most exquisite pleasures may be paid for.” Ellen thanks Newland for making her the woman she is. And Newland says that he+s not much of a man at all, “I+m the man who married one woman because another one told him to.” Ellen continues that it is their sacrifice that has made May+s life so lovely. And, Newland insists that she dare not base her happiness on the success of his marriage since, “[Ellen] gave [him] his firs glimpse of a real life, and at the same moment asked him to go on with a sham one. It+s beyond human enduring. She exclaims, “But I+m enduring it!” And the two realize that they will never be alone since they will both silently endure the same pain. Ellen says she will stay in America, as long as they continue to endure; as long as they do not disobey propriety for their love.
Analysis: This scene is so powerful because, despite the depth of feeling and language, the two never touch. Also interesting is the plays on reality and pretend. What is real? What is the sham life? Newland changes his mind depending on whose company his is in.
Also, it is interesting that their misery is all for the sake of preserving May+s happiness. Is May, in a sense, the free individual since all cater to her happiness? Certainly, this may be true since it is her reality that all seem to cater to entertain.
Chapter Twenty-Five Summary: Newland wanders back to New York in a “golden haze.” On leaving the train station he runs into a gentleman he had seen near Ellen+s Boston residence, the Parker House. They agree to meet later in Newland+s office. His name is M. Riviere and his first comment to Newland is, “I believe I saw you yesterday in Boston.” Riviere reveals that he had been the messenger sent by Olenski to Ellen. Newland is, at first very angry. But, then Riviere reveals that he, personally, believes that the worst thing for Ellen would be for her to return. He reasons that she is an American and believes certain things that are commonplace in Europe to be unthinkable in her mind as an American. Riviere reveals to Newland that he is quitting his job with Olenski.
Analysis: This chapter reveals, objectively, that Newland is right in pleading with Ellen to stay. It is the right thing for her and it has been confirmed, now, by an objective source. Since the narration is so close to Newland, in that it reflects his thoughts, prior to this moment, it is impossible for the reader to know whether or not Europe is a more appropriate home for Ellen. But, since Riviere has no motives to leave Ellen in America (in fact he has motives to the contrary) we can believe, for once, that Ellen belongs in America. It is also interesting that the ties of society are so tight for May; she will not reveal to her own husband the negotiations concerning Ellen because others have deemed it better that she not reveal this to him.
Summary and Analysis of Chapters 26-30
Chapter Twenty-Six Summary: Over Thanksgiving dinner, the matter of changing society is thoroughly discussed. For example, now even May goes to Mrs. Struthers+ home for Sunday night amusement. (Previously, Mrs. Struther+s reputation was too questioned to allow for any of New York+s uppercrust to pay her a visit). Mrs. Archer, of course, brings up the fact that it was Ellen who attended the dinners first. May blushes deeply when Ellen+s name comes up; Newland is very concerned about what the blush means. Beaufort+s name also comes up over the meal because he has been illegally speculating and may go to prison or go bankrupt. Meanwhile, dreams of Ellen have become Newland+s “real” life. He reads the books she used to read. He is “absent” from his society. After dinner, Newland and Sillerton Jackson retreat to the Gothic library. Jacskson mentions that Ellen is almost financially cut off by her family for her refusal to return to the Count. He implies that now that Beaufort is bankrupt, she may be forced to return to Europe because he won+t be able to support her. Newland is very angry and concerned for Ellen. He tells May that he will go to Washington on business; May understands that he is going to see Ellen, although she does not say anything.
Analysis: It is very ironic that “punctually at this time [every year] Mrs. Archer always said that New York was very much changed.” For someone to always remark that change has occurred it means that the person really is not noticing important change but is rather making comments as a force of habit. At the same time, the contrast that is described throughout the novel by Wharton between “Old” and “New” New York indicates that change really is occuring. It is very clever of Wharton to have Archer make the right comment but for the wrong reason.
What is incredible in this chapter is the silent dialogue between May and Newland. It is incredible to think that four words could “say” so much in silent. Is all of this really being communicated or is the dialogue less complete than the narrator thinks? Also, in this chapter, for the first time, Newland has been cut out of society. This is monumental; how has this occurred?
Chapter Twenty-Seven Summary: At first Wall Street is reassured that Beaufort can pay his bills. Mrs. Beaufort is seen at the Opera in brand new emeralds, a sign that Beaufort has enough money to keep his wife well jeweled. However, it is later revealed that Beaufort, in fact, could not pay his bills. At the law firm, Newland receives a telegram saying that Mrs. Manson Mingott has had a stroke. Apparently, Mrs. J. Beaufort had approached her the night before asking if the family could stand up for her during her husband+s financial crisis. Catherine replies, no! Mrs. Beaufort says “But my name, Auntie, is Regina Dallas, ” trying to remind her that prior to her marriage she was a member of one of the most prominent New York families. And Catherine replies, “It was Beaufort when he covered you with jewels, and it+s got to stay Beaufort now that he+s covered you with shame.” Catherine also requests that Ellen come back from Washington so that she can convince her to return to her husband. May remarks that it will be a pity that Newland will not be able to see her since he will be going to Washington while she is returning. Newland leaves to the telegrapher+s office to send Ellen the message.
Analysis: In this chapter we catch another glimpse at the power of names. When Regina requests that she be considered a “Dallas” and not a “Beaufort”, Catherine rejects her claim. It is society that determines which labels a person may take.
Chapter Twenty-Eight Summary: Newland sends off the telegram; he is confronted at the office by Lefferts who wants to of course discuss the rumors. Later, at the Wellands+, there is a crisis over who shall pick Ellen up at the station. Newland volunteers to go. May asks Newland how he will have the time to pick up Ellen and still make it to Washington. Newland lies and says that his business trip has been postponed. May catches him in a lie but has too much propriety to confront him about it. As Newland leaves for the station, May seems to have a tear in her eye.
Analysis: Now we begin to question, how much does May know? Does she feign ignorance for the sake of propriety? Is she as miserable as Ellen and Newland, just better at pretending?
It also interesting in this chapter that Catherine suddenly cares about Ellen. One passage is particularly informative: “The growing remoteness of old age, though it had not diminished her curiosity about her neighbors, had blunted her never ver likely compassion for their troubles; and she seemed to have no difficulty in putting the Beaufort disaster out of her mind. But for the first time she became absorbed in her own symptoms, and began to take a sentimental interest in certain members of her family to who she had hitherto been contemptuously indifferent.” This passage indicates that Catherine+s prior “godly” coldness and indifference may have changed with the stroke. Her character has undergone a significant transformation as indicated by her desire to bring Ellen home.
Also it seems rather arbitrary that a society like this one would tolerate marital infedility but would become so angry over some fiinancial “infidelity.” This whole episode is meant to illustrate how arbitrary some of the codes of New York Society truly are.
Chapter Twenty-Nine Summary and Analysis Newland takes the dark blue carriage (with the wedding varnish still on it) to pick up Ellen from the train station. They talk about all the common things and her grandmother+s stroke. When they see a hearse, Ellen grabs Newland+s hand for fear that the hearse is meant for Granny. But Newland assures her that Granny is fine and takes the opportunity of holding her hand to kiss it. He tells her that he hardly remembered her because, “Each time you happen to me all over again.” To bring him back down to earth, Ellen comments, “This is May+s carriage.” Newland retaliates by mentioning Riviere and asking if he was the secretary that once rescued her. She answers yes. Newland remarks on her honesty. Ellen says she calls them as she sees them because “she+s looked at the Gorgon.” [The Gorgon is a monster from Greek mythology; Medusa was the most well-known Gorgon.] Ellen kisses him. He says he can+t live the way he lives any longer. Then there are two important passages that elucidate the theme of the novel:
Archer says, “I want to get away with you into a world where words and categories don+t exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other, who are the whole of life to each other; and nothing else on earth will matter.”
She sighed, “Oh, my dear where is that country? Have you ever been there? I know so many who+ve tried to find it; and believe me, they all got out by mistake at wayside stations: at places like Boulogne, or Pisa, or Monte Carlo and it wasn+t at all different from the old world they+d left, but only rather smaller and dingier and more promiscuous.” Ellen says there can never be happiness between them because it can only occur behind other+s backs. Newland, angrily, gets out of the carriage and walks away.