If she has strong feelings about this subject, I?m sure the majority of this
society is concerned about the environment and about our future. We need to try
and get funds for programs and organizations that help endangered and threatened
species. Many organizations rely on donations and money from supporters. We need
to find ways to get more money for these programs and the proposal of taxes on
companies who pollute is just one possibility. Everyone contributes to the
destruction of the environment and we all have to do our part to help the
species we are killing off. Species like the Pacific Salmon, who were threatened
by the Exxon Valdez oil spill of 1989. As well as other species like the sea
turtles in Hawaii who were on the verge of extinction until a recent turn around
because of help from organizations and individuals. Individuals who take the
burden upon their shoulders and make it their business to make up for all the
people who could care less what happens to their environment. We need to protect
our environment form the people who seek to destroy it for money and success. I
think the beauty of the ocean is worth saving. Every creature and every unique
species is a creature worth saving. We don?t have the right to kill those who
aren?t as smart or sophisticated as us. They have just as mush right to the
Earth as we do. We don?t have the right to over fish herring in Alaska or cut
down all the trees in rain forests just for money and the profit these resources
Interview with Ken Nichols, a known marine sea turtle activists and protector of
environment of the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii.
3. www.endangered.fws.gov/esa.htm#Lnk11