
Government Cutbacks Essay Research Paper GOVERNMENT CUTBACKSGovernment

Government Cutbacks Essay, Research Paper


Government cutbacks affect us all, and they have an adverse

affect on our society, and our ways of living. With these

cutbacks, It is hard to have an optimistic outlook for our

future. The most important and most expensive services that

are recieving cuts, are in health care and education. It is

important that these services are not cut any further, and that

we continue to spend in these areas. Our health and our

children’s education are hurting as a direct result of the

government’s spending.

We have overspent money that we shouldn’t have for a

number of years. Each year a different politician gets up,

and decides how the money is going to get distributed. It is

understandable that government find some ways to recoupe

some money, and they have done a great job with welfare,

and in many other cost saving ways. But the most important

health care and education should not be cut back. Why, you

ask? we’ll start off with education. Children are our future.

They are the future teachers and doctors, lawyers and

politicians. Class sizes have grown to very high numbers, it is

not unusual to see a class have an average of 35 students.

With the larger class sizes, you create a balance for the

students. On the one side, you have the very smart kids. In

the middle, you have the average kids. And on the other side,

you have the kids that have a lot of potential, but they need the

attention to succeed. The smart ones will be fine, the average

ones will likely sneak through, the ones that is going to have

the worst time of all, and who the cuts are going to hit, is

going to be the kids that need the attention. It is happening

all the time, kids are dropping out of school, when they turn

sixteen. They dream that they will go far, but they are failing

badly and decide that school’s not for them. 90% of all the

prison population in the United States, are high school

dropouts (Statistic of C.N.N.). That statistic alone is enough

to continue our high standards in education.

Continuing on to healthcare. We have grown to love our

health care system. Anytime that we are sick, we can visit

the doctor, or go to the hospital. Well this too could be a thing

of the past, with the continued cutbacks. Look what is

happening to our hospitals. Our health care system was the

envy of the world, but this is quickly becoming something out of

the past. Look at whats happening in our region of Niagara.

They have decided that Niagara-On-The-Lake hospital

should be closed. The same with the Hotel Dieu hospital in St.

Catharines, and the same with another hospital. All the

services would then be provided at the St.Catharines

General. Beds would be eliminated, jobs would be elimated,

and our safety would be jepordized. People would be dying

on route to the hospital, because they were too far away from

the hospital.

Looking further and going more in depth, government

cutbacks are creating a problem with unemployment. We are

letting young teachers go by the dozen, as well as nurses,

government workers, the list goes on and on. Well qualified

and educated people are deciding that they should find work

elsewhere, and they choose to leave Canada. In the cash

strapped society that we are living in, we must create new

programs to get people jobs, cutting programs is eliminating


In these hard times, the most important thing that we can do

for our futures, is protect our health and our education. We

can compare our health care system to that of the United

States, and see how much better our system is. With our

education, we have created some good students, but it has to

continue. If we allow the budget to get smaller, the only

losers are going to be the students. Its our future that we’re

fighting for, isn’t Canada’s future worth it?