
The Inn From Hell Essay Research Paper

The Inn From Hell Essay, Research Paper

Inn From Hell

It all started on a dark a stormy night just outside of the Paris city limits at about

11:00 P.M. when Doctor Bleed and his assistant checked into the old run down inn. You

see the weather was so bad that they could not even make it all the way over to Spain so

they had to stop.

They walked in with thier clothes soaked from the rainfall, when they first walked

in they realized that there was nobody at the desk to wait on them so they just took it

upon themselves to get a room for the night. That was thier first mistake. As they walked

up the creeky stairs they peered around every corner looking for an open room so they

could relax in peace. When the end of the hall grew near they both spotted an open room

with a light on in it and both of the beds with all of the blankets all folded up nice and

neat, almost as if they were expecting us to arrive that evening. Without even thinking

about anything else they both entered the room and agreed that it was probably too late to

go wake up the inn keeper so they would just go down and pay him in the morning. After

removing the soaking wet clothes they put on thier night clothes and not even five

minuites after hopping into bed they were both asleep. That was thier next mistake.

Now like most people Doctor Bleed just had to get his drink of water in the middle

of the night or or or …….Well thats funny I dont think that he has ever not had his

refreshing drink of water in the middle of the night. Oh well, I sure hope he gets it. Like

normally the Doctor woke up at about 2:00 A.M., now with the doctor not knowing the

house he just took off in any old direction which he should not have done because he did

not know what he was about to get himself into. As the doctor roamed the inn he started

to swear like a mad man because he still could not find any water. He thought to himself

“What kind of an Inn is this”. He would soon find out. Just then The doctor spotted what

appeared to be a bathroom with the lights on, he would be sure to find some water in

there. As he looked around the bathroom for the faucet he heard this soft chant coming

from another room across the hall. It almost sounded like the Theme Song from

“Barney”, he caustiosly tip toed across the hall desperatly hoping to catch a glimpse of

whatever is making that horrible noise. He opened the door and there standing right in

front of him dancing around and singing songs like a fairy was a huge purple dinosaur.

Right away the Dinosaur spotted the doctor and grabbed him by the arm and attempted to

get him to dance to the theme song from “Barney”. Scared to death from the words of the

horrible song he decked the dinosaur straight in the left eye, that gave the doctor time to

run. As he ran he could hear the dinosaur clodding behind him repeating the words

“Come back! All I want to do is sing my song”. Quickly looking for a place to hide the

Doctor Dove into the laundry room and watched the giant purple dinosaur jog past him,

A sign of relief the Doctor thought to himself, or maybe not because right when he turned

around he saw a strange man doing his laundry. The Doctor decided to go closer for a

better look at the man, as he peered over his shoulder he saw that it was “PEE WEE”

Herman!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no the Doctor has ran into that moron with his very own playhouse

and talking furniture, the doctor knew he had to get out of there fast. Before he could get

out of the room “Pee Wee” pulled out a gun and made the doctor sit down and watch old

reruns of his show which was a total flop. After watching just one of the episodes the

doctor pinched himself just to make sure that this was no dream, And what do you know

it wasnt.

Now the doctor was still craving that drink of water that he wanted over an hour

ago, and this moron showing him the movies was not helping one bit. Then the doctor

began to change….HE WAS GETTING BIGGER….HE TURNED BLACK……and the

next thing he knew he was wearing boxer shorts that said Tyson on them. His hands

turned into boxing gloves and wasting no time he jabbed “Pee Wee” right in the gut

leaving him laying in aftershock. Now it was payback time for that purple threat to the

world “Barney”. The doctor found “Barney” in the exact same place as before and doing

the exact same thing as before, Acting like a fairy! The doctor dove right on top of the

purple friek and hog tied him with his very own tail, but that wasnt enough for the doctor

so he began kicking the dinosaur everywhere. With every kick he shouted “And this one

is for teaching my kids to sing your stupid song 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. As the

doctor paused he spotted a glass of water that “Barney” had been drinking on so the

doctor walked over and chugged every drop in the glass, I mean it wasnt like “Barney”

was going to be wanting anymore. About 20 seconds after he drank the water he began to

morph back into his previous form, now after all that work the doctor decided to go right

to bed and deal with the mess in the morning. Now the doctor would never have to worry

about bad dreams again, that being because he was his own bad dream, and with that in

mind he closed his eyes and had a wonderful rest.

The next morning doctor Bleed’s assistant woke him up early so they wouldnt have

to pay the inn keeper, obviously the assistant did not even realize anything that went on

last night. Oh well the doctor didnt really feel like telling anybody anyway. As they drove

away the doctor saw that there was a full moon last night…….COINCEDENCD I THINK
