Anti-Semitism In America Today Essay, Research Paper
Anti-Semitism In America Today
Anti-Semitism is hostility toward or discrimination against
Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. Believe it or not anti-
Semitism is occurring today. Jews are being harassed
throughout the US too often. Jews have been getting abused by
people for years and years now. Most of this abuse has and is still
coming from Christians.
The Anti-Semitic term did not come into play until the late
19th century. Anti-Jewish feelings however can be traced to
ancient civilizations. The Romans, for example, who had poly-
theistic beliefs (the worship of many gods), did not like the Jews
believing in one god. After Christianity became the official
religion of the Roman Empire, pressure was put on Jews to
convert. When they wouldn t convert many church leaders
became upset and began to blame Jews for the crucifixion of
Jesus Christ.
This problem that Christians have with Jews is still occurring
today. Jews are being stabbed and Synagogues are being
burned. In October the home of a Rabbi was firebombed. Most
attacks on Jews that happen in the US occur in the northeast. It
makes you wonder if the people doing all of these things are
Christians. If Christians are doing these things why are they
going to such extreme measures?
A new theme park has opened in Orlando, FL called the Holy
Land Experience. The founder of this theme park, Marvin
Rosenthal says that he is Hebrew-Christian . Michael Kinsley of says This is apparently another oxymoronic have-
your-bagel-and-eat-it-too sect, like Jews for Jesus. Accusations
are being made that Rosenthal s park has a hidden agenda and
is trying to convert Jews to Christians. Rosenthal denies all
There is probably no end to Christians being bias towards
the Jews, unless of course every single Jewish person converts to
Christianity. Prejudice is going on all around the world and the
Jews are getting much less of it than many other minority groups,
but it is still wrong. The Jewish community is getting smaller and
smaller. It does not help that people are harassing them and
forcing conversion on them. LEAVE THE JEWISH PEOPLE