
Macbeth Summary Essay Research Paper Act VLady

Macbeth Summary Essay, Research Paper

Act V

Lady Macbeth is going mad; a doctor has been employed to watch over her full time. Lady Macbeth has been seen sleepwalking, always with a candle in hand, she then writes on paper, and locks it away. The nurse refuses to repeat what she has heard so she makes the doctor stay up and see for himself. When the doctor sees her, he states that there is nothing that he can do, and that they should watch her even more closely, for she may be suicidal. In the next scene, Menteith, Caithness, Angus, and Lennox; Scottish nobles are on their to Birnam Wood near Dunsinane to join with the English forces and their leaders, Malcolm, Macduff and Siward. They are each prepared to die for their causes. Back at Dunsinane Castle, everyone has deserted Macbeth but his servants, who are forced to stay. He receives the news that the forces are on their way to attack. Macbeth is still pretty confidant for her knows that he will not be killed by anyone being born of women, he reassures that by remembering that he is not to worry until the Burnam Woods get up and walk towards his castle. The Scottish and English army has come together and they decide to each cut down a branch and carry it with them, while they march to Dunsinane. In the mean time, Macbeth is still confidant that his castle will be fine. Later on he hears that his wife has killed herself. Then a messenger comes to tell Macbeth that it looked like the Birnam Woods are walking towards that castle. On their arrival to the castle, Malcolm orders the soldiers to throw down their camouflage of branches and to start their fighting. The next scene takes place on the battlefield, Macbeth feels very scared, yet still is holding on to the third prophecy. He has an easy victory over young Siward and that boosts his confidence. Meanwhile, Macduff is looking around for Macbeth. Finally, the two meet. Macbeth does not want to fight anymore, he feels very bad for all ready have killing so many people. At this point he is positive that he will not be killed. Then Macduff reveals that he was born by caesarian section and thus he was not technically born of women. He still refuses to yield, and this time he fights to the end.