I realize that these last few ideas are not in my original proposal but felt that I would be doing the same injustice to not mention them. Especially in this class we have learned to raise our consciousness to what we have been taught and look to the other side and to seek our out a new truth. One of my favorite quotes is by Charles Dubois and it is this and this has recently helped to transform my life:
The important thing is this: to be ready at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you could become.
So this too has been for me a journey, not just a repeating of things already known but a movement from an old view to a new one. I hope it will have the same effect.
Closing and Personal Belief:
The holistic model would not be complete without saying that it is the individual who must make their own choice, another thing that the allopathic model wishes to be in charge of. My journey has been from allopathic to holistic and currently in a corroboration of allopathic therapies from my own General Practitioner and a number of holistic ones that I have through my own research came to use. For me it seems that I have thrown out many greater evils of drug use and drinking to these lesser evils. I see this now as a process that if I were not meant to experience I would not be. Becoming dependent upon anything I think is in no way good no matter if that thing were called religion, addiction, hobby or love. I believe that the seeking of balance is a must. And one cannot forever deny who he is. As Shakespeare said “To think own self be true.” A lesson I am currently trying to employ and so unfortunate it is that “Once the mind has been stretched from a new idea it can never again return to its original state” ~ Einstein.