
Multiculturalism Essay Research Paper SUBJECT (стр. 2 из 2)

Areas of Nonintegration

Parental PerferenceFamily’s Coping Strategy

FoodIndian, VegetarianTwo Menus: Indian for parents, America for


ClothingSari, Salwar KamezParental Garb:professional-Western; social

Indian, Children’s garb:

ReligionPrimarily Hindusim, Some Islamorganization of Hindu religion and practice

In temples(normally,not an organize religion).

LanguageHindi or one of the 24 or more IndianPoor mastery of Indian language by childrenLanuagesEnglish primary in Home.

FreindshipIndian, preferably with those From the Parents- Minimal social contact with

region in India.Americans; Children – significantly more freindships with Americans.

EntertainmentMovies, Eating out, Dinner PartiesFew Indians movies, restaurents available;

Primary entertainments is large dinner

Parties with Indians.

Children often excuse themselves.

Source: U.A. Segal (1991)

Demographic Characteristic of the Family