
Dref Essay Research Paper (стр. 2 из 2)

money, as well as a waste of your reader’s time and money. So

always double check each fact and make certain that all of the

important facets of the topic are discussed. In other words,

make sure that your book has something informative to say …

and that it’s said correctly.

After the book has been typeset, you can make one final check to

look for small errors. It’s almost impossible to catch all

errors, but you’ll want to remove as many as possible. (Note:

there are minor errors in this report. See if you can find

them. It’ll be good exercise.)


Costs to print a book can vary widely, depending upon many

factors and upon the printing company that you choose. Examples:

(1) The type of paper used in the book and on the cover. There

are many different grades of paper from which to choose.

50-pound offset paper is commonly used for the interior of most


(2) The book’s dimensions and number of pages.

(3) The number of books printed.

You’ll pay a much higher cost-per-book if you have, say, 1,000

copies printed rather than 5,000 or 10,000 copies printed. But

the number of books that you produce should also depend upon how

many you think you can sell within the first year of marketing.

You can always order an additional printing, if your book proves

to be a fast seller. The price-per-copy usually decreases at

about 2,500 to 3,000 copies.

You’ll want a sufficient number of pages in your book to

adequately cover the topic. Don’t write in a “too wordy” routine

just to add extra pages. Make sure that you have something worth

saying … then say it succinctly. “How-to” readers dislike

rambling prose. So leave all “fluff” out of your book and get to

the point.

At the same time, you’ll want enough pages in your book to

suitably impress the reader that it contains an adequate

coverage of the topic. You can’t completely cover a wide

ranging subject in less than 100 pages. You may need 200 or 300

pages. However, some narrow topics can be nicely covered in 10

to 50 pages. (This booklet is an example.)

It’s often acknowledged by self-publishers that “page count”

determines the price you charge for your book. But, in general,

I disagree. To me, it’s the value of the information you provide

that should determines price. For example, if you have

discovered a unique, fast, easy, low-cost way to make fuel for

automobiles at home, and can relate that information in 6 just

pages, you can most likely sell your report for a very high

price. Who cares how many pages it takes? It’s the how-to

information that’s important.

Once you have the complete specifications of the book, it’s time

to get printing quotes. You should contact at least 4 or 6

printers for these quotes. Too, many printers will give you

samples of their work.

Here’s a typical request for a book printing quote:

“Please quote prices for the following book, Cash From Your


120 pages, trim size 8 x 10 inches, 2 color glossy cover,

perfect bound, printed on 50-pound offset paper.

Quote prices for 1,000, 3,000, and 5,000 copies, including

delivery price. This book is to be finished within 30 days of

receipt of camera ready copy.”

Before you choose a printer, be certain to check on reliability,

quality and length of time to produce your book. Ask for a few

customer references and don’t be bashful about checking with

them about the printer’s reliability and qualifications.

You don’t always want to go with the cheapest price. For

example, you may find a nearby printing company that will print

your book at a slightly higher price than a far away competitor.

But you can pick up the books yourself, thus saving the cost of

shipping which may lower the overall cost. The most important

thing you can do is to find a printer with whom you can easily

work. A printer who will readily work with you can provide a lot

of help getting your book ready for printing, thereby saving you

time and money. While price is an important factor, I look for

reliability, honesty, speed and service first.


Book marketing efforts really begin before the book is even

printed. You must define and identify your most likely

customers, determine why they would want your book, design

benefit laden ads and brochures and direct your ads toward the

most likely place your prospect will see it. It can also consist

of developing a wholesale program to dealers, wholesalers and


Other marketing methods include: sending publicity releases,

mailing review book copies to editors of appropriate

publications and, perhaps, appearing on radio or TV talk

shows. There are literally hundreds of different ways to sell

your books. One self-publisher sells 30 to 40 books every day by

hawking them on the street! Imagine … no ad costs, no direct

mail costs, no discounts, no postage … just pure profit.

Some publishers go so far as to design an ad, or direct mail

piece, for their book before they even write it. If they have

trouble writing a hard-hitting ad, they would probably have

trouble selling the book. Too, a pre-publication ad can give

you something to “live up to” as you prepare your book.

All book ads, direct mail pieces and brochures should focus on

the benefits that the book will give the customer. These

benefits include: more money, a better job, health, happiness,

knowledge, love, luck, personal improvement, and so on. Your ads

need to convince your prospects that they’ll enjoy these

benefits by buying your book. Therefore, your ads must be

eye-catching, descriptive and inspirational. If you don’t want

to tackle writing your own ads, hire a direct response

copywriter to do it for you. The really goods ones can often

bring you more business than you can handle. Look in direct

response trade journals such as Direct Marketing magazine and DM

News for copywriter listings.

Another important factor to consider is the overall appearance

of your ads and brochures. Simply put, they should look

appealing and be easy to read. Make sure that you follow the

rules of typesetting, proper graphic techniques and, most

importantly, employ a stop-the- readers-in-their-tracks headline

and use well written, compelling ad copy.

Many self-publishers who sell by mail order offer some form of

money back guarantee. Most offer a 30 to 90 day refund for

returned books. Owen Publishing always gives a full year. A

good, reliable guarantee will definitely improve sales of your


Mail order book sales can also be increased by adding incentives

such as: 10% discount when buying before a certain date; free

report with each purchase; buy four books get the fifth one

free; or some other low-cost freebie. A bonus for promptness

almost always increases book sales. But remember, when you’re

mentioning your bonus, relate the benefits derived from that

bonus … not just the bonus itself. If you intend to sell your

book via mail order, observe the ads used by other booksellers

and take time to read several books about mail order techniques.

One of the lowest cost ways to sell your book by mail is called

the two-step method. Using this strategy, you place low- cost

classified ads to obtain inquiries for your book. You then send

to each inquiry a packet of information, including an effective

sales letter. Most often, you’ll want to send a follow- up

mailing to those who didn’t buy. And offer an additional


This two-step method is the lowest cost way to start. It’s used

by some very successful companies, and has led many self-

publishers to success. As time goes on, and your experience

increases, expand into display ads and direct mail campaigns.


One way to promote your book is by making personal appearances

at book stores. You can arrange a book signing party with the

book store owner or manager. The book store orders 50 or 100 of

your book and advertises the party. The author personally

autographs each book as it’s sold. Some authors go on national

tours that encompasses autographing parties, talk show

appearances, speeches, seminars and trade shows.

It should be mentioned that this way to sell your book is, in reality,

difficult. Getting book store owners or managers to agree to

“book signing” events takes some doing. Your topic must be very,

very interesting and you must be convincing enough to get your

foot in the door. It takes work, but it can be a lucrative way

to sell books.

The dealership selling method works well for many self-

publishers. There are many mail order book sellers who may be

interested in selling your books for you on a dropship basis.

The mail order book dealer advertises your book(s) in his

catalog and when an order arrives, sends you 50% (or whatever)

of the retail price along with a shipping label addressed to the

customer. You then ship the book directly to the buyer.

This method works very well if you have camera-ready advertising

brochures for the dealer to insert with his catalog or other

mailings. The dealer will put his name and address on the

brochure and have several thousand copies printed. He then

distributes these brochures along with his other sales

literature or, perhaps, even runs ads for your book.

Dealers can be found by placing small, inexpensive ads in the

opportunity-type magazines, and by adding the tag-line “Dealer

Inquiries Invited” to the bottom of your own sales materials.

There are many self-publishing groups that work together in

co-op marketing, either through book shows or by direct mail.

You may want to take advantage of these co-op efforts. Also,

there are many book shows going on all the time throughout the

country where you can exhibit and sell books directly, or make

contact with wholesalers.


Here are a few other ways your book can produce money for you:

selling through book clubs, selling subsidiary rights, movie

rights (wasn’t there a movie called How To Make Love To A

Married Woman, or something like that, based on a “how-to”

book?), or by selling foreign rights.

Anyway, all of these methods can produce some excellent profits

with little extra work on your part. It is suggested that you get

involved with a local self-publishers or writer’s group where

you can develop different ways to make money with your book.

One of the best ways to produce additional income from your book

is by selling products that are related to the book’s topic. If

you’re selling a book about making money with computers, for

example, you should include a catalog other computer books or

shareware software.

When you get an order for your main product (your book), you

ship the order along with a catalog of your other products.

Since the customer has already expressed an interest in your

topic by buying your book, a certain percentage of those buyers

will also be interested in your other related products. That is,

of course, assuming that your customer was satisfied. You can

get these other products by developing them yourself, or by

acting as a dealer for other companies. Some self-publishers

make more money from these “bounce back” catalog sales than they

did from the original book sale.

As your sales increase, you’ll need to keep a customer mailing

list. You can then mail catalogs or information on your latest

book throughout the year to your buyers. Whenever possible,

you’ll want to include discount coupons or other sales material

in the book itself. Why? To capture many of the names of people

who buy your book through bookstores or from dealers. You’ll

notice that many smart publishers include sales literature or

catalogs on the last few pages of the book in order to generate

additional sales.

Another important aspect of marketing is the manner in which you

operate your business. You should always bend over backwards to

treat the customer respectfully. Answer all complaints and ship

all refunds promptly. Process all orders fast and reply to every

inquiry the same day, if possible. You want to develop a good

reputation for your company, if you ever expect to harvest

repeat orders.


Many self-publishing authors have become millionaires. Most make

an above average living. Writing and marketing your work, the

essence of self-publishing, takes learning, practice,

perseverance and determination. The work is “easy.” It’s not

like mining 16 tons of coal. But your brain must be engaged at

all times and you must constantly seek ways to better market

your book. About 5% of your efforts will be tied up in producing

your book … the other 95% will be marketing.

Understand this: No matter how good your book is, now matter how

well written, no matter how timely or interesting the topic,

nothing will happen until you lead your proper prospect to the

point of taking out his or her checkbook and actually buying.

So keep in mind that, not only must you prepare a salable book

or report, you must begin to master the techniques of marketing.

The two skills, writing and marketing, can be easily learned.

And, as you progress, you’ll discover pockets of profit that can

send your earnings sky high.

The potential for earning is staggering.


Writer’s Digest magazine at your newsstand

How To Write “How-To” Books & Articles by Raymond Hull Writer’s

Digest Books

Writer’s Resource Guide Edited by Bernadine Clark Writer’s

Digest Books

Writer’s Utopia Formula Report by Jerry Buchanan TOWERS Club USA

PO Box 2038 Vancouver, WA 98668

How To Make Your Advertising Make Money by John Caples Prentice


Ads That Sell by Robert Bly 174 Holland Ave. New Milford, NJ


The Secrets of Mail Order Unlocked by Ed Simpson Owen Publishing

Company Battle Ground, WA 98604-0010

The Self-Publishing Manual by Dan Poynter Para Publishing PO Box

4232 Santa Barbara, CA 93103

Publishing Short-Run Books by Dan Poynter (address above)

Plus, you’ll need a good dictionary, thesaurus and a book on the

elements of grammar.


Self-publishing your own book, like most worthwhile endeavors,

takes some amount of preparation. You can hire experts to do

part of the work for you (design covers, typesetting, editing,

indexing, ghostwriting, etc.). It is recommended that you do much

of the work yourself in order to save money and to help you

learn the ins and outs of book publishing.

You can save yourself some problems by preparing an overall plan

for producing and marketing your book. You’ll also want to

gather additional products related to the book’s topic that you

can sell for additional profits.

Thousands of successful authors have found that self-publishing

is the only route to take. Why not you?
