
Cloning Essay Research Paper The Future of

Cloning Essay, Research Paper

The Future of Cloning

Cloning humans has recently become a possibility that seems much more feasible in today’s society than it was twenty years ago. It is a method that involves the production of a group of identical cells or organisms that all derive from a single individual (Grolier 220). It is not known when or how cloning humans really became a possibility, but it is known that there are two possible ways that we can clone humans. The first way involves splitting an embryo into several halves and creating many new individuals from that embryo. The second method of cloning a human involves taking cells from an already existing human being and cloning them, in turn creating other individuals that are identical to that particular person. With these two methods almost at our fingertips, we must ask ourselves two very important questions: Can we do this, and should we? There is no doubt that many problems involving the technological and ethical sides of this issue will arise and will be virtually impossible to avoid, but the overall idea of cloning humans is one that we should accept as a possible reality for the future.

Biotechnology holds the promise of longer, healthier lives. Whether it is better treatments for diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer s or disease resistant crops that may help eliminate hunger around the world. Prospects for the benefits that this technology may produce might be exciting even for those of use who know nothing about the science behind the research now under way. Even with all of the good that biotechnology can achieve, however, there are editorials, such as the one published in the Washington Post entitled Don t Clone People , that state the frightening things that could happen where this cutting edge information could fall into the wrong hands. The editorial claims that possible decision of the British government to lift the ban on human cloning therapeutic purposes is wrong, because it will pave the way for the birth of the first human clone. This literary piece brought about many interesting reasons in the form of questions that leaves one pondering on many of the controversial issues. What if someone is able to scramble a person s genetic coding and create a superhuman? What if parents started picking the color of their child s hair and eyes, his or her IQ, height and talents before they are even born? Or, what if individuals were discriminated against because their DNA indicates that they are predisposed toward mental illness, alcoholism or homosexuality.

This might sound like the trailer for a science fiction movie, but one should know that there is evidence that people are already trying to do some pretty scary things through biotechnology, more specifically through cloning. If the thought of a world full of cloned animals makes you scared, just wait, because it gets worse. Lurking in a small pocket of this technology arena are people who want to use scientific breakthroughs for sinister things. These people are willing to prey upon grieving parents and convince them that cloning is an easy, although expensive, way to end their suffering. The article backs up it s evidence by stating that, whether successful or not, the fact that someone may even be trying to clone a human should be terrifying to everyone and should make us sit up and take notice. One should not just brush this aside and count on it never happening, because the potential outcome is so dangerous that we need to act as if it could happen tomorrow. As a result Cloning should be illegal because it is degrading to humans. Cloning treats humans like guinea pigs. It also creates a family puzzle; imagine if an infertile couple was to produce a clone of the male partner in order to have a child. This poses some interesting problems. Humans are not spare parts, unlike automobiles, blenders and computers; human beings are not commodities. We are more than the sum total of our parts. Some of the most powerful people in the world have felt compelled to act against this threat. The ex-president Clinton swiftly imposed a bad on federal funding for human-cloning research. Bills are in the works in both houses of Congress to outlaw human cloning which it taken to be a fundamentally evil thing that must be stopped.

Today, the topic of cloning generates more argument then it has ever created before. The controversy over cloning is based, in part, on the fact that there are extreme opposing viewpoints on the subject. Also a major factor in the debate over cloning is a fear of new technology, as depicted throughout the editorial. Yet, in my opinion I believe cloning is beneficial to human kind, because, if cloning were allowed, scientists would come up with ways to clone body organs, which are an exact replica of an individual body organ. This would probe to be beneficial to a person who may have a malfunctioning body organ. Cloning would enhance the possibilities of conquering diseases such as cancer. Cloning could be used to increase the population of endangered species of animals and thus save them from total extinction. This would help maintain a natural balance on the earth and have a continuous natural life cycle. Cloning would certainly benefit couples that are infertile and want to have a child of their own, thus they could use cloning to produce a baby with their similar characteristics. Equally important women who are single could have a child, using cloning instead of artificial insemination. Cloning could also provide a copy of a child for a couple whose child had died. Cloning has the ability to change the face of the planet forever. We should be excited that we are able to duplicate such a complex sequence of genes. We should at least allow this to happen because if we never explore the risks then we can never enjoy the benefits.

Should we clone human beings? Before we decide on an answer, we must remember that the subject of human cloning, like any issue with wide-ranging effects, is full of complexities that cannot be dismissed offhand with a simple affirmative or negative answer. As most of us know by now, Keith Campbell, a Scottish scientist, cloned a sheep over a year ago. One may think that cloning is a good thing because it is new, but one must consider the implications of it. Cloning must be stopped because it can cause war or even destroy a civilization. This preceding idea is the one presented throughout the Washington Post editorial Don t Clone People . When we learn to clone humans, there will definitely be medical benefits. Just suppose a dying child needs a bone marrow transplant and the family could not find a compatible donor. What does one do? One could clone an exact duplicate of that child and take whatever parts you needed in order to save the child’s life. Don t let the forces of ignorance and fear turn us back from the research. There is no need to worry we cannot clone little Napoleon s. Only living cells can be cloned.