
Drugs And Society Essay Research Paper The (стр. 2 из 2)

For several decades, drug use has shaped the criminal justice system. Drug and drug-related offenses are the most common crime in nearly every community. Drug offenders move through the criminal justice system in a predictable pattern: arrest, prosecution, conviction, and incarceration, release. In a few days, weeks, or months, the same person may be picked up on a new charge and the process begins again. Studies have shown successes for inmates in treatment programs. This proves the need to attack drug crime with treatment programs. The results say loud and clear that intensive, institutional drug treatment, when followed by structured transitional support and supervision, makes our communities safer and gives offenders a real opportunity to turn their lives around. It is extremely a difficult and complex to prove that crimes that are caused by the drug user, are caused because of the drug use. The drug user may be prone to a life of crime regardless of the drugs, however the drug use only enhances the individuals unfortunate and terrible situation. What is most important is through the proper drug treatment a drug offender can become a productive, positive member of society.

1. Drugs and Crime Facts 1994. (NCJ154053). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics 1995.

2. The Effectiveness of Treatment for Chemical dependency?s Under Criminal Justice Supervision. Lipton, D., Washington, DC, National Institute of Justice Research Report, November 1995

3. Field, G. Oregon prison drug treatment programs. In C. Leukefeld and F. Tims (eds.), Chemical dependency Treatment in Prisons and Jails. Research monograph series #108. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Chemical dependency, 1992. Wexler, H.,

4. Falkin, G., and Lipton, D. Outcome evaluation of a prison therapeutic community for substance abuse treatment. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 17, pp 71-92, 1990.

5. Administrator of the Pacifica House; Ron Simmions