
Flag Burning Essay Research Paper Is it (стр. 2 из 2)

fascism imposed by American lawmakers. Yes, that’s right. Fascism. By

definition, a fascist law is one that pushes patriotism to an extreme or violent

extent. The proposed Flag Desecration Amendment doesn’t necessarily push

patriotism to a violent extent, but is does force patriotism to an extreme. The

Proposed Flag Desecration Amendment would use government as a tool to turn the

American flag, a perennial symbol of patriotism, into an untouchable holy

object. This is fascism. Ultimately a flag is a simple piece of cloth with many

colors and designs imprinted on it; many Americans have clearly invested this

fabric with highly emotionally charged values. Although, flag burning is hardly

likely to threaten the flag’s symbolic value, forbidding flag burning will

surely diminish the flag’s principles.