
Sickle Cell Anemia Essay Research Paper We (стр. 2 из 2)

reliably whether a person has sickle trait. In addition, the hemoglobin

electrophoresis will detect hemoglobin C and ?-thalassemia. How Can I Be Tested

for Sickle Cell Trait? Most large hospitals and clinics can perform routine

hemoglobin electrophoresis. Smaller laboratories send the test to commercial

firms for testing. If you are concerned about the possibility of having sickle

cell trait, you should speak with your doctor. Overview Everyone with sickle

cell disease shares the same gene mutation. A thymine replaces an adenine in the

DNA encoding the ?-globin gene. Consequently, the amino acid valine replaces

glutamic acid at the sixth position in the ?-globin protein product. The change

produces a phenotypically recessive characteristic. Most commonly sickle cell

disease reflects the inheritance of two mutant alleles, one from each parent.

The final product of this mutation, hemoglobin S is a protein whose quaternary

structure is a tetramer made up of two normal alpha-polypeptide chains and two

aberrant ?s-polypeptide chains. The primary pathological process leading

ultimately to sickle shaped red blood cells involves this molecule. After

deoxygenation of hemoglobin S molecules, long helical polymers of HbS form

through hydrophobic interactions between the ?s-6 valine of one tetramer and

the ?-85 phenylalanine and ?-88 leucine of an adjacent tetramer. Deformed,

sickled red cells can occlude the microvascular circulation, producing vascular

damage, organ infarcts, painful crises and other such symptoms associated with

sickle cell disease. Although everyone with sickle cell disease shares a

specific, invariant genotypic mutation, the clinical variability in the pattern

and severity of disease manifestations is astounding. In other genetic disorders

such as cystic fibrosis, phenotypic variability between patients can be traced

genotypic variability. Such is not the case, however, with sickle cell disease.

Physicians and researchers have sought explanations of the variability

associated with the clinical expression of this disease. The most likely causes

of this inconstancy are disease-modifying factors. I have reviewed the role of

some of these factors, and tried to ascertain the clinical importance of each.

Fetal Hemoglobin Augmented post-natal expression of fetal hemoglobin is perhaps

the most widely recognized modulator of sickle cell disease severity. Fetal

hemoglobin, as its name implies is the primary hemoglobin present in the fetus

from mid to late gestation. The protein is composed of two alpha-subunits and

two gamma-subunits. The gamma-subunit is a protein product of the ?-gene

cluster. Duplicate genes duplicate upstream of the ?-globin gene encodes fetal

globin. Fetal hemoglobin binds oxygen more tightly than does adult hemoglobin A.

The characteristic allows the developing fetus to extract oxygen from the

mother’s blood supply. After birth, this trait is no longer necessary and the

production of the gamma-subunit decreases as the production of the ?-globin

subunit increases. The ?-globin subunit replaces the gamma-globin subunit in

the hemoglobin tetramer so that eventually adult hemoglobin replaces fetal

hemoglobin as the primary component red cells. HbF levels stabilize during the

first year of life, at less than 1% of the total hemoglobin. In cases of

hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin, that percentage is much higher. This

persistence substantially ameliorates sickle cell disease severity. Mechanism of

Protection Two properties of fetal hemoglobin help moderate the severity of

sickle cell disease. First, HbF molecules do not participate in the

polymerization that occurs between molecules of deoxyHbS. The gamma-chain lacks

the valine at the sixth residue to interact hydrophobically with HbS molecules.

HbF has other sequence differences from HbS that impede polymerization of

deoxyHbS. Second, higher concentrations of HbF in a cell infer lower

concentrations of HbS. Polymer formation depends exponentially on the

concentration of deoxyHbS. Each of these effects reduces the number of

irreversibly sickle cells (ISC). Hemoglobin F Levels and Amelioration of Sickle

Cell Disease The level of HbF needed to benefit people with sickle cell disease

is a key question to which different studies supply varying answers. Bailey

examined the correlation between early manifestation of sickle cell disease and

fetal hemoglobin level in Jamaicans. They concluded that moderate to high levels

of fetal hemoglobin (5.4-9.7% to 39.8%) reduced the risk for early onset of

dactylics, painful crises, acute chest syndrome, and acute splenic

sequestration. Platt examined predictive factors for life expectancy and risk

factors for early death (among Black Americans). In their study, a high level of

fetal hemoglobin (*8.6%) augured improved survival. Koshy et al. reported that

fetal hemoglobin levels above 10% were associated with fewer chronic leg ulcers

in American children with sickle cell disease. Other studies, however, suggest

that protection from the ravages of sickle cell disease occur only with higher

levels of HbF. In a comparison of data from Saudi Arabs and information from

Jamaicans and Black Americans, Perrine et al. found that serious complications

occurred only 6% to 25% as frequently in Saudi Arabs as North American Blacks.

In addition mortality under the age of 15 was 10% as great among Saudi Arabs.

Further, these patients experienced no leg ulcers, reticulocyte counts were

lower and hemoglobin levels were higher on average. The average a fetal

hemoglobin level in the Saudi patients ranged between 22-26.8%. This is more

than twice that reported in studies mentioned above. Kar et al. compared

patients from Orissa State, India to Jamaican patients with sickle cell. These

patients also had a more benign course when compared with Jamaican patients. The

reported protective level of fetal hemoglobin in this study was on average

16.64%, with a range of 4.6% to 31.5%. Interestingly, ?-globin locus haplotype

analysis shows that the Saudi HbS gene and that in India have a common origin

(see below). These studies suggest that the level of fetal hemoglobin that

protects against the complications of sickle cell disease depend strongly on the

population group in question. Among North American blacks, fetal hemoglobin

levels in the 10% range ameliorate disease severity. The higher average level of

fetal hemoglobin could contribute to the generally less severe disease in

Indians and Arabs. Another study that suggests only a small role at best for

fetal hemoglobin as a modifier of sickle cell disease severity was reported by

El-Hazmi. The subjects were Saudi Arabs in whom a variety of symptoms associated

with sickle cell disease were assessed to form a "severity" index. The

author concluded that among his patients, no correlation existed between HbF and

the severity index. However, his analysis has a fundamental flaw. El-Hazmi

failed to examine the effect of HbF on each of these symptoms individually.

Their important information and an association between fetal hemoglobin levels

specific disease manifestations could be concealed in his data. However, the

study reinforces the conclusion that fetal hemoglobin levels most likely work in

conjunction with other moderating factors to determine clinical severity

in-patients with sickle cell disease. Alpha-Thalassemia Concurrent alpha-thalassemia

has also been examined as a modifier of sickle cell disease severity. Alpha-thalassemia,

like sickle cell disease, is a genetically inherited condition. The loss of one

or more of the four genes encoding the alpha globin chain (two each on

chromosome 16) produces alpha-thalassemia. A gene deletion most commonly is at

fault. The deletion results from unequal crossover between adjacent alpha-globin

genes during the prophase I of meiosis I. Such a crossover leaves one gamete

with one alpha-gene and the other gamete with three alpha genes. Upon

fertilization the zygote can have 2, 3, 4, or 5 alpha genes depending on the

make up of the other parental gamete. In people of African descent, the most

common haploid gamete of this type is alpha-thal-2 in which there is one

deletion on each of the number 16 chromosomes in the patient. Heterozygotes for

this allele, therefore, have three alpha genes (one alpha gene on one of the

number 16 chromosomes, two alpha genes on the other). Embury et al. (1984)

examined the effect of concurrent alpha-thalassemia and sickle cell disease.

Based on prior studies, they proposed that alpha-thalassemia reduces

intraerythrocyte HbS concentration, with a consequent reduction in

polymerization of deoxyHbS and hemolysis. They investigated the effect of alpha

gene number on properties of sickle erythrocytes important to the hemolytic and

rheological consequences of sickle cell disease. Specifically they looked for

correlations between the alpha gene number and irreversibly sickled cells, the

fraction of red cells with a high hemoglobin concentration (dense cells), and

red cells with reduced deformabilty. The investigators found a direct

correlation between the number of alpha-globin genes and each of these indices.

A primary effect of alpha-thalassemia was reduction in the fraction of red blood

cells that attained a high hemoglobin concentration. These dense cells result

from potassium loss due to acquired membrane leaks. The overall deformability of

dense RBCs is substantially lower than normal. This property of alpha-thalassemia

was confirmed by comparison of red cells in people with or without 2-gene

deletion alpha-thalassemia (and no sickle cell genes). The cells in the

nonthalassemic individuals were denser than those from people with 2-gene

deletion alpha-thalassemia. The difference in median red cell density produced

by alpha-thalassemia was much greater in-patients sickle cell disease. Reduction

in overall hemoglobin concentration due to absent alpha genes is not the only

mechanism by which alpha-thalassemia reduces the formation of dense and

irreversibly sickled cells. In reviewing the available literature, Embry and

Steinburg suggested that alpha-thalassemia moderate’s red cell damage by

increasing cell membrane redundancy. This protects against sickling-induced

stretching of the cell membrane. Potassium leakage and cell dehydration would be

minimized. These two papers by Embury et al. give some insight into the

moderation of sickle cell disease severity by alpha thalassemia. Some

deficiencies exist, nonetheless. The first paper makes no mention of the patient

pool. Unspecified are the number of patients used, their ethnicity, or their

state of health when blood samples were taken. This information would help

establish the statistical reliability of the data, and its applicability across

patient groups. Despite these limitation, the work provides important insight

into the mechanisms by which alpha-thalassemia ameliorates sickle cell disease

severity. Ballas et al reached different conclusions regarding alpha thalassemia

and sickle cell disease than did Embury et al . They reported that decreased red

blood cell deformability was associated with reduced clinical severity of sickle

cell disease. Patients with more highly deformabile red cells had more frequent

crises. They also found that fewer dense cells and irreversible sickle cells

correlated inversely with the severity of painful crises. Like Embury et al.,

Ballas and colleagues found alpha thalassemia was associated with fewer dense

red cells. In addition, Ballas’ group found that alpha thalassemia was

associated with less severe hemolysis. However they reached no clear conclusion

concerning alpha gene number and deformability of RBC except to note that the

alpha thalassemia was associated with less red cell dehydration. The two studies

are not completely at odds. Both state that concurrent alpha-thalassemia reduces

hemolytic anemia. They agree that this occurs through reduction in the number of

dense cells, a number directly related to the fraction of irreversibly sickled

cells. Embury et al. concludes that through this mechanism red blood cell

deformability is increased. The investigators diverge, however, on the

relationship to clinical severity of dense cells and rigid cells. Ballas et al.

asserts that both the reduction of dense cells and rigid cells contribute to

disease severity.
