
Ebola Virus Essay Research Paper Ebola VirusAbstract

Ebola Virus Essay, Research Paper

Ebola Virus


This topic was chosen because Ebola is a relentless killer. Ebola isn’t publicized very much so it seems to be a wise topic to explore. This way

others may be informed of one of the world’s most powerful viruses. The purpose of this paper is to further educate all those interested in the powerful

effects of the Ebola virus in its many forms.

I. Introductory Statement

II. History

III. Variations

IV. Prevention

V. Transmission

VI. Signs

VII. Symptoms

VIII. Treatment

IX. Containment

X. Long Term effects

The purpose of this paper is to explain the history, signs, and symptom of Ebola virus.

” Keep in mind the role that humans play in the spread of these infections. If we don’t begin to deal with problems like overpopulation and

poverty, we may end up looking back nostalgically on the late twentieth century as a time of health and tranquility. As we show you, in the world of

viruses, we are the invaders (Baddorf, Ourworld.compuserve.com).”

Between the years of 425BC-430BC Athens’ population was dramatically reduced when about 300,00 of its inhabitants died from some sickness.

Some people now believe that this great plague was really Ebola.

The first recorded outbreak of the Zaire string of the Ebola virus was in Zaire, in 1976. The doctors didn’t know how to treat it and that meant that

they didn’t know how to contain it either. As infected people met in public places the virus spread. In Western Sudan, the same year, the Sudan string

of the Ebola virus emerged with similar results. Both casts together had about a total of 550 infections and around 340 deaths (about 60% death rate).

The virus’ then lay dormant till 1979, when Sudan was again hit with 34 infections and 22 deaths. In the outbreak, as before, the fatality rate was about

60% (Mussillami, www.lfc.edu)

In 1987 a new string of the Ebola virus was discovered. It was called the Reston string. This string of Ebola is air borne (it is able to pass from one

host to another through the air) and was a mutation of the Zaire string. A group of infected monkeys had been sent to Reston, Virginia. The monkeys

were being shipped from the Philippines. Of the 149 workers came in contact with the monkeys none died. In fact none of them showed any signs of

illness. Two of the workers bodies actually made anti-bodies for it. This string of the virus doesn’t effect Homo Sapiens. If this non-lethal string (Reston)

could be a mutation of a highly lethal string (Zaire) imagine, if a lethal air borne mutation was created, I could take thousands of lives.

In Kikwit, Zaire there was another outbreak. In 1995 a patient was admitted into a hospital. The doctors believed he had malaria. The surgeons

decided to operate on him because of his worsening symptoms. The whole surgical team came in contact with his bodily fluids and were all infected.

>From there 293 cases were recorded with 233 deaths, 70% fatality rate.

In the later part of 1995 another string of the Ebola virus was discovered. A Swiss researcher on the Cote d’lvore of West Africa was the first person

to get the Tai string of the Ebola virus. She got it from a chimpanzee in the Tai Forest. She was taken to a hospital and recovered well.

Ebola is found in the blood, so when doctors test the blood for the virus the blood specimens are “under maximum containment conditions.”

“Any suspicion of infection with the Ebola virus should be treated with extreme caution: immediate isolation from other patients and strict barrier

nursing techniques must be practiced. All instruments, clothing, or biological matter must be either disposed of or thoroughly disinfected immediately

(Musillami, lfc.edu).”

Ebola can be transmitted through bodily fluids of those infected and by handling dead chimpanzees. Many Africans depend on monkey meat as a

source of protein, this giving another way for the virus to be spread.

The earlier symptoms of Ebola include: malaise, fatigue, lower back pain, nausea, sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache, and sore throat.

These symptoms are followed by: vomiting, diarrhea, rash, eye inflammation, roof of mouth turns red, genital swelling, depression, increased sense of

pain in skin, gastrointestinal bleeding (mouth and rectum), bleeding from eyes, bleeding from ears, bleeding from nose, limited kidney function, limited

liver function, internal bleeding, and external bleeding (healthanswers.com). Basically Ebola liquefies the insides of its victims. From the time of

infection the victim should either die or show improvements within 5 to 10 days (Murphy, Encarta).

Incubation lasts 2-21 days. The period of incubation depends on how the victim was infected. If the virus entered directly into the blood stream the

symptoms would occur much faster. Ebola can travel through a male’s semen and can be transmitted 7 weeks after “clinical recovery.”

There is currently to cure to the Ebola virus. Although there are some treatments that can help the patient to their road to recovery. The main

concern is that the patient be treated for shock. Then fresh blood and/or platelet transfusions are give to try to correct as many of the bleeding

problems as possible.

To contain Ebola many safety factors are put in place. The patient is isolated from others. The doctors and nurses wear masks, gloves, gowns, and

goggles. After use disposable materials are removed from the patient’s room and are burned. Ebola is easily destroyed by disinfectants, so all hard

surfaces are disinfected often. Reusable materials are sterilized.

A long-term effect of the virus is hair loss.


The first recorded outbreak of the Zaire string of the Ebola virus was in Zaire, 1976. As infected people met in public places the virus spread. In

Western Sudan, the same year, the Sudan string of the Ebola virus emerged with similar results. In 1987 a new string of the Ebola virus was


It was called the Reston string. This string of the virus doesn’t effect Homo Sapiens. In the later part of 1995 another string of the Ebola virus was

discovered, called the Tai string.

Ebola is found in the blood, so when doctors test the blood for the virus the blood specimens are “under maximum containment conditions.” Ebola

liquefies the insides of its victims. There is currently to cure to the Ebola virus.

Baddorf, Zack. “Ebola.” http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepage/

Zack_baddorf/info.htm. Online. Internet

“Ebola.” http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/ebolainf.htm. Online. Internet. 1997

“Ebola.” http://www.healthanswers.com. Online. Internet. 1997

Murphy, Fredrick A. “Ebola.” Encarta Encyclopedia. 1996 ed. CD-ROM. Microsoft Corporation.

Musillami, Anthony M. “Ebola.” http://www.lfc.edu/ musilam. Online. Internet.
