The Snows Of Kilamanjaro Essay, Research Paper
The Study of Violence
In Ernest Hemingway s The Snows of Kilimanjaro
Ernest Hemingway was a nineteenth century author. He is remembered for such work as Fifty Grand, A Way You ll Never Be, and especially The Snows of Kilimanjaro. The Snows of Kilimanjaro, one of Hemingway s famous stories, shows how violence and dangerous people can be.
He was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1899, his farther, a doctor is fond of out door sports. He taught Ernest his son to hunt and fish at a very early age. Ernest was the first of six children. His farther gave him his first shotgun at age of 10. The happiest day of Ernest s childhood and probably of his life was hunting and fishing in the wilds with his farther. In 1917 he graduated from Oak Park High School, although he was an outstanding student he was considered a rebel and ranaway from school and home twice. He was the editor of his school newspaper, where several of his own articles were printed, he decided not to go to college. He started a volunteer ambulance driver in Italy, he was later transferred into the Italian infantry and was severely wounded. After the war he served as a correspondent for the Toronto Star and then settled in Paris. While there, he was encouraged in creative work by the American ex-patriot writers.
Today is the first time any have lit on the ground. I watched the way they sailed very carefully at first in case I ever wanted to use them in a story. That s funny now. (Hemingway, 3)
Ernest Hemingway constantly used real people and situations in his fiction. He also liked to write personal books about bullfighting in Spain and hunting in Africa. As he liked to write about wars he had seen and made pronouncements about other writers. He was always a legend, and liked to write about himself. He was one of the most famous people in the world. He was literally material to people who had seen him once in a restaurant.
In Hemingway s book, The Snows of Kilimanjaro he talks about violence and hunting. Hemingway talks about various guns and pistols in his books. In Hemingway s book The Snows of Kilimanjaro, he writes about the gore and death of his two partners. Hemingway is constantly talking about violence and death. Shoot me Harry. For Christ sake shoot me. (Hemingway, 24). In The Snows of Kilimanjaro one of the survival experts dies of a shooting from the marshal law officers from back fired Hemingway s group.
When they on after trying to save him he died of loss of blood. Ernest and the other survival expert had no one the help them. So now the two explorers had no chance of living, but survived by being rescued by a search team.
He shot himself, like his farther did in 1928 with a macabre rifle in Ketchum, Idaho splattering his brains all over the room the world was shocked and stunne.
Jose Luis Castillo-Puche is the author of Hemingway in Spain. He spoke of Hemingway, he said people thought Hemingway was a man blessed by fortune, he was a great vital, pleasure loving-strong figure- Jose saw another side of him. He saw his inner emptiness, his emotional chaos , the constant danger he purposely exposed himself to , he saw that his life had become a fiasco. In his writings you can see hid inner defeat. The bullring had become a path of escape, Hemingway wanted to follow. He was cagey and wary, he was pathetically lonely and a pathological devious man.
had an obsession with death which is maybe an explanation for his mystical attraction to bull fighting. In bullfighting he sought and managed to find
something profoundly tragic. (Mirroring of the dilemma and the drama of his own tormented spirit). Bullfighting was cruel and majestic at the same time. Hemingway was the most outstanding obscure of Spain in the modern Era , Hemingway loved Spain dearly.
Jose saw Hemingway as extremely pessimistic brooding romantic figure. He was torn to pieces a fake tough guy as James Joyce called him. His works were more a reflection of his own personal drama, then creations of his own imagination. His philosophy had been reduced to one basic question ( How can we live , seeing how to die .) Hemingway was a good kind of man underneath, Jose states but he couldn t have helped.
Hemingway made a wreck of himself. It was his inner fears and cowardice that had sapped his greatness. He was shy and hid behind his exhibitionism, his clowning and evasiveness.
When Hemingway killed himself he might have thought he was dying a hero s death. He did feel that killing himself was more heroic than
patiently waiting for the next injection or wasting away in a foul-smelling bed.
Ernest Hemingway constantly used real people and situations in his fiction. He also liked to read personal books about bullfighting in Spain and hunting in Africa, as he liked to write about wars he had seen and pronouncements about other writers. He was a legend, and he liked to rite about himself. He was on of the most famous people in the world, he was literary material t people who had seen him once in a restaurant, always conscious of himself as he was, as he had been as he still wanted to be. He read everything written about himself and suffered over it.
The setting of this book: of the time is the Swahili Mountains
The person who is telling this story is: Macomber (Ernest Hemingway)
The main characters of the story: Macomber, navigator, medic, Wilson
The supporting characters: there are none
The main events of this story, in order: (1) macomber and wilson go hunting with the navigator and the medic (2) wilson get frost bite and almost dies (3) now they are all trying to keep everyone alive.
Is a fable not because the material in it is untrue, but lovingly cherished and retraced by himself. The uneasy Hemingway at sixty-one fondly draws his portrait at twenty-two, thought unlikely , is sympathetic, but Hemingway has created a Hemingway who is not only incredible nut obnoxious. He is certainly his own worse-invented character
(1) Hemingway, Ernest.(1995). The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories. New York, NY: Scribner Paperback Fiction.
(2) Castillo- puche Luis Jose . (1974). Hemingway in Spain. Garden City, NY: Double Days & Company.
(3) Information Network on the Net. (No date). [Online]. Available
(4) Microsoft Encarta 98 encyclopedia . (1993-1997). Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.