
The Lord Of The Flies Destruction Of (стр. 2 из 2)

The focus for years among literary critics of Lord of the Flies has been that man is innately evil and needs society to conform him. When taken away from that society, humans will abandon their social graces and become savages. However, while the concentration of critics has always been on the ruin of society and break down of the individual, the novel may be telling the tale of a new society which is held together through persecution scape goats. The violence that follows isn’t a sign of cruelty, but rather necessary to hold the group together. All the boys can join forces to attack Ralph and Piggy. It creates unity among Jack’s boys. Ralph and Piggy both fit Rene’ Girard’s examples of scape goats. Ralph represents foolish rules which no longer have their place. They are impeding the development of the new group. While Piggy represents disability. He is not at all useful to the group. Both boys prevent the new society from taking total control by withholding the glasses needed for fire, therefore, the other children have even more reason to rally against Ralph and Piggy. The violence is not excessive. If the boys were in fact to resort to absolute brutality as suggested by some critics, wouldn’t they be killing each other with complete disregard for all else? Yet these boys focus their violence on those who dissent and are potentially dangerous to the group. The violence is necessary to hold the group together and prevent ruin. The community doesn’t fall apart, it is reformulated. While it is true that conventional rules are abandoned, new rules are also created. The traditional rules had little place on the island. The boys invent new rules which better suit their predicament. The focus for so many years has been on destruction and evil within the boys, but perhaps it should be not on what is destroyed, but what is created in its place and not on the evil that lies within the boys but on the actions they take to expel scape goats and therefore save their new society.

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Cleve, The Lord of the Flies Bulletin Board: Golding’s View of Man in Lord of the Flieshttp://www.pernet.net/~chadly1/lord_of_the_flies/wwwboard/messages/4161.html

Epstein, E.L, Notes on Lord of the Flies.

New York: Riverside Books, 1997.

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies.

New York: Berkley Publishing Group, 1997.

Girard, Rene’, The Scapegoat. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986

Gregor, Ian and Mark Kinkead-Weekes. Introduction: the Lord of the Flies.

New York: Abrahams-Dutton, 1962.

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Wheaton, Paul. Untitled http://www.cgocable.net/~pwheaton/pessay.html