In my opinion Orthodox means obeying every Jewish law to the fullest effect. Some of my friends who are Orthodox are curious to what it?s like to go out on Friday nights? Or, What does ?real? pizza taste like? But when it comes down to it, they have devoted their lives to G-d and religion and would never disobey the laws. Sometimes when Im driving around the area on a Saturday morning, I see Orthodox Jews walking to their temple which is sometimes miles away from their house.
The reformed on the other hand are the complete opposite of the Orthodox. I?ve been to Jewish Reformed services at my friend?s temple where I would see a woman rabbi playing guitar and singing along at the same time. Sometimes the congregation members aren?t even wearing yamaurlkahs.
Conservative Judaism to me for most Jews in this country is the American way of life. We believe in G-d, belong to temples, engage in religious events and take part in the traditions. We do not dedicate our lives to the religion nor do we say that we are perfect Jews. What we do say is that we are Jewish and affiliate ourselves with other Jews of various sects. Unlike the Hassidim who constantly fight within their own community, Conservative Jews have a common understanding for the religion and one another. Conservatism continues to be the most popular sect of Judaism and continues to be a driving force in America.