
Internet Gaming Essay Research Paper VIRTUAL VEGAS (стр. 2 из 2)

Raysman, Richard (Aug 12, 1997) Cyber-casinos: Gambling meets the Internet. Retrieved from the World Wide Web Oct. 17 2000. Http://www.nylj.com/raysman.23/P/html. Breaks down federal and state regulation and further breaks down state regulations. Deals with a few of the court cases that have been tried, and discusses the outcome.

Rickard, Mark W. (Mar.1996) Virtual Casino. Illegal? Retrieved from the World Wide Web Oct. 17 2000. Http://www.umlaw.edu/rickard.html This paper was written for an Internet and Law seminar at the University of Miami. It lays down in plain terms the legalities of gaming on the Internet and what is being done to try to prevent it.

Sieberg, Daniel (Sept 1, 2000) Retrieved from the world wide web Oct.. 17 2000. Http://cnn.com/2000/tech/computing/09/01/state.of.the.net This article states clearly and emphatically that it is useless for the government to try to regulate the Internet because it is almost impossible.

Sample, Herbert A. (June 19, 1999) Gambling report urges better regulation. Http://www.webarchives.net/gambling_report_urges_better_reg.htm. I included this article because I felt it was important to see the other side of the argument. This is a complete overview of why some people feel that Internet gambling should be regulated.

Staff Editorials (July 19, 2000) News, oped page. Retrieved from the World Wide Web Oct..17 2000 http://www.studentadvantage.com/article/0,1075,c8-i84-t0-a41113,00.html. I included this article because I felt it was important to see what people my own age felt about the subject. It also offers some interesting perspectives on what may happen to Casinos as the Internet revolutionizes the way we gamble.

Willams Dewayne (Nov 25, 2000) Personal communication–interview

Xamax Consultancy Pty. Ltd. (1998) The Technical Feasibility of Regulating Gambling on the Internet. Retrieved Oct.. 17 2000 from the World Wide Web: http//www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger Calrke/II/IGambleReg.html– A complete an thorough look at all aspects of Internet gambling, from what it is to the laws and regulations surrounding it. This was the most complete document I found on gambling on the ‘net

Gambling regulation, Not Ban–Associated press 1998–from the World Wide Web Author not available–Retrived from the Internet Oct.. 17 2000 Http//more.abcnews.go.com/sections/business/net_gambling0204/index.html–A quick news article that focuses on the fact that jobs are being lost to other countries because the government has decided to enact a “prohibition” on Internet gambling.

Internet Gambling: Prohibition v. Legalization(1998)–Testimony of Tom W. Bell, Director, Telecommunications & Technology studies the Cato institute–Retrieved from the World Wide Web Oct17. 2000–Http//www.cato.org/testimony/ct-tb052198.html–Testimony by Mr. Tom W. Bell on why Internet Technology is making it impossible to enforce a “prohibition” against gambling on the Internet.

Betting No End to Internet Gambling(spring 1999). Journal of Technology Law and Policy–Retrieved from the world Wide Web Oct. 17.2000. Http//journal.law.ufl.edu/~techlaw/4/olson.html–Another in-depth and very informative look at Internet gambling, done by law student to again dismiss the idea of regulating gambling on the Internet.