
Acts And Theophilus Essay Research Paper 1 (стр. 3 из 4)

Jesus as in their unconverted brethren. He was now approaching a crisis in the

long struggle, and the shadow of it has been made to rest upon his mind

throughout his journey to Jerusalem. He came "ready to die for the name of

the Lord Jesus," but he came expressly to prove himself a faithful Jew and

this purpose is shown at every point of the history. Certain Jews from

"Asia," who had come up for the Pentecostal feast, and who had a

personal knowledge of Paul, saw him in the temple. They set upon him at once,

and stirred up the people against him. There was instantly a great commotion;

Paul was dragged out of the temple, the doors of which were immediately shut,

and the people having him in their hands, were going to kill him. Paul was

rescued from the violence of the multitude by the Roman officer, who made him

his own prisoner, causing him to be chained to two soldiers, and then proceeded

to inquire who he was and what he had done. The inquiry only elicited confused

outcries, and the "chief captain" seems to have imagined that the

apostle might perhaps be a certain Egyptian pretender who recently stirred up a

considerable rising of the people. The account In the tells us with graphic

touches how St. Paul obtained leave and opportunity to address the people in a

discourse which is related at length. Until the hated word of a mission to the

Gentiles had been spoken, the Jews had listened to the speaker. "Away with

such a fellow from the earth," the multitude now shouted; "it is not

fit that he should live." The Roman commander seeing the tumult that arose

might well conclude that St. Paul had committed some heinous offence; and

carrying him off, he gave orders that he should be forced by scourging to

confess his crime. Again the apostle took advantage of his Roman citizenship to

protect himself from such an outrage. The chief captain set him free from bonds,

but on the next day called together the chief priests and the Sanhedrin, and

brought Paul as a prisoner before them. On the next day a conspiracy was formed

which the historian relates with a singular fullness of detail. More than forty

of the Jews bound themselves under a curse neither to eat nor drink until they

had killed Paul. The plot was discovered, and St. Paul was hurried away from

Jerusalem. The chief captain, Claudius Lysias determined to send him to Caesarea

to Felix, the governor or procurator of Judea. He therefor put him in charge of

a strong guard of soldiers, who took him by night as far as Antipatris. From

thence a smaller detachment conveyed him to Caesarea, where they delivered up

their prisoner into the hands of the governor. Imprisonment at Caesarea. A.D.

58-60. –St. Paul was henceforth to the end of the period embraced in the Acts,

if not to the end of his life, in Roman custody. This custody was in fact a

protection to him, without which he would have fallen a victim to the animosity

of the Jews. He seems to have been treated throughout with humanity and

consideration. The governor before whom he was now to be tried, according to

Tacitus and Josephus, was a mean and dissolute tyrant. After hearing St, Paul’s

accusers and the apostle’s defense, Felix made an excuse for putting off the

matter, and gave orders that the prisoner should be treated with indulgence and

that his friends should be allowed free access to him. After a while he heard

him again. St. Paul remained in custody until Felix left the province. The

unprincipled governor had good reason to seek to ingratiate himself with the

Jews; and to please them, be handed over Paul, as an untried prisoner, to his

successor, Festus. Upon his arrival in the province, Festus went up without

delay from Caesarea to Jerusalem, and the leading Jews seized the opportunity of

asking that Paul might be brought up there for trial intending to assassinate

him by the way. But Festus would not comply with their request, He invited them

to follow him on his speedy return to Caesarea, and a trial took place there,

closely resembling that before Felix. "They had certain questions against

him," Festus says to Agrippa, "of their own superstition (or

religion), and of one Jesus, who was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive. And

being puzzled for my part as to such inquiries, I asked him whether he would go

to Jerusalem to be tried there." This proposal, not a very likely one to be

accepted, was the occasion of St. Paul’s appeal to Caesar. The appeal having

been allowed, Festus reflected that he must send with the prisoner a report of

"the crimes laid against him." He therefore took advantage of an

opportunity which offered itself in a few days to seek some help in the matter.

The Jewish prince Agrippa arrived with his sister Bernice on a visit to the new

governor. To him Festus communicated his perplexity. Agrippa expressed a desire

to hear Paul himself. Accordingly Paul conducted his defense before the king;

and when it was concluded Festus and Agrippa, and their companions, consulted

together, and came to the conclusion that the accused was guilty of nothing that

deserved death or imprisonment. "Agrippa’s final answer to the inquiry of

Festus was, "This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not

appealed unto Caesar." The voyage to Rome and shipwreck. Autumn, A.D. 60.

–No formal trial of St. Paul had yet taken place. After a while arrangements

were made to carry "Paul and certain other prisoners," in the custody

of a centurion named Julius, into Italy; and amongst the company, whether by

favor or from any other reason, we find the historian of the Acts, who in

chapters 27 and 28 gives a graphic description of the voyage to Rome and the

shipwreck on the Island of Melita or Malta. After a three-months stay in Malta

the soldiers and their prisoners left in an Alexandria ship for Italy. They

touched at Syracuse, where they stayed three days, and at Rhegium, from which

place they were carried with a fair wind to Puteoli, where they left their ship

and the sea. At Puteoli they found "brethren," for it was an important

place and especially a chief port for the traffic between Alexandria and Rome;

and by these brethren they were exhorted to stay a while with them. Permission

seems to have been granted by the centurion; and whilst they were spending seven

days at Puteoli news of the apostle’s arrival was sent to Rome. (Spring, A.D.

61.) First imprisonment of St. Paul at Rome. A.D. 61-63. –On their arrival at

Rome the centurion delivered up his prisoners into the proper custody that of

the praetorian prefect. Paul was at once treated with special consideration and

was allowed to dwell by himself with the soldier who guarded him. He was now

therefore free "to preach the gospel to them that were at Rome also;"

and proceeded without delay to act upon his rule – -"to the Jews

first," But as of old, the reception of his message by the Jews was not

favorable. He turned, therefore, again to the Gentiles, and for two years he

dwelt in his own hired house. These are the last words of the Acts. But St.

Paul’s career is not abruptly closed. Before he himself fades out of our sight

in the twilight of ecclesiastical tradition, we have letters written by himself

which contribute some particulars to his biography. Period of the later

epistles. –To that imprisonment to which St. Luke has introduced us — the

imprisonment which lasted for such a tedious time, though tempered by much

indulgence –belongs the noble group of letters to Philemon, to the Colossians,

to the Ephesians and to the Philippians. The three former of these were written

at one time, and sent by the same messengers. Whether that to the Philippians

was written before or after these we cannot determine; but the tone of it seems

to imply that a crisis was approaching, and therefore it is commonly regarded us

the latest of the four. In this epistle St. Paul twice expresses a confident

hope that before long he may be able to visit the Philippians in person.

(Philemon 1:25; Philemon 2:24) Whether this hope was fulfilled or not has been

the occasion of much controversy. According to the general opinion the apostle

was liberated from imprisonment at the end of two years, having been acquitted

by Nero A.D. 63, and left Rome soon after writing the letter to the Philippians.

He spent some time in visits to Greece, Asia Minor and Spain, and during the

latter part of this time wrote the letters (first epistles) to Timothy and Titus

from Macedonia, A.D. 65. After these were written he was apprehended again and

sent to Rome. Second imprisonment at Rome. A.D. 65-67. –The apostle appears now

to have been treated not as an honorable state prisoner but as a felon, (2

Timothy) but he was allowed to write the second letter to Timothy, A.D. 67. For

what remains we have the concurrent testimony of ecclesiastical antiquity that

he was beheaded at Rome, by Nero in the great persecutions of the Christians by

that emperor, A.D. 67 (Smith). 46. Simon The persecution of the church in

Jerusalem sent disciples everywhere preaching the word. Phillip went to Samaria

where he preached and performed miracles. Multitudes believed and were baptized.

Simon practiced sorcery or "magic" for a living. He was held in great

esteem by the people. However, at the preaching and miracles of Philip, he

believed and was baptized. Peter and John came so that the new Christians could

receive the Holy Spirit. Simon tried to purchase the gift of God and was rebuked

by Peter (Henneke). 47. Eunuch He was an Ethiopian Nobleman. Philip was sent to

an area of desert outside of Jerusalem by an angel. There he met the Ethiopian

nobleman who had been to Jerusalem to worship. He was reading from Isaiah as he

traveled. Philip was directed by the Spirit to overtake the chariot. He then

proceeded to use the passage in Isaiah to preach Jesus Christ. The Ethiopian

requested to be baptized. Philip heard his confession of faith and then baptized

him. Philip was taken away by the Spirit of the Lord. The nobleman went on his

way rejoicing (Henneke). 48. Ananias A Christian at Damascus. He became Paul’s

instructor; but when or by what means he himself became a Christian we have no

information. He was "a devout man according to the law, having a good

report of all the Jews which dwelt" at Damascus (Lockyer). 49. Aeneas A

paralytic healed by Paul. 50. Cornelius The Centurion-at the time the events in

Acts chapter 10 occurred, the Roman army of occupation in Judea consisted of 5

cohorts, containing a total of approximately 3,400 men. A typical cohort

consisted of 600 men. The Italian cohort of which Cornelius was a centurion was

composed of Romans. The other four cohorts were composed mainly of Samaritans

and Syrian Greeks. In Acts 27:1, it is mentioned that Julius was a centurion in

the Augustan cohort also stationed at Caeserea. In Acts 23:18, Claudius Lysias

is named as the commander of the large cohort (1000 men) stationed at Jerusalem.

Cornelius- His name meant "of a horn" and was that of a distinguished

Roman family. Cornelius may, therefore, have been a man of political importance.

Cornelius was… A. Devout B. Feared God with his household C. Benevolent D.

Prayerful E. Well spoken of by the entire Jewish nation F. A soldier (Henneke)

51. Agabus Agabus was a New Testament Prophet. This was the first mention of the

gift of prophecy among the disciples. He foretold a famine which would occur

throughout the world. The brethren in Antioch believed Agabus and prepared for

the famine. They even sent relief to Judea even though the famine was to include

them. The famine occurred during the time of Claudius Caesar. He foretold Paul’s

arrest in Jerusalem. The brethren did not want Paul to go to Jerusalem. Paul was

determined to go anyway. "The will of the Lord be done." (Henneke) 52.

Claudius The fourth Roman emperor. He succeeded Caligula (A.D. 41). Though in

general he treated the Jews, especially those in Asia and Egypt, with great

indulgence, yet about the middle of his reign (A.D. 49) he banished them all

from Rome (Acts 18:2). In this edict the Christians were included, as being, as

was supposed, a sect of Jews. The Jews, however soon again returned to Rome.

During the reign of this emperor, several persecutions of the Christians by the

Jews took place in the dominions of Herod Agrippa, in one of which the apostle

James was "killed" (12:2). He died A.D. 54 (Smith). 53. King Herod

Herod Agrippa I was the grandson of Herod the Great. Secular history records

that while living in Rome, he became a favorite of Emperor Caligula who gave him

a kingdom subsequently enlarged by Claudius to include all of Palestine.

Apparently, to please the Jews, he joined his government to the persecution of

the church. Herod the persecutor. He had the apostle James beheaded. This

occurred about ten years after the death of Jesus. He then arrested and

imprisoned Peter under heavy guard. The church prayed fervently for Peter.

Unknown to the soldiers, an angel led Peter from the prison. This caused no

small disturbance among the soldiers. Peter presented himself to the brethren

and departed to another place. Herod ordered the execution of the soldiers. The

death of Herod. At Caesarea, Herod celebrated a festival in honor of Emperor

Claudius. He addressed the people (clad in a garment fashioned of

silver-Josephus). The people exclaimed that "he is a god." An angel

struck him because he did not give God the glory. He was eaten by worms and

died. Josephus wrote that this death took five days (Henneke). 54. John (Mark)

First mentioned in Acts 12:12 where saints had gathered in the home of John

Mark’s mother. They were praying for Peter who had been imprisoned by Herod.

Peter was released miraculously and Herod died soon thereafter. John Mark saw

the power of God in the defeat of Herod and the spread of the Church. He Joined

Barnabas and Saul in their ministry. He was present at the conversion of the

proconsul in Salamis and the defeat of Elymas the sorcerer. John went with Paul

as far as Pamphylia, but then left the group to return to Jerusalem. Later, Paul

and Barnabas disagreed over whether to take John Mark with them. Mark went with

Barnabas to Cyprus. However, Paul tells the Church at Colossae to welcome John

Mark (Col. 4:10). John Mark became a useful worker for the Lord (2 Tim. 4:11;

Phil. 24; 1 Pet. 5:13). He is the author of the book of Mark. He was Barnabas?

cousin (Henneke). 55. Barnabas the Prophet Same as Barnabas whom traveled with

Paul. He was also seen as a prophet. 56. Simeon (Niger) A devout Jew, inspired

by the Holy Ghost, who met the parents of our Lord in the temple, took him in

his arms, and gave thanks for what he saw and knew of Jesus. (Luke 2:25-35;)

There was a Simeon who succeeded his father Hillel as president of the Sanhedrin

about A.D. 13, and whose son Gamaliel was the Pharisee at whose feet St. Paul

was brought up. It has been conjectured that he may be the Simeon of St. Luke

(Smith). 57. Lucius A Christian teacher at Antioch (Acts 13:1), and Paul’s

kinsman (Rom. 16:21). His name is Latin, but his birthplace seems to indicate

that he was one of the Jews of Cyrene, in North Africa (Smith). 58. Manaen He

was one of the teachers and prophets in the church at Antioch at the time of the

appointment of Saul and Barnabas as missionaries to the heathen. He is said to

have been brought up with Herod Antipas. He was probably his foster-brother

(Smith). 59. Saul the prophet *See Saul above, different name. 60. Bar-Jesus

Also known as Elymas was a magician, a Jewish false prophet, whose name was

Bar-Jesus. Elymas opposed Barnabas and Saul seeking to turn Sergius Paulus from

the faith. Paul rebuked him and struck him with temporary blindness. This is the

only recorded miracle wrought by an apostle to the injury of a person. Paul said

that he was: Full of guile and fraud. A son of the devil. An enemy of

righteousness. A perverter of the right ways of the Lord (Henneke). 61. Sergius

Paulus. Roman proconsul of Cyprus at Paphos. A man of understanding. Sought to

hear the word of God from Barnabas and Saul. Believed after Paul struck Elymas

with blindness for hindering the gospel. Saul now called Paul (a name which he

used thereafter) Paul now recognized as the dominant member of his company (Henneke).