
American History Essay Research Paper American History

American History Essay, Research Paper

American History


Every election year, candidates come and go with all sorts of different issues. This year re-elected President Bill Clinton came up with the three main issues that every one wanted to hear about, Tax, Education, and Abortion. All through out his campaign he discussed ways on reforming these issues and we finally get to see what reformations have actually taken place since his re- election.

Through out our great country s history, the Presidential candidates have debated over taxes. The issue of taxes has become a part of this country s history in that not one presidential election has gone by, with out the candidates discussing their plans on how to improve the tax issue. All of them say they will lower taxes but none of them actually ever do this. In order to lower the taxes the government would have to borrow money, highering the national debt. If the national debt gets larger, then the President doesn t have a good chance of being re-elected again.

It is relevantly obvious that candidates would say anything to make the people happy. Which in return would help the candidates receive the votes they needed to get into office in which in most circumstances they won t do as promised, during the election.

This year, another presidential election in which the two parties reside on this issue all over again. The 1996 re-elect President, Bill Clinton came back with the tax issues that he maintained four years ago. Four years ago, when Democrat, President Clinton came into office, he promised middle-class income tax payers a choice between tax credit for each child and a reduction of their income tax rate. Instead when he came into office, he stated that lowering the deficit had to be the nations first economic priority. He pushed it through Congress, and it passed with out a single republican vote. But when the president tried to get the “Middle class bill of rights” passed, it didn t pass because of the Republican majority in Congress. The bill would have established a thousand dollar annual tax deduction for the college or vocational education expenses, a $500 tax credit for each child under the age of thirteen. The support of bills shows Democrats favor tax credits for middle class, young children and education.

The winning for a second term in office, the Clinton / Gore Administration has positive plans which involves three major principles. They wanted to provide all Americans with opportunity, they want everybody to account for their responsibilities, and they want to strengthen communities and their ability to support not only families, but individuals as well. They plan to do so by giving a $1500 dollar tax credit for tuition at

American History


community college, junior college, or college. Gore debated that, “There will be a tax relief for first time home buyers, tax encouragement for

savings, and help in paying health care expenses. A tax break actually helps the elimination of capital gains, and taxes on the profit from the sale of the home. All of this is with in the balanced budget plan which protects Medicare, Medicaid, Education, and the Environment.”

In conclusion, they are now partially trying to now enforce these plans by/or at least lowering some costs by cutting the level of Federal Spending but provides for the slowing the growth of spending. In this case, spending and revenue would grow at a faster rate as a result the deficit would begin to decline, until the budget is balanced. The Congress has started enacting this plan by passing a budget resolution. The Congress also proposed to keep Medicare for another ten years and to offer recipients more health plans.

Another issue usually debated over is education. Societies have looked to educate their people, to have their people respond in an effective, creative manner. To do so, two forms of education has been known to be used, the formal and informal education. Education starts off informally in the home and later progresses to formal education in school. This was another important issue discussed by President Clinton.

President Clinton s party platform outlined educational priorities for America and the Americorps , which allows young people to earn tuition money for college in exchange for public services. He feels that our education does not provide a bridge between school and the out side job market, so he has passed a “School to Work Opportunities” bill to create that bridge. Clinton is for providing money to help students who will not go to college so they can go straight to work after they are finished with school. Clinton plans to give a ten thousand tax deduction as a tax credit for college tuition at most community colleges. Recipients would have to maintain a “B” average and stay off drugs to be eligible for two years of credit. He has also proposed a five point program which helps to keep the kids in school. Clinton has also proposed to spend twenty seven point five billion dollars to make sure every child can read by the third grade. Finally, he wants to allow the children of the illegal immigrants to attend public schools. President Clinton s platform supports strengthening our public school system.

American History


The last major issue that was discussed by President Clinton, was, Abortion. Abortion has divided theologians, philosophers, and legislators for

centuries. It was an accepted method to limit families before. Just recently, in the past century has it been questioned in a great degree. These against abortion say that there is no reason to distinguish between a fetus and a new born baby. They both should have equal rights to life. These for abortion say that the fetus is not born yet and therefore have no rights to life. There are circumstances in which abortion would be the best solution. Therefore both the Republicans and Democrats have a reasonable explanation for their positions in this complex issue.

“Late term abortion methods have been one of the most divisive issues of this Congress and has figured prominently in debates over party platforms in the Presidential election year” . This issue is very important because often many people base their votes upon the position the candidates take upon it. The Democratic and Republican view are completely different. The Democrats are pro-choice and the Republicans are Pro-life.

President Bill Clinton expresses his views clearly, when hr recently vetoed a bill which would have banned late term abortions. “Advocates of abortion rights called the ban the first step in a campaign to out law abortion again, but the ban s advocates say that this method is a gruesome procedure that borders on infanticide”. An accomplishment The Democratic party has had on Abortion was, when they made it a federal crime to threaten or force to intimidate women entering abortion clinics. President Clinton feels a woman has a right to choose no matter how far along she may be in her pregnancy. He thinks everyone has the right to his/her opinion on the topic of abortion.

These were the three main issues that were discussed by President Bill Clinton during his 1996 Re-election Campaign and after his re-election. What he had promised the public before he was re-elected is slowly being enforced by him now. Making him the true president he was set out to be.


1. Cogan, John F.

“On Volatile Social and Cultural Issues, Silence”

The New York Times

November 12, 1996

2. “Exerpts from debate between Vice President Gore and Kemp”

October 11, 1996

3. Wines, Michael

“The Campaign Trail- the Presidential Race”

The New York Times

October 9, 1996

4. Berkowitz, Harry

“Campaigns Aim At Education”

New York Times

October 23, 1996

5. Berkowski, Monica

“Two Congresses, Two Workloads”

New York Times

October 25, 1996

6. The Presidential Debates

7. Henneberger, Melinda

“Senate Falls to Override Veto of Ban on Type of Abortion”

New York Times

September 27, 1996





Hatel Patel

Dec. 20, 1996

pd. 4

American History


Every election year, candidates come and go with all sorts of different issues. This year re-elected President Bill Clinton came up with the three main issues that every one wanted to hear about, Tax, Education, and Abortion. All through out his campaign he discussed ways on reforming these issues and we finally get to see what reformations have actually taken place since his re- election.

Through out our great country s history, the Presidential candidates have debated over taxes. The issue of taxes has become a part of this country s history in that not one presidential election has gone by, with out the candidates discussing their plans on how to improve the tax issue. All of them say they will lower taxes but none of them actually ever do this. In order to lower the taxes the government would have to borrow money, highering the national debt. If the national debt gets larger, then the President doesn t have a good chance of being re-elected again.

It is relevantly obvious that candidates would say anything to make the people happy. Which in return would help the candidates receive the votes they needed to get into office in which in most circumstances they won t do as promised, during the election.

This year, another presidential election in which the two parties reside on this issue all over again. The 1996 re-elect President, Bill Clinton came back with the tax issues that he maintained four years ago. Four years ago, when Democrat, President Clinton came into office, he promised middle-class income tax payers a choice between tax credit for each child and a reduction of their income tax rate. Instead when he came into office, he stated that lowering the deficit had to be the nations first economic priority. He pushed it through Congress, and it passed with out a single republican vote. But when the president tried to get the “Middle class bill of rights” passed, it didn t pass because of the Republican majority in Congress. The bill would have established a thousand dollar annual tax deduction for the college or voc