In the late 1960s and early 1970s, there was a sharp increase in marijuana use among adolescents and young adults. The current legal status of marijuana was established in 1970 with the passage of the Controlled Substances Act, which divided drugs into five Schedules and placed marijuana in Schedule I, the category for drugs with high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. (Barnett 2)
This paper has merely touched the surface of the topic of marijuana. Further, the topic of marijuana is perpetual and complex. It has been concluded in this paper that the use of marijuana is widespread by all classes, races, and cultures. It has been discussed in that marijuana has been used for a multitude of purposes over thousands of years, and is still, today, being used for many of the same purposes. A brief history of marijuana was been reviewed in order for the reader to comprehend the circumstances of the place marijuana has in society. The acute and chronic harmful physical and mental effects of marijuana on individuals have been disclosed; the outcomes associated with the use and abuse of marijuana have been discussed, and the future possibilities of marijuana’s medicinal uses have been touched upon. Finally, this paper has achieved outlining a botanical plant that has a definite past, present, and future in the role of society.
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