
Rwanda Essay Research Paper Rwanda ReportRwanda is

Rwanda Essay, Research Paper

Rwanda Report

Rwanda is an African country in East Central Africa. Rwanda is

just a very little degrees below the Equator which is not too shabby

in my mind. Below the Equator would be in the south and so it is

actually in south central. Get it South Central (get it)HA!HA! In

Rwanda there are about seven hundred and ten per square which in

my mind a whole lot of people I don?t think even San Bernardino

has that many but what do I know. Rwanda is twenty six thousand

three hundred and eighty eight miles squared which in my mind is

tiny but I?ll say again what do I knows. So to figure out what the

exact population of this measly little country you must multiply

seven hundred and ten by twenty six thousand three hundred and

eighty eight and you get a whole lot but when I looked in the book

it said seven million two hundred twenty two thousand people.

This enormous number doesn?t look right but I am too lazy too get

up and get a calculator too check so I?ll take their word of it.

The capital city in Rwanda is Kigali which is also the biggest city

in Rwanda I can?t find how big it is but it must be bigger than

twenty miles square and under twenty six thousand three hundred

and thirty eight square miles.

The official name of Rwanda is called The Republic Of Rwanda

. Rwanda is also landlocked which doesn?t help much either. Since

it is landlocked I will tell you which countries it is surrounded by

on the north it is by Ughanda, on the east by Tanzanian the south

by Burundi and finally on the west it is next to Zaire. Rwanda is one

of the poorest countries in the world and it is one of the most

densely populated country in the world. One of the reasons for

Rwanda being in such a bad state of poverty is that there was a

Civil war between the Hutu and the Tutsi which fought for stupid

reasons. Well at least I think that they are stupid reasons but to

them it was probably some serious stuff that they don?t take very

lightly. The Hutu are very short people that make up about ninety

two percent of the population. The Hutu are not pygmies but they

are very short people that are about three feet tall a piece which is

about two feet shorter than I am and now that is pretty short in my

mind. The Hutu make their living by being farmers and doing

farm related activities which include raising animals for food.

The Tutsi on the other hand are very tall people that make up about

only eight percent of the community of Rwanda. The Tutsi run the

government and some Tutsi are also herders that heard cattle

and goats. The war between them that they had was about

religion, height and about well I guess you can call it pride. This

war actually started though with the Hutu rebelling from the Tutsi

and well it went crazy from there with two million people leaving

and a gory blood bath with thousands and thousands of people

dying. The Tutsi had the most casualties on their side even though

they outheighted if that is even a word the Hutu by about well a

good three feet or so.