
Who Killed Jfk Essay Research Paper On (стр. 2 из 2)

Immediately after the shooting, the assassin hides the rifle in the opposite corner of the sixth floor, wipes it clean of prints, and runs down 4 flights of stairs to the lunch room to grab a coke and take a rest. This is when officer Baker sees him standing with a coke in his hand. Oswald then leaves the building to go kill a police officer, J.D. Tibbit. Police later arrest him at a movie theater, and charge him with the two shootings. Three days later Oswald is killed by the patriotic Jack Ruby.

The above two paragraphs are the main lie that the government told the people of this country. Lets first look at the magic bullet story, probably the biggest exaggeration. This bullet, which was fired at an angle of 17 degrees from the sixth floor of the school book depository. The bullet entered the rear of the president and was supposed to exit though the neck, slightly below the Adam s apple. The back wound though is not in the neck, but is to the lower right of the back bone, not in line with the neck wound. Which was higher, and in the center. This shot is also to have hit Gov. Connely. It entered him in the back, went through his lung, exited below his right nipple, went through his right wrist, which was holding his Stetson hat at the time, and lodged in his thigh. If Conally was sitting directly in front of Kennedy the shot would have had to do a lot of zig zagging. But according to the warren commission Connely was sitting slightly to the left of the president. The shot still has to turn. Upon entering the back, it would have to travel up and to the right to exit at the neck. It would then have to turn right, and travel into Connely s back. After entering the back, it would exit, turn to the left and head down into Connely s right wrist, and left thigh. Needless to say this bullet truly magic if it can do all that, and then emerge rather clean, and pristine. Connely was not sitting off to the right or left of Kennedy. He was sitting directly, and straight in front. If the bullet really did enter Kennedy s back where the wound is, it would have to entered Connely in the left shoulder, not the right like it did.

The bullet that entered Kennedy s back did not hit Connally. Connely s testimony to the Warren Commission helps prove it along with the Zepruder film.

We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this

noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right

because the sound appeared to come from over my right shoulder, so I turned to look

back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the

crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested,

because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I

immediately–the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination


So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into

the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in

now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone

had hit me in the back.

Connely states that he had turned to his right upon hearing shots. Then as he was going to turn to his left, he was hit in the back, when he was about midway in his turn, or facing forward again. When Connely turned to his right though, the president had already been injured and was grabbing at his throat. Then Connally turned back and was hit. This is shown by Zepruder frames XX through XX. This was probably the third shot. The first shot from a place other than the School book depository, some place like the Dal-Tex building. The second shot was from the front, which hit Kennedy in the neck. It either came from the grassy knoll, or perhaps a recent development, but less publicized theory, a shot of a paralyzing dart from a weapon that looks like an ordinary umbrella. The CIA admitted that such a weapon had been created, and that it had several in its possession. However when this idea was introduced before the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the umbrella that was supposed to be the same one in Dallas that day opened inside out. It was probably a bullet. The second shot entered the president in the throat, and did not exit. Doctors at Parkland confirmed that this was an entrance wound. In the November 23rd , 1963 issue of the New York Times, Dr. Malcolm Perry and Dr. Kemp Clark, attending physicians at Parkland gave the following details. Mr. Kennedy was hit by a bullet in the throat just below the Adam s apple, they said. This wound had the appearance of a bullet s entry. If this wound was an entry, it had to come from the grassy knoll.

While the president was reacting to the second shot which was from the front, Governor Connally was hit from behind. This went through his back, and exited below his right nipple. This shot is also to have hit his wrist and thigh too, but there is the possibility that that was another shot, the same shot which damaged the windshield of the limousine. Also while the president is reacting from the neck shot, he is shot in the back, pushing him slightly forward. This is shot number 4. The presidents coat, and autopsy confirms the location of the wound, and that fact that it does not line up with the neck wound. The fifth shot is the shot that may have injured Connally s wrist and fragmented, hitting the windshield at the same time. Assuming that this is the fifth shot, the sixth shot was the fatal head shot. This shot in all probability came from the front, the grassy knoll. This was the last significant shot. Now, a review of the shots:

Shot 1: firing from behind, either the Dal-Tex building or the school book depository, more than likely the Dal-Tex, misses completely and causes the Tague injury at the triple over pass.

Shot 2: Hits Kennedy in the next from the front. This did not exit the body. It was fired from probably the grassy knoll.

Shot 3: This shot is fired from the rear, misses Kennedy and hits Connely. Assume that it does not do the damage to the wrist.

Shot 4: As Kennedy is reacting to his neck wound, he his hit in the back, propelling him slightly forward. This bullet does not exit either.

Shot 5: Hits Connely in the wrist and thigh. It probably comes from the rear in the School Book Depository.

Shot 6: Hits Kennedy in the head from the front, and kills him.

The last two shots have been said to be reversed, Connely getting hit less than a second after the fatal head wound, and from the back. There is evidence of other shots, but they are misses. There is the dent in the center of the chrome around the windshield. There is also several reported bullet marks on the pavement in the area. Although that this is what happened, more probably than the one man theory, the government decided that this not what they will say will happen.

Hitler said, The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.

In the aftermath of the assassination the assassins tried to escape. Those responsible for the assassination pinned it all on Lee Harvey Oswald. After the assassination the true assassins got away, taking their weapons with them, or at least most of their weapons. Michael Giffith wrote a paper in 1996 discussing the Extra Bullets and Missed Shots in Dealy Plaza. He stated that in the documents released by the ARRB (Assassination Records Review Board) there was an empty FBI evidence envelope. Although it contained nothing, the label on the outside indicated it had contained a 7.65 mm rifle shell that had been found in Dealey plaza after the shooting. He further states that the AARB released FBI documents that discuss a Johnson 30.06 rifle found in Dealy plaza soon after the shooting. He also notes that

in 1975 a maintenance man named Morgan, while working on the roof of the County Records Building in Dealey Plaza, found a 30.06 shell casing lying under a lip of roofing tar at the base of the roof s parapet on the side facing the plaza, according to his son dean Morgan. The shell casing is dated 1953, and marks on it indicate it was made at the Twin Cities Arsenal. One side of the casing had been pitted by exposure to the weather, suggesting it was exposed on the roof for some time. According to some researchers this shell casing is evidence that a sabot may have been used to fire ammunition from a 30.06 rifle during the assassination. A sabot is a plastic sleeve that enables a larger caliber weapon to fire a smaller caliber missile, even one that has been fired previously.

The Records Building is right across the street from the Dal-Tex building, and would offer a perfect shooting point from its roof.

Figure 2 possible assassin (circled area)

All this proof would lead almost anyone to assume that something was afoot that day, and that the one man assassin story was bogus. The government however decided to try to the best of its ability to cover everything up. It has not worked though. There were many things that the assassins didn t count on. One is that people like to take pictures, and film of events like presidents coming through town. Many people were doing this that day. Just about everyone in the country has some of if not all of the famous 8mm Zapruder film on the procession. While it is not the highest quality film, it offers execleent visual proof of what happened that day. Proof of people s locations, movements, etc. In fact at the end of the film, there is a glimps of the grassy knoll, and a glimpse of what might be the silhouette of a man.(fig. 2) Zapruder s film also captured more proof in the case. The frame showing the limousine emerging from behind the highway sign proves that Connally was not injured at the time Kennedy s neck wound occurred. This is frame number 224(fig 3). It also shows the umbrella, mentioned earlier.

Abraham Zapruder was not the only one recording the day s activities. Mary Mooreman was standing on the south side if elm (opposite from the knoll) with her camera. She took what is not known as the Mooreman photo. In this photo there is the silhouette of something behind the picket fence. The same thing that was on the Zepruder film. It was known as the black dog man because in a photo of the same area, taken at about the same moment by Phil Willis, and in a film by Oliver Nix it looks like a dog. In fact that s what the Warren Commission said it was, a dog. However when the Mooreman photo is enhanced, a figure that looks like a police man with a rifle firing appears. Well if this is a man who is it? one theory is that it is Lucien Sartis, a French moffia hit man. When Kennedy decided to pull out of Vietnam, he would have left the French there to fight by themselves. It is reported that Satri s MO was to dress up as a local law official, commit the act, and then blend into the crowd. He blended in when after shooting he came into the crowd, and kicked a man by the name of Gorden Arnold who was filming in the area. Sartis took the camera and film, and vanished. Although Arnold only came forward once, when he did, he was shown the enhanced picture, and said that that was the man who killed the president.

Ike Altgens took a famous photo also. His photo is of the motorcade coming towards him with the School Book Depository , and the Dal-Tex building in the background. This photo is very interesting, and it is understood why when the warren commission published it, it was severely cropped. It shows a man sitting on the fire escape of the Dal-Tex building holding what appears to be a phone or radio to his face. In the window below him, there appears to be a man with a rifle. This is perhaps a radio/shooter team. This photo also shows a figure that appears to be Oswald standing in the door way of the school book depository. If this id indeed Oswald, then he could not have fired the rifle from the second floor. These two photos, the Mooreman, and the Altgens show the other two assassins, with make up the triangulation of fire.

The Warren Commission had explanations for all these, and said that Oswald was the only assassin. He was arrested by the Dallas police after shooting Dallas police officer Tibbit. He is then charged with the assassination, although the evidence is little. The rifle found in the sixth floor on the book depository is supposed to be a Manlicker- Carcano. However when first recovered it was described as a Mauser. While a Mauser and the Carcano have some similar features, anyone with some firearms experience should be able to tell the difference. (PICTURE). And then in trying to make Oswald look even more guilty to the public the government releases the famous backyard photos. The photos which show Oswald holding a gun, and a copy of the Worker , a communist paper have long said to be faked. They were. While one can look at shadows, etc., just look at the picture of Oswald when he was arrested. Do they look alike? The chin in the mug shot is a pointy type of chin where as the chin in the backyard photos is a square type of jaw and chin. While Oswald was no saint, he didn t kill the president. He was drinking a coke in the cafeteria at the time.

The people who killed the president were part of a great conspiracy involving the government, CIA, and crime. They all had gains to make in getting rid of the President. The president had made too many mistakes as far as they were concerned. IT has been said that if someone wants to see a giraffe in a picture, they will. No one wanted to see a conspiracy. People didn t want to see that their government could not be trusted, and would murder their own president. The proof was their however. While no one may know what really happened that day in Dallas. Many people have taken what they knew to their grave. Oswald was killed in the Dallas police station by famed mobster Jack Ruby. Dozens of other witnesses mysteriously died when the House Select Committee on Assassinations , and Garrison investigations started. If Oswald did it, and there was no conspiracy, why is it tried to be covered up so much. Even the HSCA said that the committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that president John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. Even people on the Warren commission itself knew it was a lie. Arlen Specter said that the back wound had always bothered him. There were memos that hinted of the fact that the commission was going to lie, and that it needed to be covered up.