Catch-22 Log Essay, Research Paper
Chapter One
Characters Introduced:
Yossarian He is the protagonist of Catch-22.
Dunbar Yossarian’s friend and roommate when the novel opens
The Chaplain a religious man who comes to visit Yossarian in the hospital
Nurse Duckett Doesn’t appear to have a significant role, except that of Yossarian’s nurse
The Texan A man so nice that everyone hates him
Soldier in white A completely bandaged man who is in the same ward as Yossarian
Lieutenant Nately Yossarian’s commanding officer
The novel opens in a hospital ward with Yossarian meeting the chaplain. Yossarian seems to enjoy confusing the chaplain and causing him trouble although he “fell madly in love with him” (15) We meet a few other characters, none too significant at this point.
The first piece of irony is seen in this chapter in the Texan. He is so nice that everyone hates him. The soldier in white poses an element of mystery thus far in the novel. He is intriguing to the other characters because he is all bandaged. They ponder whether or not he is alive.
We are also introduced to the first setting of the novel; Pianosa which is to be a small island in the Mediterranean Sea.
Chapter Two
Characters Introduced:
C.I.D. Man His name is only mentioned once and is thus far insignificant
Clevinger A fellow officer in Yossarian’s squadron
Orr Yossarian’s roommate
Havermeyer A fellow pilot
McWatt A fellow pilot
Colonel Cathcart
Milo Assumed to be in charge of the mess hall
Major__de Coverley
Doc Daneeka
Dead man in Yossarian’s tent
Yossarian is out of the hospital and is arguing with Clevinger about how everyone is out to kill him The new characters are mainly other pilots in the military with Yossarian.
Ferrara and the Great Big Siege of Bologna are two events mentioned with no description
This chapter holds the first introduction to the idea of insanity. Yossarian feels that everyone else is crazy, everyone hates him and is trying to kill him as well.
Chapter Three
Characters Introduced:
Sergeant Towser Only mentioned very briefly, no apparent significance
Major Major Squadron commander who resembles Henry Fonda
Huple and Hungary Joe Officers under Yossarian’s command
General P.P. Peckem
General Dreedle Possible head man for the war
ex-P.F.C Wintergreen ex-Private First Class
Colonel Cargill
This chapter commences with a bit of confusion. The dead man is re-introduced as a pest. He is spoken of as if he were alive and present. We are introduced to one of the many sides of the relationship of Orr and Yossarian. Orr is telling Yossarian of his past and confusing him just as he confused the chaplain.
Irony has been seen already many times, in addition to this chapter. “I’d be the last colonel in the world to order you to go to that U.S.O show and have a good time, but I want every one of you who isn’t sick enough to be in a hospital to go to the U.S.O show right now and have a good time, and that’s an order.” (37) What is this all about? That doesn’t make any sense.
The idea of missions, which is very key to the story is introduced here. “They were men who had finished their fifty missions.”(36) There is a requirement for the number of missions that one must fly to be released from service, but the number has been raised once already.
Chapter Four
Characters Introduced:
Gus and Wes Two medics who have perfected medicine to a science
Captain Black
Colonel Korn
Colonel Moodus General Dreedle’s son in law
This chapter is very confusing. The whole T.S. Eliot scene is very mind-boggling Ex-P.F.C Wintergreen responds to a question with the answer of T.S. Eliot and the General’s can not understand it and figure he is speaking in some code.
Chapter Five
Characters Introduced:
Chief White Halfoat A Native American who rooms with Doc Daneeka
Chief White Halfoat is the only new character introduced in this chapter, and already we are introduced to his personality. It is an awful thing to say, but one of my favorite quotes comes from Chief White Halfoat when he says “Racial prejudice is a terrible thing, Yossarian. It really is. It’s a terrible thing to treat a decent, loyal Indian like a nigger, kike, wop or spic.” (53) If this isn’t hypocritical and ironic, than I don’t know what is.
The idea of Catch-22 is also brought forth in this chapter. “‘Sure there’s a catch,’ Doc Daneeka replied. ‘Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn’t really crazy.’ There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he had to fly them If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to. ” (55)
This introduces one of many catch-22’s that will be seen throughout the novel.
Chapter Six
Characters Introduced:
Captain Flume A squadron leader more enthralled with photography than the war
This chapter brings a catch-22 face to face with Yossarian. Yossarian has more than enough missions to be sent home, but his commanding officers will not let him, and that’s the catch. Even though the Twenty seventh Air Force says he has enough missions to go home, he must obey all orders given to him from his commanding officers.
We learn a little more about Hungry Joe in this chapter as well. He apparently has nightmares every night before a day when he does not have to fly a mission. This is a bit puzzling. He seems to have gotten used to the life of flying the missions and can not function rationally unless he is scheduled to do so.
These nightmares of Hungary Joe bring up the theme of being in a new environment, and how it changes the people in that environment. Hungary Joe would not typically have nightmares every night, however, in a war, he does, unless he is to risk his life the next day on a mission.
Chapter Seven
Characters Introduced:
Corporal Snark Milo’s mess officer
The CID man comes back into the picture in this chapter looking for a Washington Irving, who is a fictitious character that is created by Yossarian. Lieutenant Milo Minderbinder is described a little more in this chapter. He runs a black market operation in many countries. Milo offers to allow Yossarian in on his market and Yossarian rejects the offer. Milo contends that “everyone has a share.”
A possible parody of economics is created in this chapter while Milo buys eggs in Malta for seven cents apiece, and then returns and sells them in Pianosa for five cents, but still turns a profit.
Chapter Eight
Characters Introduced:
Lieutenant Scheisskopf
Scheisskopf’s wife
Dori Duz
Lieutenant Scheisskopf is introduced into this chapter as a man who loves parades and the entire morale of being in the military. His wife and her friend, Dori Duz are introduced as being women who would have sex with every man in Lieutenant Scheisskopf’s cadet.
There is another scene of confusion between Clevinger, Scheisskopf, Yossarian and a colonel. In this scene, the theme of mistrust, and disloyalty can be scene in Yossarian. Scheisskopf is asking for information and claiming “I won’t punish you” While Clevinger is ready to offer any info he can, Yossarian tells him otherwise, and forces Clevinger to keep quiet. Yossarian is not so quick to trust the Lieutenant with his words.
Chapter Nine
Characters Introduced:
This chapter is almost entirely dedicated to the description of Major Major Major Major. He was introduced into the novel earlier very briefly, it is here where we truly meet him. His name is Major Major Major, and that is only because of his father’s sense of humor. On his first day in the service, he is promoted to major by an IBM computer. This makes him Major Major Major Major.
This chapter also brings on another great example of irony that remains constant throughout Catch-22. Major Major Major Major reports to Sergeant Towser that no one is to see him in his office, unless he is not there.” ‘From now on,’ he said, ‘I don’t want anyone to come in to see me while I’m here. Is that clear?’”(108) This means that no one is allowed to go into his office while he is there. This comes back into the novel later on when a new cadet tries to make an appointment with Major Major Major Major.
Chapter Ten
Characters Introduced:
Captain Pilchard and Captain wren Responsible for assembling the crews
Mudd The dead man in Yossarian’s tent
Dr. Stubbs
This chapter brings upon many events that occurred in the past. The first one is “Eighteen planes had let down through a beaming white cloud off the coast of Elba one afternoon on the way back from the weekly milk run to Parma; seventeen came out.” (114) This event is the presumed death of Clevinger because in the morning after this occurrence, Clevinger was gone.
Another even that is mentioned in this section is called the Grand Conspiracy of Lowery Field. In this action, “all sixty four men in a single barrack vanished one payday and were never heard of again.” Whether these events will come up in the novel again is uncertain.
A theme in this chapter is loyalty to one’s service. Ex-PFC Wintergreen is an ex Private First Class, he is no longer ranked, yet he still performs duties for the commanders. His duties tend to be fairly ironic, however. “Each time he went AWOL, he was caught and sentenced to dig and fill up holes six feet deep, wide and long for a specified length of time. Each time he finished his sentence, he went AWOL again.” (114)
The dead man in Yossarian’s tent makes his grand entrance and clarifies his whereabouts in this chapter as well. He was never officially enlisted, but was “blown into bits over Orvieto less than two hours after he arrived.” (118) Because he was never enlisted, his presence was never known, and that is why his belongings remain in the tent.
Chapter Eleven
Characters Introduced:
Major Duluth Killed over Perugia
Chapter eleven depicts the makings of the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade. We are re-introduced to Captain Black who is a cynical man who has no sorrow for any tragedy as long as he can benefit from it. Major Duluth was killed in a mission and Captain Black was expecting to take over his position. However, a newcomer, Major Major, was selected for the job instead. Because of this Black is determined to prove Major Major as a communist.
The Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade was spearheaded by Captain Black. He made everyone sign a loyalty oath in order to do anything. But once again, there is a catch. He was not going to let Major Major sign any of these oaths, and therefore, proving he was communist. His plan is working until Major__de Coverly breaks it up by demanding “Gimme eat.”(126)
This chapter shows another example of irony in the Glorious Loyalty Oath Crusade, and another example of a catch 22 in it’s greatest form. Major Major was communist because he wouldn’t sign any oaths, but Captain Black would not let him sign any of these oaths.
Chapter Twelve
Characters Introduced:
Sergeant Knight
Kid Sampson An officer under Yossarian
Corporal Kolodny
Huple’s Cat
This is the description of the Great Big Siege of Bologna. This mission has been dreaded by the pilots for awhile, and has been built up to be horrible. In this chapter, however, they trick the Captain into thinking that Bologna had already been captured so that they did not have to fly it.
“The more it rained, they worse they suffered. The more they suffered, the more they prayed that it would continue raining.” (128-129) This quote shows how bad the flight to Bologna must have been. The men would rather suffer in the rain than fly the mission.
Clevinger reappears in this chapter during an argument with Yossarian. The theme of roles and loyalty comes up again in this argument between the two men. It is Yossarian’s duty to die over Bologna. Yossarian contests that when he admits to being the cause behind the cancelation of the mission.
Another theme that arises is the idea of God is dead. Repeatedly throughout the chapter, Dunbar says “There is no God,” (135) All of his outbursts seem out of place and irrational, but when one thinks about the horror of war, and the belief in God, it is realized that Dunbar is questioning if God exists, and if so, than why is the situation as horrible as it is. Dunbar also repeats that phrase while riding in a stolen jeep driven by a drunk Chief White Halfoat, who feels that driving without headlights on is the best way.
Chapter Thirteen
Characters Introduced:
This chapter portrays Heller’s view of a military bureaucracy. It goes back in time in two different instances. This first is to introduce the beginning of Milo Minderbinder and how he became the mess hall coordinator, along with how is syndicate got started.
The next situation is between Yossarian and Colonel Cathcart while they are discussing Yossarian’s actions during a mission. Yossarian did not drop his bombs on a target the first time around because he would have missed. Instead, he goes around a second time, without cover, and destroys the target. Because the service does not want to take any criticism for this, they give Yossarian a medal for bravery. In addition to the medal, they promote Yossarian to captain, which is how he is introduced in the beginning of the novel.
Chapter Fourteen
Characters Introduced:
This chapter once again brings the mission of Bologna into the story line. The fear of this mission is so great that Yossarian fakes a malfunction in the plan and orders his men to turn back. After having to fly over Bologna again, they realize that Bologna was just a milk-run.
Chapter Fifteen
After returning to the base, Captain Pilchard and Captain Wren reprimand Yossarian for aborting the mission and order them to fly it again. Assuming that the mission is not dangerous, Yossarian flies in with confidence, but is soon a target for flying shrapnel. He leads McWatt through evasive maneuvers and they finally end the mission and return safely.
One aspect of this chapter I was intrigued about was Aarfy and his actions while in the air. These planes are being shot at by the enemy, and Aarfy is playing games with Yossarian and poking him with his pipe and pretending that he can’t hear orders. Now, during a time of war, and immediate danger, you would think that one would act a bit more serious.
Chapter Sixteen
Characters Introduced:
Luciana A whore that Yossarian meets one night in Rome and falls in love with
Yossarian meets Luciana one night in a bar, dances, has dinner with her, and eventually the next morning he sleeps with her. After which he falls in love with her and asks her to marry him. It is here that another example of catch-22 is seen. Luciana says she can not marry Yossarian because he is crazy, and he is crazy because he wants to marry her. She leaves and gives Yossarian her number which he tears up immediately.
Colonel Cathcart then raises the number of required missions to 40, and Yossarian makes a trip to the hospital. I assume that this is where the novel opens up. Yossarian is in the hospital and the number of missions had just been raised.
Chapter Seventeen
Characters Introduced
Snowden Friend of Yossarian’s whom his death Yossarian feels responsible for
This chapter is conformation that the novel started in medias res and has now returned to the beginning. While in the hospital, Yossarian is speaking with the Texan about the soldier in white. Yossarian and Dunbar discuss mortality and the cause of why some people die and some don’t.
Snowden is mentioned in this chapter very briefly and it is puzzling as to why. What was mentioned does not have much to do with the rest of the chapter. We still do not understand how he died. Maybe it was just to remind the reader that his story is still lingering and to refresh the memory of him.
Yossarian also debates with Doc Daneeka about the fairness of war, and how the colonel continues to raise the number of missions as soon as Yossarian nears them. He asks Doc to help him by grounding him and Doc tells Yossarian to fly the 55 missions and then he will think about it.
This is evidence that in war, a person no longer becomes in control of their own life. Yossarian does not want to fly any more missions, but the only person who can keep him from doing so, isn’t himself. Yossarian’s life becomes controlled by another figure, in this case, Doc Daneeka.
Chapter Eighteen
In this chapter Lieutenant Scheisskopf’s wife appears again with Yossarian. Yossarian spends Thanksgiving in bed with her and they discuss God, and the existence of him. “‘And don’t tell me God works in mysterious ways,’ Yossarian continued, hurtling on over her objection. ‘There’s nothing so mysterious about it. He’s not working at all. He’s playing. Or else, He’s forgotten all about us.’” (189)