
Joy Luck Club Essay Research Paper Over

Joy Luck Club Essay, Research Paper

Over the years, she told me the same story, except for the ending, which grew darker, casting long shadows into her life, and eventually mine. Discuss the significance of the sentence to what unfolds between pages 20 to 26. In your discussion, refer to the writer s style to emphasise and bring out meaning. In the novel, The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, the significance of this sentence: over the years, she told me the same story, except for the ending, which grew darker, casting long shadows into her life, and eventually mine spoken by the daughter is relatively high. This sentence aids Amy Tan to continue her style to emphasise and bring out meaning through the conversations. The sentence also emphasises and makes a strong point that we need to concentrate and critically analyse the mother s story and more importantly, the change at the end. The sentence also makes the reader realise the themes which dwell within the stories told. The changes at the end of each story told by the mother are made very apparent and obvious to the reader as a result of the daughter s sentence. The sentence also draws up a very strong theme. Jing-mei Woo (the daughter) said that over the years, she told me the same story, except for the ending, which grew darker, casting long shadows into her life, and eventually mine. This sentence makes a very blatant point to the reader that it is very crucial to take note of the changes throughout the mother s speech. By analysing the change, we recognise a theme. The theme or message is that a mother and daughter relationship should not be deteriorated or laid back due to a lack of misunderstanding. The misunderstandings should be unclouded by gradual explanations of a mother s past as the daughter grows up and becomes capable of understanding. As a result of the sentence, it is made unsubtle that the reader has to be aware of the changes as stated in the sentence and also, that a strong theme dwells within. The sentence makes the reader aware of the changes and double adjectives bringing out another theme. The double adjectives are made very apparent when Suyuan Woo is describing her past experiences and also her memory. She said that her mother left China with one stiff leather trunk filled only with fancy silk dresses. Suyuan also said that I dreamed of jagged peaks lining a curving river . . which is another apparent example illustrative of her speaking motifs involving adjectives. The emphasis on the double adjectives helps build up and creates an imagery the writer wants the reader to possess. Although the double adjectives creates an imagery, it also brings out another theme and that is families. Suyuan Woo speaks in very long sentences using double adjectives but adjectives are absent when she talks about her family and in particular, her husband. Suyuan detailed the appearance of the people who greeted her. She said: we were greeted by white-haired American missionary ladies but when she talked about the man who was my husband , no adjectives were used. By using this technique which is not present in the rest of the style of the prose, it adds a lot of meaning to the theme and stamps a new impression. Usually when talking about a person of such importance to a person s life as a husband, adjectives would be used to tell the listener as much as possible concerning the person. Things like the caring and loving man who was my husband. The absence of the double adjectives when Suyuan Woo was describing her husband makes the reader believe or conjecture that her husband did not even leave her with any fond memories to recall. The realisation of the double adjectives used is very important for the writer to bring out a theme and it is a result of the significant sentence which is repeated.

The significance of this sentence is to make the reader acknowledge the change and thus imagine and picture the change leading to a theme. The sentence spoken by the daughter makes the reader think about the old imagery and then compare or replace it with the new one as he/she continues on reading. By using this technique and the daughter to voice this sentence, the reader realises the change and thus thinks and enquires about the reason for the change in each of the stories told. This leads to a very strong theme and the theme is secrets. The speculation raised when the issue of secrets is concerned grows due to the sentence spoken by the daughter. The changes in the story makes the reader enquire about the reason for the mother s secrecy throughout the daughter s childhood. The secrets involve the mother s identity and her past. That is what she meant when she said that the long dark shadows were casting long shadows into her (Suyuan) life. The stories slowly made her aware of her mother s past and what impact it had on her. It made Jing-mei Woo realise and understand how hard it was for her mother to arrive in America and restart a life she had virtually lost. The sentence spoken by the daughter significantly made the reader acknowledge the change in the stories retold and thus discover an internal theme. In Amy Tan s novel, The Joy Luck Club , the daughter said: over the years, she told me the same story, except for the ending, which grew darker, casting long shadows into her life, and eventually mine. This sentence is very significant because it strongly informs the reader that he/she has to take note of the changes throughout the stories told. That sentence also draws a number of internal themes. By doing this, the reader will acknowledge the various subtle techniques used by the author which contributes to the excitement in Amy Tan s compelling novel, The Joy Luck Club .