
Patriarchy Conformity And Individuality As Expressed In

Patriarchy, Conformity And Individuality As Expressed In The Bell Jar And Edible Woman Essay, Research Paper

Patriarchy, Conformity and Individuality

as Expressed in The Bell Jar and Edible Woman

There has always been some amount of difficulty being a woman in our society, whether

it be in the present day or fifty years ago. There are many roles that women are expected to

play and many circumstances they have to face if they ?fail? to live out these certain roles. Our

world is filled with conformity, patriarchy and stereotypical attitudes that are so embedded into

us that it is near impossible to look past. The book, Edible Woman, written by Margaret Atwood,

is about a woman who is torn between the feminine stereotype of the Nineteen-sixties and her

own personality. This is very similar to Sylvia Plath?s, Bell Jar, which examines the life of a

woman suffering from the patriarchal society that offers her no positive role models. Both novels

have similar themes and characters as well as similar portrayal of men and other women and the

different roles that they play in society.

Marian McAlpin, the protagonist in Edible Woman is in her mid-twenties and is about to

get married to her young and immaculate fianc?, Peter. Marian is a graduate student who now

has an office job working for Seymour Surveys. She is now very upset because for the first time

in her life she has to make choices that are very important to the direction of her future but she

is absolutely overwhelmed by all of these choices. She begins very slowly to reject different types

of food until eventually there is nothing left that she is comfortable eating. She has the ongoing

feeling that it is she that is being consumed and grows very disturbed by the people around her.

Eventually, she sees that in order for her to be healthy, she has to take responsibility for her

actions and destroy the socially approved feminine role that has been forced upon her.

Esther Greenwood is faced with similar problems in the Bell Jar, where she is reaching a

point where she has to make many important decisions and to choose what path she wants to

take in life. Although she is very talented and has many options ahead of her, she lacks decent

role models and is unsatisfied with the positions that women are supposed to take in society.

Eventually she becomes very mentally strained and this leads into her ongoing struggle with

schizophrenia in mental hospitals. Esther sees herself mirrored in other characters in the novel,

especially a woman named Joan who is somewhat of a reversed parallel to her personality.

Eventually when Joan commits suicide, Esther is able to recover.

In both novels, it seems that there are many paths that both protagonists are

presented with. These paths are seen in the many different characters that Marian and Esther

are faced with in their lives and because none of the roles are very satisfying to them, this

causes very much rebellion and stress for both women. For Marian, these roles include her

widow landlady; a spinster who is presented to her by a woman organizing pention plans at

Seymour Surveys; a pure woman waiting for marriage and children like some of the ?office

virgins? who work with her; mother, represented by her friend Clara, who is so obviously wiped

out by her children she refers to them as ?leeches?; and the enlightened unmarried woman who

she associates with her roommate. ?…Marian McAlpin has a…problem with defining her own

reality in a puzzling and nonsensical environment.? Marian deals with much stress with the

realization that she has very little control over her life.

Esther Greenwood is also faced with many different characters that seem to split her

personality into two parts. At the beginning of the novel, there are two major paths that are

presented. One is presented by Doreen, a sassy, beautiful woman who is wild and sluttish. The

contrasting role to this is Betsy, who is polite, clean and pure. This is the initial conflict that

Esther finds hard to deal with. There are two sides to her personality and she can?t accept them

as both being an integrated part of herself. Other contrasting roles for Esther is the role of the

mother and the role of the career woman. There are many women who represent the pure

traditional role of motherhood and there are also many women who represent the independent,

exciting role of the career woman. For example, Jay Cee represents the role of the career

woman, and her mother and Buddy?s mother are maternal figures, but all of these women are

poor role models for Esther and she feels even more unsatisfied.

Being a mother means that you need to give up your career and independence and

being a career woman means that you are going to die alone and lonely. Both Marian and Esther

have difficulty finding the balance between these two roles. ?Marian, Duncan [Marion?s lover] and

Peter are all twenty-six, at the age when society expects them to abandon youthful freedom and

being to assume imprisoning life-time roles.? Because of the expectations of society, both of the

women feel that they don?t have any time and that they are being pressured into taking their


In both novels, there is a very similar and interesting portrayal of men. The character

Lenny that is introduced near the beginning of the novel as Doreen?s boyfriend can very easily be

compared to Peter, Marian?s fiance. Both men are portrayed as ?predators? who have

apartments furnished with animal skins and horns. One of Peter?s hobbies is hunting and both

men have the stereotypical interest in electronics (Lenny?s DJ equipment and Peter?s Hi-fi

system and photography equipment) as well as their obvious interest in drinking. The societies

that are portrayed in the novels are very patriarchal and men are seen as consuming of women.

In Edible Woman, many of the male characters are seen to be feeding off the core of women.

Clara?s husband, Joe feels that he and his children have corrupted Clara by making her be a wife

and mother instead of letting her persue her intellectual interests. He states women should not

be allowed to go to university because when they begin a family, that life isn?t an option for them

anymore and they know what they are missing by being tied down with children and a husband.

In the Bell Jar, men are also seen as destructive to women and somewhat of a ball and

chain as opposed to a gentle anchor. Esther had difficulty dealing with her relationship to Buddy

Willard. She found that he wasn?t very supportive of her creativity and the idea of marrying him

was very smothering to her. The negative stance on premarital sex in her patriarchal society was

infuriating to Esther. She thought that Buddy was a hypocrite because it was acceptable for him

to have an affair with a waitress but on the other hand, if it was she who had the affair, she was

no longer pure and not a respectable woman. This double-standard was very restrictive to

Esther?s growth and development as a woman.

There is a point in both novels where it seems that both women have split themselves

into two personalities or two individuals. In the Bell Jar, Esther begins to take on an alternate

role as Elly Higginbottom from Chicago. It seems that she uses this personality when she wants

to escape from being Esther because she is unsatisfied with the way that her life is going. Being

Elly means that she can choose to be someone different and she feels that she has more control

in creating someone, rather than her life being out of her hands. The Edible Woman is broken into

three distinct parts. The first part is spoken in the first person, but as the novel goes on and

Marian loses more and more control, she switches over to the third person in the second part.

This represents the fact that Marian feels she has no control over what she is doing and she is

watching herself from the point of an onlooker. Only when Marian finally gets hold of herself and

her situation does the novel finally switch back into the first person for her final recovery and


Because of the oppressive society both women are living in, the become seriously ill and

although their illnesses are not similar, they are caused for the same reason. Many people

believe that Anorexia is caused by the person feeling that they have no control over their lives

and by monitoring their diet they can have control over themselves. Because Marian felt that all

of her decisions were being made for her, her body began to protest and by not eating, she was

controlling something that Peter never could. In the Bell Jar, Esther?s stress and oppressed

personality seemed to have caused her illness. With the overwhelming feeling that she was being

torn into every different direction, she increasingly became ill and eventually needed

hospitalization and serious medical treatment. The stress and lack of control caused both

women to break down and hit rock bottom before they finally realized that they had to take

responsibility for themselves and pull themselves into recovery.

Similarly to their illnesses, both women recovered in the same fashion. Marian finally

realized what she was feeling and she saw that she had to take control. She baked a cake to

resemble herself which represented the superficial feminine role that she was being forced to

take. By consuming the cake, she was destroying that image of herself and therefore by freeing

that part of her and the expectations of society, she was able to finally see herself as she was.

Esther finally recovered when Joan committed suicide. Joan was her ultimate reality and

strongest parallel to her own personality. It seemed that when Joan became more mentally

stable and improved in her condition, Esther?s sickness would get worse. This battle between

the two paths finally ended when the role of Joan was destroyed and Esther was allowed to


Both Edible Woman and the Bell Jar display the effects that a patriarchal society can

have on a woman. It shows the emotions that women feel or any person for that matter, when

their life is taken out of their hands and controlled by an outside force. Both novels question the

idea of conformity and the troubles that come from choosing preassigned roles. Both Esther and

Marian have to examine their personality and realize that in order for them to be healthy, they

must rebel against their oppressive society and live as individuals as opposed to living for

someone else or living as someone they are not.