
Inclusion Essay Research Paper Within the past (стр. 2 из 2)

per grade level, and only three grade levels in the elementary school reflecting

the perceived current needs of the school. School personnel reported that the

success of the model was contingent on having personnel who believe in the

model. The collaborative teaching approach was part of a continuum of services

available to students with LD in the district. Students with LD were clustered

into age-appropriate classes at each grade level so that a special education

teacher could team teach with a small number of general education teachers for

90 minutes per day. The in-class services consisted mostly of instruction on

learning strategies. The majority of the school day of the target students with

LD was spent as part of the general education group. Full inclusion occur when a

child with disability learns in a general education classroom alongside his or

her age mates with all the necessary supports. These supports are provided

through extensive teamwork and communication. Moreover, in providing these

supports school must always consider the best interests of the student with

disabilities, his or her peers, and all the members of the inclusion team,

including the special educator, the general educator, parents, building

administrators, therapists, and other support personnel whatever, else it maybe,

inclusion should never be seen as a money-saving option for a school or district

under inclusion, no support services are taken away from students; indeed, even

more support maybe required to enable a student to function optimally in the

general education classroom. An individual child’s educational program is

developed and owned by all team members. These are not a single expert, but a

team of experts who contribute interdependently to each child’s program. We have

our support for the philosophy of inclusion on three fundamental arguments.

First, we believe that inclusion has a legal base. The great majority of court

cases have not upheld the traditional practice of segregating students with

special educational needs. Many cases are still pending but it is unusual to

pick up an education journal today without seeing some references to inclusion

and the legal mandates that support the practice. The bottom line of the

argument for inclusion is that each child has a legal right to an equal

opportunity to obtain an education in the "least restrictive

environment" possible. For many advocates of inclusion, the fight for

inclusion has become a civil rights issue in the segregated programs are seen to

be inherently unequal and a violation of the rights of students with special

education needs. A second argument for inclusion rests on the results of

research on best practices. Research continues to show that students who are not

pulled out do better than those who are segregated. Analyses of segregated

special education programs indicate that they have simply not worked. Despite

increases in spending and the growth of the special education bureaucracy,

children in segregated special education programs have not shown the growth that

was predicted. Finally, but perhaps most important, a strong moral and ethnical

argument can be made for the "rightness" of inclusion: it is the best

thing to do for the students. Segregating students the day in any way is not

good: it classifies, it creates bias, and it makes them different. Schools are a

reflection of the communities they serve, and so all members of those

communities should be a part of the schools. Students with special needs are a

part of our communities, and with the inclusion philosophy, we can make them

more and more a part of our school communities. We need to learn from one

another in our schools so that we can do the same in our communities. In the

future, students majoring in education are likely to regard the practice of

segregating students with special needs in much the same as we look upon racial

segregation before the 1960’s. The Role of the Special Education Teacher: When

inclusion was first initiated in some school systems, the myth existed that

special educators would no longer be needed since the children once taught in

separate classrooms would be in general education classrooms. This is very far

from the truth. Indeed, the role of the special educator is crucial. The special

education ran act as the case manager for his or her students, facilitating team

meetings and planning sessions. He or she is responsible for determining the

curricular adaptations that may need to be in place on a daily or weekly basis

and for facilitating the development by parents and team members of

individualized education program (IEP) throughout the year and is usually the

liaison with the therapists. The special educator should also be involved in

actively developing and participating in planning and supports sessions

involving the classmates of the child with a disability. These sessions are

necessary to the success of the child who is included. Peers need to understand

the unique aspects of their classmate to learn fact, not myths: to learn how to

interact with their classmate: and to develop empathy and respect for that

person. The job description could literally go on and on but the most important

role the special educator takes on is that of team playing especially in

supporting the classroom teacher. Inclusion does not mean that a child never

receives separate instruction in skills or functional routines. However, if a

child is to receive separate instruction, it should be a valuable experience

that can only be done outside the classroom. For example, if a child needs

intensive reading instruction in a small group or even one-to-one, this

instruction should be built into his or her schedule at an appropriate time

(e.g., during the language arts period). Such specialized instruction maybe

provided by a general educator, a special education, or an instructional

assistant. Some educators argue that students with significant physical

disabilities or with intellectual disabilities cannot learn functional life

skills in a general education environment. If a student needs to work on toilet

skills, the type of classrooms he or she is in makes not differences. Bathrooms

can be found in the school building, and these skills can be worked on there at

natural or scheduled times of the day. Similar advise applies for mealtimes

skills, grooming skills, and many other skills that may be priority areas on

some children’s IEP. Community living and vocational skills can also be a part

of students’ schedules, as long as they are skills that the parents and team

members have identified as being necessary and relevant. We have also had the

opportunity to work with included children who face behavioral challenges. This

is the most controversial and unsettling aspect of inclusion. No matter what

environment a child is in, behavioral challenges are constant and

time-consuming. This in nothing new to public schools or to special education.

The fact is if teachers put a group of children together who demonstrate

challenging behaviors these behaviors will tend increase and become more intense

through imitation and an effort to attract more attention. If teachers wait for

a child to be "ready" to move into an inclusive setting by expecting

his or her behavior to improve in a segregated environment that day may never

come. The "readiness theory" is a myth. Children with challenging

behavior need positive role models, structure, and specific behavioral plans

based on natural rewards and contingencies that are designed to replace negative

behavior with positive ones. The Role of Classroom Teacher: To be successful in

an inclusive setting, a general education teacher must believe that students

with disabilities can learn successfully and deserve the opportunity to learn in

age-appropriate classrooms. We continue to celebrate the abundant leaning that

takes place among classmates of all abilities in classrooms throughout our

school. We see students with disabilities learning alongside their nondisabled

peers in an environment in which support is provided and a real feeling of

communist exists. Students in an inclusive setting develop a new sense of

understanding and respect for one another and for human differences. Classroom

teachers who do not lower their expectations continue to be amazed at what

students can achieve in a risk-free environment where differences. Classroom

teachers who do not lower their expectation continue to be amaze at what

students can achieve in a risk-free environment where differences are recognized

and celebrated. Members of the class get to know one another, talk about likes

and dislikes, and start to realize that they are all equal members of the

classroom community. There are many components to such a community classroom,

and more important, we have found that strategies that are effective for

inclusion tend to benefit all learners, regardless of their abilities or

disabilities. Effective discipline strategies must be in lace, and part of any

successful discipline strategy are the settings of realistic and positive goals

for students. With realistic goals in place for individuals, appropriate

classroom behaviors thrive. When students recognize the appropriateness

trustworthy and confident. Cooperative leaning is a noncompetitive teaching

strategy that works well in an inclusive classroom. Through the activities of

cooperative learning groups, each student can play an equal part in classroom

activity. The roles of group members need to be define clearly and all members

of the group must participate, allowing each student to make a contribution to

the learning member are clearly important, and each student can feel valued even

as a student develops needed interpersonal skills. Therefore, from the first day

of school, the classroom teacher must take ownership of included students with

special needs. These students are no longer thought of as the special education

teacher’s students who have been placed in a general education classroom for a

short period. The classroom teacher should become very involved with the process

of developing of IEP and with making sure that the necessary supports and

services are provided to the included student. The student feels a real sense of

belonging in such and environment. The Role of the Principle: The principal

plays one of the most important roles in an inclusive school. Researchers have

found repeatedly that inclusion programs are not successful if the principal

does not take an active and positive role in the process. Principal cannot see

inclusion as a program that takes place only in classrooms. Inclusion must

become a school wide philosophy; it must permeate the school and become a

building block for all other programs that occur. Curriculum and Instruction: A

very important part of allowing each student to participate actively at his or

her own level and to meet individualized goals is an overlapping curriculum.

Offering different materials in the same topic but at different reading levels

has proved to be very successful. The same curriculum goals are expected of all

students, but differences are taken into account. Parent involvement has proved

vital in inclusive classrooms. Most often, if parents are informed of what is

taking place in the classroom, they will be supportive. Parents can be invited

to volunteer in the classroom, both to assist the teacher and to witness

firsthand how he or she goes about meeting the individual needs of the students.

When the classroom community is extended to include parents, greater involvement

will lead to greater success." Involving students as peer helpers for

students with disabilities is a very effective strategy. Teachers will need to

model strategies for students and allow students to be involved in

problem-solving sessions. Peer assistance and support can help nondisabled

students build and maintain relationship with their disabled peers. In a

successful inclusive classroom, the general educator, the special educator and

the instructional assistants must collaborate to meet the needs of all students

for successful collaboration to take place, the following assets are by: ?

Communication. Teacher who collaborate must be honest and open about concerns

and feelings. ? Flexibility. Teachers in inclusive classrooms must be willing

to "roll with the punches," to compromise, and to do things

differently if necessary. ? Shared ownership. The student with an IEP is part

of the general class and thus "belongs to" the general education

teacher. The special education teacher plays a variety of roles that support the

student and the classroom teacher. ? Recognition of differing needs. All

students can successful met the same curriculum goals with adaptation and

support appropriate to their individual needs. ? Need-based instruction.

Collaborators must be willing to plan activities that ensure success and not be

overly concerned with time lines. ? Willingness to be a team player. The team

must be willing to plan and work together on all issues, especially student

behavior. ? Dependability: Each team member must be prepared for his or her

part of all planning and lesson responsibilities. ? Cooperative grading. The

special education teacher and the

English Major from Paterson, N.J. with ambitions to be a writer and actor.