Genetic Engineered Foodss Essay, Research Paper
Alex Ruiz
Genetic Engineered Foods
Genetic Engineered Foods are too controversial and unstable to be consumed by the general public. Great deals of scientists have very opposite opinions about Genetic Engineered Foods (GE). Genetically altering foods is the process of modifying crops by using new bio-technological methods. There are two specific types of gene altering techniques. GE foods have many negative effects on the human race. The environment is also being negatively effected by GE foods. American restaurants and groceries are carrying GE foods with most of the customers not knowing. Most Americans are not aware of the Genetic Engineered Food?s health risks. L ? tryptophan was a substance that was genetically altered and resulted in paralization and death. Hunger has nothing to do with Genetic Engineered Foods like most people believe. Stopping and beginning to research GE foods will help and affect everyone in a positive way.
Great deals of scientists have very opposite opinions about GE foods. ?We?ve had years and years of scientific discussion about this, and the conclusion is very clear. If it continues along this path, some of these foods are eventually going to hurt somebody,? says Philip J. Regal, a biologist at the University of Minnesota. This is right because it has occurred over the years using gene-altering techniques. There have been many examples of people getting effected physically by GE foods. Dr. Rebecca Goldburg, a biologist with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) says, ?People need to know that some of these foods could turn out to be unhealthy to eat or harmful to the environment.? Both living things and their environment are in a risk of being harmed.
Genetically altering foods is the process of modifying crops by using new bio ? technological methods. Approximately 50% of all the soy and 38% of the corn acreage planted in the United States this year is genetically altered. Almost half of some crops are being genetically altered; this should not be done with such an unstable product that is lacking sufficient information. There are two types of methods used to genetically alter foods. There should be safer ways to alter foods.
There are two specific techniques used commonly to genetically alter plants and foods. Plants are modified to be resistant to the Monsanto herbicide Roundup (weed killer). Plants are also being modified to contain pesticide (Bt) in its genetic structure. These Roundup ready seeds are reducing production. Adding pesticides in the plant?s structure is unstable and seems very dangerous. The fruits and vegetables have roundup inside its gene structure; we cannot wash it off with water.
GE foods have a negative effect on the human race. There have been many cases of people getting life ? threatening allergic reactions. GE foods might still endanger human health. GE crops can produce allergens that may effect people. GE foods are also harmful to pregnant woman and their children. Women should not have to worry about what they are consuming in labor, so they do not get sick. On the other hand there are some positive effects. They help reduce the need for damaging pesticides by as much as 50%.
The environment is being negatively effected by GE foods. Genetically altered crops can travel miles from their host via pollen. This can contaminate other organic crops and change them. There should be a way to keep GE foods from spreading before they are planted. About 87,000 bags of organic corn chips manufactured by Wisconsin based Terra Prima had to be destroyed when a Dutch importer discovered genetic contamination that had blown over via pollen from a nearby GA plot in Texas. This is one of the many examples of contamination due to Genetic Engineered Foods.
American restaurants and groceries are carrying GE foods with most customers not knowing about this. McDonald?s, Americas favorite fast food restaurant genetically modifies their beef. The beef is fattened with growth hormones. Millions of people per day should not consume these GE foods with out more supporting information on its safety to the public. The consumers do not know of the health risks involved when consuming GE foods. Coca ? Cola is using genetically modified corn in its drinks. If famous companies are using GE foods then other smaller companies are using it too.
Most Americans are not aware of the Genetic Engineered food?s health risks. When altering the genetic composition of the plant genome (the entirety of the genetic structure of an organism), this process introduces new proteins in to the human and animal food chains. These new proteins are not supported by data showing it is safe. Humans are now consuming products that have never before been considered foodstuffs. There has been at least one known health disaster. In 1989 a genetically altered version of the supplement L ? tryptophan had harmful consequences to the people who used it. This could happen to anything that is genetically altered with out the public knowing.
L ? tryptophan is the substance that was genetically altered and resulted in parilization and death to the people who used it. An estimated of 5000 people suffered from an outbreak of Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). It was reported that 37 people died, and 1500 were left with permanent disabilities. L ? tryptophan should have been tested and further studied before it was released to the general public. Many more people could have been effected if it was a product that everyone uses. L ? tryptophan plays a crucial role in the brain chemicals serotonin and melotonin.
Everybody assumes that Hunger is linked to Genetic Engineered foods, but that is not true. The world today produces more food per inhabitant than ever before. The real causes of hunger are poverty, inequality, and lack of access. There is no relationship between the prevalence of hunger in a given country and its population. Too many people are too poor to buy the food that is available (but often poorly distributed) or lack the land and resources to grow it themselves (Lappe, Collins and Rosset 1998). GE foods will not help distribute food to people who need it.
Stopping and beginning to research GE foods will help and affect everyone in a positive way. Genetic Engineered foods are too controversial and unstable to be consumed by the general public. It should be tested and studied more vigorously to prove its safeness for living consumption. Without the necessary data GE foods are unstable. Humans should not interfere with nature and alter it because it is not moral and ethical.