
A Brief Comparison Of The Conspiracies And

Assassinations Of Julius Caesar And Jesus Christ Essay, Research Paper

731 words (inclu. title)

Julius Caesar, one of Rome’s most powerful leaders, and Jesus Christ, who was

called ‘The king of the Jews’, and was the supposed Son of God. What could these two

totally different people have in common? Well, it is not simply that they share the same

initials. Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ had an almost identical downfall, both with plots,

conspirators, and mindless multitudes.

The most noticeable comparison is between Marcus Brutus and Judas Iscariot.

Marcus Brutus was Caesar’s friend, and was also a member in the senate. Judas Iscariot

was one of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus Christ. Both Brutus and Judas plotted

against and betrayed the ones seemingly most important to them. Shakespeare did

give Brutus the excuse, ‘It was the best for Rome.’ Yet in his soliloquy he had to

convince himself that it was what had to be done. Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus

for thirty pieces of silver from the high priests. Brutus was asked to join the conspiracy

by the senate to give it a noble appearance. Judas was ask to reveal Jesus’ location by the

Pharisees because they feared him and wanted him dead.

“Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests. And said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. So from that time he sought the opportunity to betray Him.”

(Matthew 26:14-16)

“It must be by his death: and, for my part, I know no personal causes to spurn at him, But for the general. He would be crown’d: How might that change his nature, there’s the question. It is the bright day that brings forth the adder; And that craves wary walking.”

(Julius Caesar I, iii. 10-15)

The next comparison is Mark Antony and Peter. They were both were good

friends and servants of the ones murdered. First, Caesar dismissed Antony to wait outside

of the senate council meeting, the day he was murdered. When the Roman soldiers came

for Jesus in the Garden of Cedron, his disciples drew their swords, and Jesus dismissed

them as well, and in doing so, sealed his fate.

After the conspirators murdered Caesar, Antony enters to find Caesar dead at the

hands of his friends. After a few words, he shakes each of the conspirator’s bloody hands,

showing cowardice. After the crucifixion of Jesus, an angry mob confronted Peter and

accused him of being one of the Disciples of Christ, and he denied everything.

Another similarity between Jesus and Julius is the clothing they wore. Caesar

wore a purple robe and a laurel crown, and was mocked for it by the conspirators. Prior to

Jesus being put on the cross, the soldiers, mocked him by putting a purple robe over him,

and a crown of thorns over his head, signifying that he was then at that moment, ‘The

King of the Jews.’

In both stories, the mindless masses were easily manipulated. In Julius Caesar,

After Caesar’s assassination, Brutus gave a speech before a crowd of Romans. With that

speech he attempted to get to believe it was better that Caesar was dead, and he

succeeded, but only momentarily. Moments later, Antony spoke on the behalf of Caesar.

Antony was able to counteract Brutus’ speech by saying that the conspirator’s actions

were treacherous.

In the same sense, at the feast of the governor, it was accustomed to release to the

crowd, one prisoner of there choice. The mindless rabble chose a vicious murderer called

Barabbas, over Jesus Christ. The high priest bribed the crowd with small amounts of

silver to call out the name of Barabbas.

In both stories, the betrayers ended up committing suicide due to their decisions.

Brutus had his servant hold his sword as he ran on it. After the crucifixion of Jesus,

Judas, out of shame, ran back to the High Priests and returned the silver. Then went to his

home, and hanged himself.

Since Julius Caesar is a play based on pure history, and The Bible is based on a

religion, we cannot be sure if the two tales have a connection. If it were true, and they

were connected, the popular opinion would most likely be that The Bible is a hoax, with a

plot derived from the downfall of Julius Caesar. Or maybe I’m just paranoid. You decide.
