
Burmese Days Essay Research Paper Throughout the (стр. 2 из 2)

with our apathy and superstition? At least you have brought to us law and

order… Consider that there are also other achievements of your countrymen.

They constructed roads, they irrigate deserts, they conquer famines, they

build schools, they set up hospitals, they combat plague, cholera, leprosy,

smallpox, venereal disease… Your people are truly the better… Behold the

degeneracy of the East without the Europeans!? (Orwell 42).

Dr. Veraswami is so disillusioned that he actually believes that his people owe a debt to

their oppressors and wishes to stay loyal to the British in hopes that he will be rewarded.

Many of the other Indians behave in much the same way, always going out of their way

to make the British feel welcome and share with them what little they have. In extreme

examples the Indians even believe the British to be something more than men. Such is

the case of Mo?Sla, Flory?s servant, who not only devotes his life to caring for his master

but also refers to Flory as ?The God.?

For as common as it was for the Indians to continue their subservience towards

the British, it was even more common for them to act out against not only the British but

those who sided with the British. India was in a state of complete uproar and turmoil. It

appeared that there was not a time in which some people were not fighting another. As

battles continued between the British and the Indians, great leaders began to arise.